Try Hard 2 Event
Posted 06 August 2019 - 01:28 AM
Posted 06 August 2019 - 02:05 AM
FRAGTAST1C, on 06 August 2019 - 01:28 AM, said:

The problem is that more and more old mechwarriors, who know how to play this game, are leaving. What´s left is new players, who just want to shoot stuff for 10 seconds. Saw a player 2 days ago, who was so happy about his 70kph Atlas. Every game he ran alone into the enemy team, leaving with 100 damage or less. He didn´t care about teamplay and never will.
PGI disabled the matchmaker for QP more than a year ago, cause you would wait 30 minutes to get a match. Now TIER 1 and 2 are together with TIER 5.
I have to do 1.000 damage and 4-6 kills in order to get a win. Any more questions?

Alienized, on 05 August 2019 - 08:51 AM, said:
Tried to level my last 3 Rifleman IIC yesterday. It´s not that this is a bad mech, with an engine cap at 235 it´s just too slow for the constant nascar games and with 65t the armor is just too low to fight alone. I wished PGI would raise the engine cap to at least a XL255, or even better a XL280.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 03:12 AM
Nicholas Hyde, on 06 August 2019 - 02:19 AM, said:
Link, please. Afaik, this is a false statement.
Like PGI would tell us.

You know the MM isn´t there anymore if you can count 2 and 2 together.

1. After loosing more and more players the wait time for a QP solo match increased dramatically for TIER 1 players. 10, 20, 30 minutes and more.
2. Suddenly the wait time went down to a few minutes.
3. If you ask people about their TIER in a match you will soon realize that TIER 1 is in the same match as TIER 5, which, according to PGI, is impossible with a working MM.
You don´t believe PGI would change the MM or disable it without telling us? Oh you naive little fool ...

Edited by Wishmast3r, 06 August 2019 - 03:14 AM.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 06:11 AM
So we're back to hearsay and false assumptions. Stay salty.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 06:56 AM
Nicholas Hyde, on 06 August 2019 - 06:11 AM, said:
So we're back to hearsay and false assumptions. Stay salty.
no one is salty. stop beein a useless troll, i been in battles with obvious T4 and T5 players and i am t1 myself.
beein butthurt about facts that you cant read or accept isnt the solution here.
also, you seem to trust PGI so blindly like many of us yet didnt learn anything.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 07:56 AM
Nicholas Hyde, on 06 August 2019 - 06:11 AM, said:
Paul Inouye, on 30 May 2018 - 02:10 PM, said:
Paul Inouye, on 30 May 2018 - 02:10 PM, said:
Paul Inouye, on 30 May 2018 - 02:10 PM, said:
Paul Inouye, on 30 May 2018 - 02:10 PM, said:
You know that thread, but you didn´t understand what has been said.

As you can see the MM has been messed up by someone who didn´t know what he was doing. Without telling the players. That actually happened! It´s there, Paul said it!
TIER 1 and 4 together in one game. It happened, fact!
Paul fixed that.
Paul also asked for infos on games, where people knew TIER 1 was mixed up with TIER 4 or even 5. Players kept on complaining till July this year, but no more answers from the staff. I personally know of games where i was put together with TIER 4 and 5 players this year, i´m TIER 1.
You don´t have to be a brainiac to figure out what happened.
- Paul has other **** to do.
- The playerbase of MWO dropped by half since last year, a lot of them TIER 1 and 2 players.
- Wait time for TIER 1 and 2 increased again and some trainee messed up the MM values.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 07:58 AM
Wishmast3r, on 06 August 2019 - 02:05 AM, said:
PGI disabled the matchmaker for QP more than a year ago, cause you would wait 30 minutes to get a match. Now TIER 1 and 2 are together with TIER 5.
As far as my last understanding went, T1 and T5 are able to drop together if the seed player waits long enough for enough gates on the MM to open. So it wasn't a common occurrence and use to happen on matches during extreme low population times. It has not been "completely" disabled to my understanding. This aspect was changed about a year ago to help prevent "eternal searching" during low pop periods.
As far as for current trendings in matches between the tiers, I can't comment on. Since the announcement of MW:O financial status, there has been a low amount of moral around here. Though I have a hard time playing due to other reasons (medical), I have noticed a decrease in player count according to forum posts, activity within the forums, and people looking at Steam activity (which I think only monitors players who access the game through Steam, and not players like myself whom use the stand alone launcher), etc.
I would like to leave a comment that we've been getting "this game is dead" statements since I joined the game, back in Dec of 2012... Rather it's closer to truth now than it was back then is up for debate and can only be determined over the course of time.
Posted 06 August 2019 - 09:17 AM
Tesunie, on 06 August 2019 - 07:58 AM, said:
As far as my last understanding went, T1 and T5 are able to drop together if the seed player waits long enough for enough gates on the MM to open. So it wasn't a common occurrence and use to happen on matches during extreme low population times. It has not been "completely" disabled to my understanding.
Not after Paul configured the MM in May 2018. So somebody must have changed it again, since TIER 1 players drop together with TIER 5 players.
Paul Inouye, on 30 May 2018 - 02:10 PM, said:
1) Stop allowing Tier 1 players to play against Tier 4 and 5 players completely. Hard line.. no ifs ands or buts no matter how low the player count is in off peak times. To do this, the value for Tier separation has been set to 2. The biggest skill gap allowed now is Tier 1 to Tier 3. Tier 2 to Tier 4. Tier 3 to Tier 5.
Posted 09 August 2019 - 05:06 AM
Posted 09 August 2019 - 02:13 PM
Wishmast3r, on 06 August 2019 - 09:17 AM, said:
Not after Paul configured the MM in May 2018. So somebody must have changed it again, since TIER 1 players drop together with TIER 5 players.
Can someoe confirm this? I've asked around a few games lately and never come across a tier 4 or 5 player.
Posted 09 August 2019 - 03:33 PM
O L L O, on 09 August 2019 - 02:13 PM, said:
Going from what I've been able to see proven within the forums themselves, it "can" happen. However, it is an extreme rarity for it to happen, and it normally takes such low population pools for it to actually occur.
Now, rather this has been announced as intended by PGI is a different matter. In my opinion, if there are not sufficient enough players to create matches within proper tiering, then then I'd have to believe that it's working as intended via opening "flood gates" as people wait longer for matches, until "anything goes".
The only time's I've seen this happen (with proof behind the forum posts) was during population low times. When 30-40 players are queuing up for matching total is about the times where any tier can appear in the matches. Mind, these are extreme and not the common occurrence.
Most matches (all I can think of that I've been in, without doing serious digging on every player in the match) appears to follow the set out ruling of "no more than a 2 tier difference are grouped together". However, I play more on US evening/afternoon hrs (around the times of this post), so the population seem to be good for enough random matching. So I can not personally attest to what I've described above.
Posted 12 August 2019 - 01:16 AM
But I'm disabled in bed and this is a good way to release pent up frustration and keep my mind at least some what working if the body does not. Come guys let's play as a team or did you never play on a team. OH right never played outside or in sports in school. To bad you missed a lot of fun and the ability to give and take instructions for the playing part not warming your backside on the bench.
Posted 12 August 2019 - 01:38 AM
Dark Star Dragon, on 12 August 2019 - 01:16 AM, said:
Honestly? I have given up. I ended up yelling at people and that is not nice for both sides. The stupidity of the majority in QP is beyond believe.
One guy i met in several games a few days ago, who sounded like a stoned old man, constantly acted as if he was a high skilled player, gave the stupidest commands to the team and left the game with 120 damage in an assault.
Frozen City Assault, the enemy team starts pushing through the valley. 2 assaults and a heavy start pushing towards the enemies alone. I told them to come back, form a fire line. It ended up with them screaming for help and dying wasteful, blaming the team to not helping them. The rest managed to win the game thanks to good teamplay, which i pointed out to the 3 guys who died. For one of them i was the idiot. He started insulting me. He was the one with less than 100 damage in an assault, i managed to do 5 kills, 2 of them solo kills, but i´m the idiot and non teamplayer ...

If you are a skilled player it is better to use those idiots as shield, do your damage and kills and help your team this way to win.
Sad but true.
Posted 12 August 2019 - 02:59 AM
O L L O, on 09 August 2019 - 02:13 PM, said:
I played my second battle on Saturday and had a player with ace of spades who when I checked had over 4k posts here so its highly likely just by experience gain they were tier 1.
Posted 12 August 2019 - 03:11 AM
Posted 12 August 2019 - 04:26 AM
KelseyJr, on 12 August 2019 - 02:59 AM, said:
You can just check their overall position in the player base using https://leaderboard.isengrim.org/
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