- November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- You will need to select your 'Mechs on THIS PAGE to redeem them
- You can select and redeem 'Mechs you have already qualified for now
- Allow up to an Hour for the mechs to be added to your account
- You cannot select and redeem 'Mechs that you are not yet qualified for
- Allow up to 24 hours after completing the qualification criteria for the page to show you are eligible
- If you complete the qualification criteria you can select and redeem 'Mechs as soon as the page shows you are eligible
- Be careful when selecting 'Mechs to redeem customer service will not exchange your redeemed rewards
- Be sure to Redeem your Reward 'Mechs Before the redemption deadline of January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- You have until the end of the year to redeem 'Mech Reward content
- All content not redeemed by this date will lose eligibility
- Check your eligibility and redeem Mechs HERE
- If you make a purchase or complete your Active Player Reward Please allow up to 24 hours for the page to reflect your eligibility.
- Over the Course of the Reward Program, we will be offering MC incentives like Extra MC or Bonus Content
- Over the course of the Reward Program, we will be discounting Mech Packs at regular intervals
- Over the course of the Reward Program, the Following Chassis will become available for MC and C-Bills
- Rifleman IIC - C-Bill Date Oct 1st
- Dervish - MC Date Oct 1st - C-Bill Date Nov 5th
- MW5 Pre-Order Standard Variants - MC Date Nov 5th - C-Bill Date Dec 3rd
Reward Details
Eligibility Conditions
- You must have played at least 100 matches since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- Quick-play, Solaris 7, and Faction Play Matches Count (Private Match and Comp Play do not)
- Year 6 Cupcake Decal
- 2 Million C-bills
- a Mech Bay
- 25 GSP
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
Eligibility Conditions
- You must have purchased the Spooky Halloween Bundle, Solaris 7 Bundle, Dropship Deals(Pick a Pack Bundles), The 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack or any amount of MC* since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- OR you must have purchased any Steam Bundle** (Light, Medium, Heavy, or Assault performance bundles or Solaris 7 Bundle).
- *MC purchased through the Steam portal counts toward the MechWarrior Credits eligibility.
- **Steam Performance Bundles Must Be Purchased and Redeemed within the Eligible dates.
- 1 IS or Clan Light Hero or IS or Clan Light Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "The Pie is a Lie" Decal
- "The Cake was a Fake" Decal
- MC Hanging Cockpit Item
- 25 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- You must have purchased any tier of any Inner Sphere Collection* (or any Inner Sphere a la carte 'Mech**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Medium Hero or IS Medium Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Atlas Silhouette" Decal
- 50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- Resistance
- Resistance II
- UrbanMech
- Marauder
- Warhammer
- Rifleman
- Archer
- Phoenix Hawk
- Cyclops
- Bushwacker
- Assassin
- Roughneck
- Javelin
- Civil War-Uziel
- Civil War-Annihilator
- Civil War: Escalation - Osiris
- Civil War: Escalation - Nightstar
- Thanatos
- Hellspawn
- Fafnir
- Flea
- Vulcan
- Champion
- Hatamoto Chi
- Charger
- Any Resistance Hero 'Mech.
- Dervish
- Marauder II
- Corsair
- Evolution Charger
- Evolution Hatamoto
- You must have purchased any tier of any Clan Collection* (or any Clan a la carte 'Mech**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Clan Hero or IS CLan Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Mad Cat Silhouette" Decal
- 50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
* Eligible Collections (any tier, or any a la carte 'Mech** when applicable):
- Wave 1
- Wave 2
- Wave 3
- Origins IIC
- Kodiak
- Viper
- Night Gyr
- Huntsman
- Linebacker
- Marauder IIC
- Supernova
- Civil War-Cougar
- Civil War-Mad Cat MKII
- Civil War: Escalation - Arctic Wolf
- Civil War: Escalation - Nova Cat
- Piranha
- Black Lanner
- Sun Spider
- Blood Asp
- Hellfire
- Incubus
- Vapor Eagle
- or any Wave 1, Wave 2 or IIC Clan Hero 'Mechs
- Rifleman IIC
- Warhammer IIC
** A la carte 'Mechs are only available for the Clan Wave 1, Clan Wave 2, Clan Wave 3, and Origins IIC packs, and can be found at the bottom of those pages.
- You must have purchased any eligible Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection* (or combination of eligible items**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC).
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Heavy Hero or IS Heavy Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Atlas Silhouette Kill Count Version" Decal
- 1 IS 5% C-Bill boosting Hanging Item
- 50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- Resistance - Wrath Collection
- Resistance II - Mauler Collection
- UrbanMech
- Marauder
- Warhammer
- Rifleman
- Archer
- Phoenix Hawk
- Cyclops
- Bushwacker
- Assassin
- Roughneck
- Javelin
- Civil War-Uziel
- Civil War-Annihilator
- Civil War: Escalation - Osiris
- Civil War: Escalation - Nightstar
- Thanatos
- Hellspawn
- Fafnir
- Flea
- Vulcan
- Champion
- Dervish
- Marauder II
- Corsair
- Evolution Charger
- Evolution Hatamoto
- You must have purchased any eligible Top-Tier Clan Collection* (or combination of eligible items**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC).
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 Clan Heavy Hero or Clan Heavy Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Mad Cak Silhouette Kill Count Version" Decal
- 1 Clan 5% C-Bill boosting Hanging Item
- 50 GSP
* Eligible Collections: Wave 1 Masakari Collection; Wave 2 Man-O-War Collection; Wave 3 Gladiator Collection; Origins IIC Highlander Collection. ** Eligible combinations: At least two Collector Packs from any combination of the following Packs:
- Wave 1 Masakari Collection
- Wave 2 Man-O-War Collection
- Wave 3 Gladiator Collection
- Kodiak
- Viper
- Night Gyr
- Huntsman
- Linebacker
- Marauder IIC
- Supernova
- Civil War-Cougar
- Civil War-Mad Cat MKII
- Civil War: Escalation - Arctic Wolf
- Civil War: Escalation - Nova Cat
- Piranha
- Black Lanner
- Sun Spider
- Blood Asp
- Hellfire
- Incubus
- Vapor Eagle
- Rifleman IIC
- Warhammer IIC
or a combination of any 6 Wave 1, Wave 2, IIC Clan Hero 'Mechs, Hero Add-ons, or Reinforcement Add-ons. (for applicable Clan Mech packs)
Eligibility Conditions
- You must qualify for both the 2019 Clan Top-Tier Reward and the 2019 Inner Sphere Top-Tier Rewardlisted above! If you qualify for those two Top-Tier Rewards before the cut-off date, you qualify for the Ultimate Reward!
- 1 IS or Clan Assault Hero or IS or Clan Assault Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "ULTIMATE" Decal
- 1 IS 5% C-Bill boosting Standing Item
- 1 Clan 5% C-Bill boosting Standing Item
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- If you qualify for the Ultimate Reward the 'Mech is selectable on the Eligibility Page
- You have until January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC) to redeem 'Mech Reward content
- All content not redeemed by this date will lose eligibility
- Reward eligibility for content acquired through Gift Code redemption is determined by the original purchase date of the Gift Code. Example: If you redeemed a Gift Code on August 10th, 2019 that was purchased prior to November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PDT (5:01 PM UTC), you will not qualify for any associated Rewards.
- Rewards are provided to the Giftee, not the Gifter.
- Gift Codes that were purchased within the eligibility period, but redeemed after the period had expired, will not be granted the associated Reward item automatically; the Reward will need to be granted manually by Support Services. If you have redeemed a Gift Code after the deadline but that was purchased during the eligibility period, please contact accounts@mwomercs.com.