FRAGTAST1C, on 03 February 2020 - 08:44 AM, said:
But there's no guarantee that PGI wouldn't screw that up whereas adding a new map (new or old) would actually qualify as "Content", which this game sorely needs.
I understand what you're saying and for the most part, agree.
I'm just thinking, given that it appears that PGI doesn't want to touch weapon XML files and/or apparently lacks the ability modify code, what's the probability that they'll be able to create a new map?
How much easier and therefore more likely would it be for them to add back the original Tera Therma as, "Tera Therma - Classic"?
I'd love new content, but hell, PGI isn't even bothering to design new 'mechs, or what should be even MORE easier, give us new variants of the existing 'mechs they've already designed (something that again, just a simple XML update, something that shouldn't require new skins, art, or anything complicated).
We should be very angry at Russ about this.