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Combining Group And Solo Queues - 4 Week Test

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#601 Brain Cancer


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 11:44 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 30 April 2020 - 09:04 AM, said:

As i suggested before.. lower tiers should get an armour boost as a handicap..

Can we stop making a suggestion that ends up making a game system that already had to go well past it's origins shots/ton of ammo due to double armor just to get to where we are, go even further towards breaking most ballistic and missile weapon use for the need of even more ammo at lower levels to use one?

#602 Larsh


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 11:45 AM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 30 April 2020 - 11:21 AM, said:

Did I have fun ? Yes.But it got quite stale after a while.You would stomp over and over again , until you meet a good opponent then you go back to proper mechs and the circle continues. Anyone who has watched my stream knows that I push myself not to run "meta" mechs , instead play memes , lights with silly firepower and other unusual stuff.

But you know whats different ? I can no longer do that while I queue up solo if I want to have a CHANCE of winning in case I get SOMEWHAT decent team on the enemy side . I am not Larsh and neither is most of the population , even when I self balance I am playing to win.

I'm only responding to this as you used my name in your response. I am not here to start an argument, and I am done being judgmental on other players in the game. My main focus at this point, is to be impartial this month, and to only post what I find.

Want to post what you've encountered? Fine, that's cool.

Posting that other players by name and that they are ruining the game for you? Not cool.

I'll admit, I was very vocal about this when it was announced, and yea I acted like an *** to some here, but I took a day to leave the forums with a clear and level head.

One thing I will say is that I could had phrased "We don't care if we lose" better for myself and my group.

Instead, it should be, we play to win, and as a team, but we don't get upset if we lose. We play on to the next match to see how we can change our playstyle and improve. We enjoy playing against the odds.

I've never decided to call others out by name, but I will admit that I may have called out certain groups. And that wasn't right on my part. So I apologize for that, and and I've moved on.

From what I can gather though, is that it seems people have only focused on my group as that group of degenerates that run stupid builds, and that is their focus on the game. I'm sure no one here has really watched any of my videos based on build reviews, or watched my streams where we tend to use competent builds and only use dumb stuff near the end of night. That tends to be a smaller fraction of our night.

In other words, I've moved on from being judgmental on others, and realize that attitude isn't right. I plan on focusing on what is being done with this test, and I would appreciate if you did the same. PM me if you want to call me out, and get to know me before judging my personality.

Edited by Larsh, 30 April 2020 - 12:55 PM.

#603 Brain Cancer


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 11:51 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 30 April 2020 - 09:45 AM, said:

Still having a blast in new grolo queue.. if you are a particularly skilled piloy try leaving your comfort zone and challenge yourself.. take out 'non-meta' for a spin..

I know this will be difficult for some bec God forbid you under-perform in the eyes of the masses.. but remember, we all know who you are, you have absolutely nothing to prove to us.. ego makes one angry and happiness elusive. Don't let it dominate your life..

"When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful." Harbhajan Sing Yogi

They already were. It's more a "what ridiculous combo of janky robots can we roll the other team with THIS time" now just to see how much of a dumb handicap they can manage before actually having dangerous opponents.

The bar in grolo queue has proven to be mostly low. Meanwhile, less confident people who would be grease-spotted by the aformentioned superskilled are your top-build PUG wipers and aren't in it but to enjoy lots of dead robots and wins, rather than sniffing at the flowers of an AC/2 bracket build.

View PostLarsh, on 30 April 2020 - 10:22 AM, said:

Yea. In the past this was a big issue if you dropped in solo matches, and with sync drops. It might be due to the new system in place, but I have encountered much less of this. The system still needs some tweaking, and with a look at the PSR as many have mentioned.

A lance of organized players can generally either halt a NASCAR or position properly to rip it a new one as they rotate. Funnily enough, grolo queue happens to frequently have a lance of organized players in any given match. Two even.

View PostDionnsai, on 30 April 2020 - 10:32 AM, said:

I'm not sure where the idea for this "Everyone-Feels-Good-About-Themselves-Participation-Prize" Tier system came from, but it doesn't work for very obvious reasons. Hopefully whoever thought it up has been long-since fired.

You can't fire the boss, unfortunately.

#604 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:03 PM

View PostBrain Cancer, on 30 April 2020 - 11:44 AM, said:

Can we stop making a suggestion that ends up making a game system that already had to go well past it's origins shots/ton of ammo due to double armor just to get to where we are, go even further towards breaking most ballistic and missile weapon use for the need of even more ammo at lower levels to use one?

Good point.. I know good players won't need extra ammo to take down a mech with extra armor because they can aim. Maybe they can increase ammo count a bit as well as armour for tiers 5 through 2.. the point is new players need some kind of handicap. This should be relatively easy to implement.

What do you suggest? They're not about to start work on fixing PSR.. they didn't do it when they were at full force so I doubt they do it anytime soon.

#605 Avogadro has your number


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:04 PM

I've noticed faster match loads for solo PUGging. Having at least one lance know what they're doing (I know, not necessarily, but groups tend to have better comms, etc.) has made for some good match play. Overall, I like.

#606 Magic Pain Glove


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:20 PM

Larsh if I am being completely honest that was just a small jab at the generalized "I dont care about the match outcome" argument Posted Image . And since you were the most exposed proponent of that philosophy you became a "target of opportunity" .


Target of opportunity definition is - a military target on which fire or attack is unplanned and which is attacked upon favorable presentation or unexpected discovery or appearance

I have nothing against you , nor your group , nor the way you play . But I see a lot of problems with the way this is implemented and that line of thinking can completly disregard the outcome of matches and be the exact opposite of Paul's mind boggling assumption that

View PostPaul Inouye, on 27 April 2020 - 10:23 AM, said:

Matches will become more competitive.

We already knew this was not gonna be the case by the simple fact that there are no group performance metrics to match up even groups which INDISPUTABLY lead to stompy matches . I can start a screenshot war , but I think there are plenty of screenshots on various discords if one bothered to look .

#607 Tommy Atkins


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:21 PM

The number of two-, three- and four-player pre-made groups is hard to judge on any given drop, but one thing I've definitely noticed is that the weight balance in QP is gone. One side can be mostly-assaults and the other side will be a considerably lighter mix of heavies and mediums. There's no weight balance at all.

On the other hand, if you get Conquest mode that really messes up the fatties.

The other major change is the way mechs are distributed in a drop. You can't rely on Alpha Lance being full of lights and Charlie Lance full of heavies anymore... which can have some interesting effects on the rotation. Nothing derails the rotatoes faster than an Alpha Lance full of assault mechs.

I've been getting good results soloing in fast mediums today: the average match is so confused that a good balance of speed, armor and firepower can really pay off... unless you walk straight into an Alpha Lance full of assault mechs.

Dust off those Griffins and Bushwackers, gents.

Edited by Tommy Atkins, 30 April 2020 - 03:31 PM.

#608 K O Z A K


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:24 PM

View PostTarteso, on 30 April 2020 - 11:25 AM, said:

Three matches in a row:

Make your own judgements

RJF are solid players? I mean, that's all I got from those screenshots

#609 Larsh


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 12:34 PM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 30 April 2020 - 12:20 PM, said:

Larsh if I am being completely honest that was just a small jab at the generalized "I dont care about the match outcome" argument Posted Image . And since you were the most exposed proponent of that philosophy you became a "target of opportunity" .

I have nothing against you , nor your group , nor the way you play . But I see a lot of problems with the way this is implemented and that line of thinking can completly disregard the outcome of matches and be the exact opposite of Paul's mind boggling assumption that

Cool thanks man. I only brought up your post as others have decided to be very vocal, and skewing their opinions on what myself and others do here. Probably because I was so vocal in the past on my views, and made me that big ol target.

I totally get that using my name has become a generalized term, like Clorox, Kleenex, or Q-Tip instead of using their actual titles. But, because of that, I've seen some heavy hitters on the forums do this, and it has stuck to point where others hopped on that bandwagon to begin to beat me down for wanting to try something different. ( main reason why I decided to ignore Reddit at this point. ) Also discouraging to the point where I wanted to leave this game behind, and left for a day to rethink my position.

I'm totally in for checking up on stats, and match outcomes since those will totally be needed to get to a greater outcome. And I'm totally on board with jumping with your group sometime to see what I may be missing. Posted Image Also, because I posted earlier here in the forum about a night where I had a win loss of 6:5, but didn't find many lopsided matches. I used to be a part of ACES before creating my own Discord group, and miss playing comp here and there.

I plan on playing more this weekend since I'm still working full time during this quarantine and getting on mid week is a tad difficult.

Edited by Larsh, 30 April 2020 - 02:18 PM.

#610 Horseman


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 01:17 PM

View PostRickySpanish, on 30 April 2020 - 09:49 AM, said:

My main argument is that players who claim to not enjoy stomping others yet continue to do so, probably actually do enjoy stomping them. If they didn't, they'd clearly not be doing it simply for the good of proving some point or other to PGI.

Their options right now are:
* Stomp others
* Play without their buddies
* Quit the game.

For the moment they probably still enjoy the core concept of playing pew-pew with giant robots too much to outright quit. But this may change given enough time.

#611 justcallme A S H


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:27 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 30 April 2020 - 11:40 AM, said:

I agree with everything you wrote

Problem being that now invalidated some 30+ something posts you have made which go against your position.

If you are going to randomly pick a position, at least stick to it.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 30 April 2020 - 02:28 PM.

#612 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:29 PM

Played a few matches.

Reminded me of mixed group/pug queue in the pre-matchmaker days.

Which is to say, an utter and complete onesided roflstomp every single game.

This is going to absolutely suck for the pugs. My condolences.

Edited to add -

Clear PSR. Just clear it. Start it over. Ironically a persons propensity to drop in a group will skew their results in a way that makes it suck for them when they pug but that's vastly superior to the current system of 0 matchmaker. The results of doing that long term will be to functionally push very high performing players and players who play almost exclusively in a group (every single top performing player in this game has good teamwork skills by necessity anyway) which will sorta even itself out.

Trying to do this with the 'everyone is in the same tier' system we have is just back to square one, mixed group and pug with no matchmaker.

Edited by MischiefSC, 30 April 2020 - 02:32 PM.

#613 Mal Bolge


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:30 PM

The problem with matches so far isn't groups per se, it's the "Finally I get to play with my friends" crowd. They are so terribad, that even 4 of them "organized" will bring down a team of random PUGs and ensure stomplosses like never before.

#614 Magic Pain Glove


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:31 PM

OK guys , I just saw the latest tweet from Russ 1st 2nd 3rd and since I commented about 50 matches . They might be looking at my WLR Posted Image . And if they are I want them to disclose it , every single match.

Because I think whats going on is that PGI is unable to differentiate solo games from group games much like the regular leaderboard , jarls and every other thing working with the MWO stat collection API . I got stomped on in solo but won most of the group games . However PGI statistics treat that as 35 / 15 KEKW .

#615 Ceptor57


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:33 PM

tl dr: It sounded fun, but i (t4 player) really dislike the current state of the solo queue. To many stomps, to harsh gaming-environment. And I'm frustrated enough to write it here.

So, i've been playing the game right now since roughly 2 weeks for 4h a day after a break from a year ago. I had a lot of fun, and i started to increase in Tier from T4 start to T4 middle. I also realized i improved and got often a high matchscore compared to others. I only play solo because i already new of the gp problem with finding a match and it was relaxing. But i got excited with this new patch and try to get 2 friends to play it again.

After the first days trying, i was motivated enough to write my feedback here. And not in a positive way, I am really frustrated now:
1. You find matches a lot faster. But i never cared about finding it in 5s or 2min.
2. The amount of stomps increased a lot. There are still 12/6 or more close ones, BUT:
3. when i see a 4group at the start of the game (same clan for example), They get a 90% win. The coordinations nearly always beats the randomness of the other team. I want fair matches and not to be useless or stomped.
4. These groups force specific strategies a lot stronger than before. Apparently, I am often the one that has to learn it via a fast frustrating death.
5. Together with the point above, groups coordinate better. so i get hunt down from 3 lights at a time or we get rushed via 9 mechs because the 4 take 5 with them. This wasn't that extreme before or at least relatively rare. I get the feeling to always play wrong right now- either i die alone, or we all die in a rush.

I liked soloque because it was so casual. now it feels way more competitve and harder than before. Before 1 of 5 matches had a frustrating result (taken out after 2 min ingame or only been able to do 20 damage), now 1/2 are frustratingly bad.
I still love my mechs and try to still get fun, but it got really hard. And i dont get fun from the wins either, because i cant achieve what I am used to anymore.

Read another post of it right now and it got closed right now. so i write it in here.

#616 Anomalocaris


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:42 PM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 30 April 2020 - 02:31 PM, said:

OK guys , I just saw the latest tweet from Russ 1st 2nd 3rd and since I commented about 50 matches . They might be looking at my WLR Posted Image . And if they are I want them to disclose it , every single match.

Because I think whats going on is that PGI is unable to differentiate solo games from group games much like the regular leaderboard , jarls and every other thing working with the MWO stat collection API . I got stomped on in solo but won most of the group games . However PGI statistics treat that as 35 / 15 KEKW .

What did I say 20 pages back or so? PGI will cherry pick data to suit their purposes. They start with an idea and then selectively include or exclude things to reinforce that idea. I mean, I didn't think they were scientists, but their idea of data analysis is "whatever makes me right".

#617 Nesutizale


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:43 PM

I haven't counted excatly but have played around 15-20 matches so far and I don't see a differance. That beeing said I have to admit that I most likely don't play at times where the "good" groups are there or if they are maybe they don't play at their best?

So far my experiance was pretty much loosing and winning with teams on my side or without and the other way around.
Most games where also the usual 12:3 - 12:6.

PS: Can someone tell me when the good guys are online? Maybe it will be different then.

#618 Magic Pain Glove


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:55 PM

PGI or whoever is observing this thread . Can we get a conformation that you can ( or cant ) differentiate between someone dropping in a group and someone dropping solo in your DATA collection now that the queues have been merged ? ( Solo and Grouped WLR )

Because those two are gonna be two VERY different things .

#619 L1f3H4ck


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 02:55 PM

Posted Image

Or 12/9

That was a gg indeed, and it's no exception in my experience, having dropped solo and grouped. Matches have indeed been more engaging, leagues above the ol' run to the middle and circle each other.

Yes, good groups will stomp, but that has been the case in FP, filthy sync drops, and frankly, the previous meta was stompy to begin with. I can honestly say, even if I get stomped now, I probably had a more enjoyable match than before the merge.


#620 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 30 April 2020 - 03:00 PM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 30 April 2020 - 11:21 AM, said:

But I can understand people who mostly play in groups being in favor of this , but there is no doubt that this is making the experience worse for the pugs and they are the indisputable majority . And I can also see some of the bad pugs embracing matchmaker group dice rolls because even before their impact was minimal and now they get the chance of being carried by a good team making winning for them a bit more easier. As seen in this thread , there are quite a number of 1 post pugies wanting groups out of their games.

mic drop, boom.

Bring solo queue back to 12v12 pure solo queue.

Keep group queue 8v8 with a solo opt-in. Group sizes 2 and 4 to maximize easier fitting together of the pieces.

I only have 3 nights of playing experience so far with the new setup. A 12-0 stomp always leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth (even when I'm on the delivering end), and as a person who played craploads of solo drops, in my anecdotal opinion so far, the introduction of 4 mans has increased the frequency of stomps.

A note to those of us saying PGI just need to 'fix matchmaker' or 'fix the PSR':

This is pipe dreaming and is never going to happen. Let's take a hypothetical case. Say 200 players are playing in group queue. Suppose 4 of those players are in the top 0.5% of Jarl's list and decided to form a group. There is no combination of the remaining players which will create balanced opposition. There is no fix.

Well, not no fix entirely. The fix is to add about 10,000 active players to the community to provide more skill depth to draw on and greater segregation of abilities rather than just forming groups quickly and throwing them together. I tried to improve the community by being friendly in the solo queue, calling drops and being generally positive. Introducing stomp groups into solo is not in my opinion useful in the long run.

Edited by ShooterMcGavin80, 30 April 2020 - 03:00 PM.

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