Magic Pain Glove, on 30 April 2020 - 11:21 AM, said:
Did I have fun ? Yes.But it got quite stale after a while.You would stomp over and over again , until you meet a good opponent then you go back to proper mechs and the circle continues. Anyone who has watched my stream knows that I push myself not to run "meta" mechs , instead play memes , lights with silly firepower and other unusual stuff.
But you know whats different ? I can no longer do that while I queue up solo if I want to have a CHANCE of winning in case I get SOMEWHAT decent team on the enemy side . I am not Larsh and neither is most of the population , even when I self balance I am playing to win.
I'm only responding to this as you used my name in your response. I am not here to start an argument, and I am done being judgmental on other players in the game. My main focus at this point, is to be impartial this month, and to only post what I find.
Want to post what you've encountered? Fine, that's cool.
Posting that other players by name and that they are ruining the game for you? Not cool.
I'll admit, I was very vocal about this when it was announced, and yea I acted like an *** to some here, but I took a day to leave the forums with a clear and level head.
One thing I will say is that I could had phrased "We don't care if we lose" better for myself and my group.
Instead, it should be, we play to win, and as a team, but we don't get upset if we lose. We play on to the next match to see how we can change our playstyle and improve. We enjoy playing against the odds.
I've never decided to call others out by name, but I will admit that I may have called out certain groups. And that wasn't right on my part. So I apologize for that, and and I've moved on.
From what I can gather though, is that it seems people have only focused on my group as that group of degenerates that run stupid builds, and that is their focus on the game. I'm sure no one here has really watched any of my videos based on build reviews, or watched my streams where we tend to use competent builds and only use dumb stuff near the end of night. That tends to be a smaller fraction of our night.
In other words, I've moved on from being judgmental on others, and realize that attitude isn't right. I plan on focusing on what is being done with this test, and I would appreciate if you did the same. PM me if you want to call me out, and get to know me before judging my personality.
Edited by Larsh, 30 April 2020 - 12:55 PM.