Dakkalistic, on 30 April 2020 - 02:55 PM, said:
<endgame pic snipped>
Or 12/9
That was a gg indeed, and it's no exception in my experience, having dropped solo and grouped. Matches have indeed been more engaging, leagues above the ol' run to the middle and circle each other.
Yes, good groups will stomp, but that has been the case in FP, filthy sync drops, and frankly, the previous meta was stompy to begin with. I can honestly say, even if I get stomped now, I probably had a more enjoyable match than before the merge.
Interesting side notes:
If the alpha lance was actually a group, they have respective K/Ds of 0.25,0.84,0.31,and 0.70 from recent play.
John Tetradon, despite topping the kill count and nearly damage has no stats, indicating the account was likely activated this month. Given his skills, probably also smurfing. Kyle Harper who did top damage is really on the good side with well over a 2 K/D.
Other fun in the group: A 0.17 K/D player, and pretty much with the exception of you, John and Kyle everyone there dies more often than they live, frequently by very large margins. You can pretty much call that a very good carry, especially considering the player with the most kills is almost 100% the alt of someone with very nice stats on their regular account. (Edit: Or your opponents were horrid.)
Edited by Brain Cancer, 30 April 2020 - 03:46 PM.