Unpopular opinion.
I was reluctant at first, but the more I think about it, the more I think Win up/Loss down is fine.
With one caveat : it doesn't work with absolute values.
- This is an average over time. Don't think of it as single match outcome.
- As a secondary objective to get better teamplay, this is done correctly.
Caveat. This system only works if the middle value (250) is exactly the average matchscore for the whole population. Even then, using absolute matchscore is flawed since someone with constant (say) 255 match score will always trend upwards, while 245 would trend downwards - this pushes people to the extremes.
The system would be fair if it was using a factor of the average score of the team from a match, rather than a fixed value.
0.0-0.4 Average team score : no change
0.4-0.8 Average team score : + 1
0.8-1.2 Average team score : + 2 (Zero sum here)
1.2-1.6 Average team score : + 3
1.6+ Average team score : + 5
0.0-0.4 Average team score : - 5
0.4-0.8 Average team score : - 3
0.8-1.2 Average team score : - 2 (Zero sum here)
1.2-1.6 Average team score : - 1
1.6+ Average team score : no change
This results in a relative movement of all players based on team performance, effectively sorting out players inside the match, and teams against one another rather than moving them based on fixed values based on outside factors.
As for why I think not going up on loss / down on wins is fine:
Ability to go up on losses would skew some builds / drivers downwards or upwards.
What is usually the last mech standing on a loss? Usually a light, other times a LRM boat that's been ignored or an ECM poker. What is usually the last mech standing on the winning side? I honestly can't see that big a trend.
Example with the two extremes:
Having a high match score in a light for a loss is relatively easy, since lights arguably depend less on teamplay, however they can influence the outcome of a match heavily when used right.
On the flip side, assaults are the most dependent on teamplay. They usually have to use the team around them and sometimes follow the general trend of the team. Their score is more affected by W/L.
Edited by Cluster Fox, 06 June 2020 - 09:34 AM.