C337Skymaster, on 18 October 2020 - 03:53 PM, said:
So the possibility of satire did occur to me, about an hour after I hit "post". In short: his post was extremely triggering, as that mindset is exactly what frustrates the crap out of me, personally, since I feel like I run into it almost everywhere. Most of the voices I hear calling for "balance" also scream "screw the lore, just make a pokey shooter", which I feel completely dishonors the game we're playing, and strips away anything and everything that is special about it. Seeing it in writing in such a "straight faced" tone set me off. IF it was, in fact, satirical, then Alreech, I apologize.
No, It was not satirical.
You can't improve MWO without changing it's "most succesfull Game mode", Solo Quickplay.
VIP won't work for the same reason why Conquest or Assault don't work in Solo Quickplay:
It's too complex for a team of 12 random players who can't communicate prior and during the match.
How many times you lost a Conquest game because some players left the team to go capping instead of moving & killing with the rest of the team?
Same would happen in VIP: some players will attack the enemy, other will guard the VIP and in the end the team is splitted up and get killed by the opposite team what isn't splitted.
IMHO improving MWO - a 8 year old game with a now uncommon engine - is a waste of time and money.
Porting Mechwarrior 5 to the new X-Box & Playstation consoles would allow to get new customers.
Mecha games have been also popular to the old generation of consoles (Mech Assault, Steel Battalion, Armored Core, Gundam, Macross,...) so there is a chance to get new customers.
Using the existing MWO Mech models to create & sell DLCs with Clan Campaings is also possible.
Adding more Multiplayer modes to Mechwarrior 5 can be done after all MWO Mechs are ported to the MW5 Engine.
An if PgI is sensible they should avoid the things that went wrong with MWO:
Too many Queues
Too many "Game modes for experts"
Too unrestricted mechlab that makes few Mechs good and most Mechs useless
Bad tools for grouping up
Bad tools for communication, command and control
Too complex matchmaking by not enforcing things like fixed group size & fixed tonnage
IMHO Mechwarrior 5 would need 2 multiplayer modes:
small Maps, no respawns.
Variable matchsizes depending on aviable players & their tier: 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3.
No AI units
Faction Warfare:
Dropdecks with 3 spawns, group only, fixed group sizes of 4 or 5 players (IS & Clans)
Each faction gets a lobby to group up before launching (create group, join group, filter by ping, language,...).
medium & large Maps
Variable matchsizes depending on aviable groups & their tier:
4 vs 4, 8 vs 8, 12+1 vs 12+1 (IS)
5 vs 5, 10 vs 10, 15+1 vs 15+1 (Clans)
8 vs 10, 16+1 vs 15+2 (IS vs Clans)
Conquest style game mode with control points to capture.
AI units as defenders for control points and reinforcements.
Clear Attacker/Defender roles instead of both teams doing both.
The +1 Player in bigger modes acts only as commander & organiser
He has access to spectator view & battlegrid and can command AI units like VTOLs, Tanks ect to support his team.
This Player can select a planet and invite groups of his faction for a big 12 vs 12 or 16 vs 15 battle.
Selecting a planet would trigger a challenge to the controling faction to also team up with a dedicated player acting as commander / organiser.
Edited by Alreech, 19 October 2020 - 09:13 AM.