That stuff is exactly what you would monetize and it is not a pay to win item but a flair, convenience and xp/money booster item.
I get it that the damage has been done and it can not be reverted but maybe you find a way to offer an improved M+M Voting and Premium Time option that can be monetized.
Like give the monetized option exclusive Mode voting (every mode is skirmish anyway so it probably wont budge the players to much and at the same time offers the feeling of control to the paying players).
Like give paying customers exclusive right to vote for new maps with a vote multiplicator (it probably wont budge the other f2players to much bcs they want to see the new maps aswell and i gives a feeling of control to paying players).
Have that package include modificators so they get either events done with less effort or more reward or both - that can be experimented - you have events running anyway all the time.
Offer on top a campaign reward and bundle events into themed campaings and those who participate in at least 80% of the events get that.
Edited by Thorqemada, 05 August 2021 - 12:14 AM.