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Mechwarrior Online 2021: New Features

2021 new features Gameplay Mode General

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#341 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 12 May 2021 - 10:46 AM

Can we do something about how match score is calculated? I don't know the details in the formula but from what I see it's too heavily weighted in favour of not dying (ie. camping and pug shielding) over killing/damage/you know, things that win matches.. There is something fundamentally wrong when one pilot gets 11 kills and top damage while another gets 1 kill and less than half his damage but manages to almost get double the match score. Rewarding pilots for not using their mechs is pure nonsense.
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Edited by DAEDALOS513, 12 May 2021 - 11:16 AM.

#342 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 14 May 2021 - 07:54 AM

Can identical mechs be displayed next to each other instead of randomly placed? It's unintuitive and it's like a match-the-mech mini-game..

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#343 Diazim AlHazrad


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Posted 14 May 2021 - 08:07 PM

Melee attacks. Making the mech still viable to do some kicking or punching if all their other weapons are shot off.

It would also allow the Axeman to be a possible mech. Not to mention give purpose to the mechs having arms.


How about some new maps!

Edited by Diazim AlHazrad, 14 May 2021 - 08:11 PM.



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Posted 15 May 2021 - 02:43 AM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 16 November 2020 - 06:28 PM, said:

Remove the soup (groups) from solo queue , and you no longer have the tonnage disbalance issue, broken spawns and group / solo matchmaking balance problems . This has objectively degraded the experience of most of the people ( increased the stomps by PGI's own statistic ) and caused a lot of other problems to come up .

There aren't enough players to remove groups from solo queue without harming the social experience. You have a small player-base already, and you want to worsen this by removing my ability to play the game with friends? ---- right off.

You do this, and you lose the ability for people to bring their friends into the game. "Oh you can find people if you play alone, but if you queue up with us, we can wait for an hour in the lobby until we get queued up against the sweatiest tryhard pre-made groups."

This is not the answer to player retention. Sure, for braindead players this means less co-ordinated players in quick play, congratulations. For those looking to play with friends as a social experience, or bring acquaintances into the fold, this is an absolute death sentence for the game. No new player wants to stick around and wait in extremely slow queues and get stomped because the only way to play with their friends is to be paired up against co-ordinated veteran groups. This is a completely idiotic proposition, this is how games die. This game needs to be accessible as a social experience if it is to ever have any chance of expanding its audience.

#345 Wildstreak


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Posted 15 May 2021 - 04:48 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:54 PM, said:

In this thread, lets discuss ideas for adding new features to MechWarrior Online, such as:
  • Special Event Queue (Possible Faction Play/Solaris and 8v8/12v12 Solution)
  • Advance the Timeline

Before we advance the timeline can we get weapons we should have that are not in game yet?

Queues, use the community as a test.

Test 1 - Split queues into 4v4, 6v6, 8v8 and 12v12 for 2 weeks to a month letting players choose which they want to play in. Keep the 1-2 most popular.

Test 2 - Split queues by modes (Skirmish, Assault, Domination, Conquest, Incursion) for 2 weeks to a month to collect data and see which modes are most favored. Might result in eliminating a mode and you could also based on results consider keeping split modes, getting rid of map voting, if combined with above team size choice may result in changes to modes.

#346 Bocephus31


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Posted 15 May 2021 - 04:25 PM

Bring back nuclear explosion on death of mech. Its the only metal thing to do. it would end nascar as it would end death ball. Think about it.

Not that I have a problem with nascar. I just cant stand listening to the boomers complain about it anymore.

#347 Bocephus31


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Posted 15 May 2021 - 04:28 PM

Also, for the love of god make some more maps. I took a break for like 4 years and come back and its still exact same map rotation? How many more mech packs do you need me to buy to make some more maps? I'll do it.

#348 KursedVixen


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 11:19 AM

hyper assault guass and Clan RACs

#349 Alreech


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 11:40 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:54 PM, said:

In this thread, lets discuss ideas for adding new features to MechWarrior Online, such as:
  • Special Event Queue (Possible Faction Play/Solaris and 8v8/12v12 Solution)

New feature:

Faction quickplay
  • Solo & group players
  • Group size max 4 players
  • Smaller drop decks: 3 Mechs, 160 tons for clan, 165 for IS
  • counts for faction rewards
  • 4 vs 4 / 8 vs 8 / 12 vs 12 match sizes depending on the number of aviable players
  • 10 / 15 / 20 minute time limit depending on match size
  • small maps for 4 vs 4, assault & domination
  • medium maps for 8 vs 8, assault, domination & conquest
  • large maps for 12 vs 12, assault, domination, conquest & incursion
Aim: alternative for groups & players who don't like quickplay / increasing number of aviable groups for a "call to arms" in faction play.

Edited by Alreech, 17 May 2021 - 11:42 AM.

#350 Rosarius


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 02:26 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 14 May 2021 - 07:54 AM, said:

Can identical mechs be displayed next to each other instead of randomly placed? It's unintuitive and it's like a match-the-mech mini-game..

Posted Image
Posted Image

Mechs are arranged via weight class, then mech, then alphabetical order. It's only unintuitive to you because of the nicknaming system that you use

#351 KursedVixen


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 03:21 PM

View PostDarion Rothgarr, on 19 March 2021 - 04:32 AM, said:

Some more Equipment: Reflective Armor (both Clan and IS) - 10 Crits, 10% fewer Armor points per ton. Energy Damage is reduced by 50%. Reactive Armor (both Is and Clan) - 10 Crits. 10% fewer Armor points per ton. Ballistic and Missile Damage is reduced by 50%. Heavy Ferro Armor (IS only)- 21Crits - 25% More Armor points per ton, 10% damage decrease from all weapons. Ferro Lamellar Armor (Clan only) - 14 Crits - 10% more Armor points, Damage reduced by 25% from All weapons. Reinforced Structure - (both Clan and IS) - Double Weight of Structure, 6 Crits - 50% damage reduction on Internal Structure Triple Strength Myomer (IS) - 6 Crits - Myomer Bundles in the MEch that Allow it to Move and React Faster when Heated, causing the Mech to Move Faster and Increase Agility overall for the Mech. As the Heat Builds on the Mech, its Speed will increase. at 25%, it gives a 5% boost to movement, at 50%, 10%, at 75% and above it maxs at 20% Speed Boost. The Agility boost is across the board at 25% for Turning, twisting, Accel and Decel. HAG Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle (Clan) - A gauss Rifle that fires a stream of small Gauss Rounds. Comes in 10, 20, 30 and 40. Requires the Unit to be charged before Firing and has a chance to Jam and has a small Spread. Each round does a single point of damage I would envision a charging mechanism with different levels depending how many rounds are to be fired. A 10 would charge faster than a 40, although a 40 could fire at a lesser level. These would be Heavy Weapons, the HAG/40 being even Heavier than a HGR. And yes the HAG would suffer from Gauss explosions depending on their level. Weights to be Determined.
no HAg should have no jam
All hag's rev up to fire like rotaries dealing perhaps 3.5/4.5 damage per shot.
HAG 20 fires 20 shots before reloads/cooldown after 20 shots are fired no matter if those 20 were fired from the button being held down or just feathering the trigger Reload bar similar to Rac Jam bar totally filled equals max amount of shots bar does not decrease..

Hag 30 Fires 30 shots before reload/cooldown

Hag 40 fires 40 shots before reload/Cooldown

Edited by KursedVixen, 17 May 2021 - 03:41 PM.

#352 GryHwk


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 06:37 PM

Skill Tree...do something like Skill Piles.... so, for each section of the skills you have a short pile of nodes for like cool down, then the next pile has to be open with like a node that cost maybe 2 skill points to open to get the next level of nodes for cool down. and so on and so on.. this does away with having to use nodes that don't have anything to do with what we are trying to skill up, Or keep having on skill point per node and have Level Up nodes, in which you have to get Level up skills to open them.

little diagram(I'm not to good at this, but you will get the idea)

Cool Down
o(+1) o(+1) o(+1)
O(level up) o(+1) o(+1) o(+1) o(+1)
O(level up) o(+1) o(+1) o(+1) o(+1) o(+1)
and so on and so on.

Of course the "Level Up" skill points will cost more, and you might have to limit the Level Up points like you do the skill points, but also might need to up the skill points from 91 to 95 or so....
No I have done much research, or numbers crunchin' but this is one way of doing away with having to us up useless nodes trying to get to the nodes you want, And that *%#@! warning that is always there..."This skill tree contains nodes that have no effect on your current 'Mech's loadout." Like NO S#%*& SHERLOCK"
So, thats my suggestion....OHHHH and a Baked Potato Fer my Dash. Thank you for your time.

#353 C337Skymaster


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 07:02 PM

So, things I'd like to see (in no particular order, and with no particular consideration given to their feasibility. Just a "wishlist").

- Crit Splitting (Bushwacker L1, Atlas S2)

- Ammo swapping

- All modes (QP, FP) have teams filtered into IS and Clan teams, that are then matched against each other as they fill up. Teams are grouped into 2 stars or 3 lances, depending on tech tree. If you have 10 Clanners and 48 IS queued up, you get a 10 v 12 Clan/IS match, a 12v12 IS vs IS match, and 12 IS waiting for either the next 10 Clan or the next 12 IS to queue up (whichever comes first). Stats menu under QP button should be modified to reflect, reading "for faster match times, play Clan Lights", or "for faster match times, play IS Assaults" etc).

- I miss having Scouting as a mode parallel to Invasion. It was fun having an indirect effect on someone else's match, depending on how well you performed your own separate task. Scouting wasn't just about the small fights. It was about the powerups delivered to ongoing invasion matches. The small fights aren't nearly as much fun (and smoke diving has lost all purpose) without that parallel function.

- Faction-specific tech trees with stock "trial" 'mechs (select any faction-specific 'mech from the quartermaster for use on the battlefield). I.e.: AS7-K is Kuritan. AS7-S is Steiner. AS7-D is generic. All Dragons are available only from Kurita or Rasalhague. Jagermechs are only available in Davion space, etc. Same with weapons tech: RACs are Davion. Heavy PPCs are Kuritan. Light Gauss is Marik. Heavy Gauss is Lyran. Stealth Armor is Capellan. etc. This encourages familiarization with the factions, and eliminates the need to rotate trial 'mechs. It also allows players to try ALL of the 'mechs in combat before buying one, so they can get a feel for their favorite class, style, etc.

- Min 20 skills on trial 'mechs (all ECM nodes unlocked when applicable. Advanced Zoom on 'mechs with nothing but AC/2's, etc).

- 8-way free-for-all Solaris, a-la MW4: Mercs. (Pretty sure that's what everyone had in mind when requesting "Solaris Mode", and the lack thereof was a large factor in the disappointment and desertion of the gamemode).

- Procedurally generated maps. Interactive map elements (giant bug pops up out of Veridian Bog and eats a 'mech. You can see it coming with a seismic sensor, and it's a visually distinctive seismic contact: much bigger than a 'mech. Or a lava pit opens up under a 'mech in Terra Therma).

- Water deep enough to hide a 'mech, for slow but stealthy movement.

- Union Class Dropships which land permanently and deploy a loading ramp. 'mechs are then unloaded manually. Provides protection for start-of-match disconnects who are attempting to rejoin. Dropship is destructible/captureable (skirmish/assault) to end the match for high rewards if the DC player doesn't reconnect or camps inside the dropship. Dropship guns are fully/non/partially functional, depending on the level of defense required of the spawn area.

- Repair bays/hangars for Faction Defenders, instead of dropships for respawns.

- Escort Mode with "VIP" changed: import MW3 MFB with full functionality. Defaults to random route at start of match. Anyone who takes Company Command can direct MFB to travel to waypoints (adjusting its travel path away from enemy). MFB can set up to conduct repairs at any designated waypoint. Speed and time limit should be set such that only 6 'mechs can be repaired before it's too late to extract. Balances give/take between repairs and making it to the extraction point on time. MFBs are consequently fragile, to offset the ease of hiding.

- Reticle Shake any time 'mech is airborne (including non-JJ 'mech falling off ledge). JJ's restored to 2012 levels. Intent: nearly impossible to aim while jumping, but really easy to reposition using JJ's, even if piloting 100 ton 'mech. (Encourage incorporation of MWLL directional jumping).

- Arrow and Long Tom artillery.

- AI Infantry/vehicles/aerospace

- Information Warfare rework: (This is mutually exclusive to the tech-tree division suggestion above, as adopting both would restrict C3 systems to Kuritan affiliation).
---No automatic sharing of target data
---C3 equipment required (5 ton computer and 3x 1-ton slaves) to share target data otherwise currently common.
---NARC transmits target info.
---Missiles auto-follow TAG point (including dirt, if that's where the laser is pointing)
---Indirect fire can be designated towards a battle grid using the battle map: LRM spread increased to cover the entire grid. (Can be used to supplement strikes on entrenched positions without target lock)
---Clan LRMs minimum range removed (no C3 systems available: resume ability to brawl with LRMs, point-blank).

- I fully support any and all efforts to allow 'mechlabbing while waiting for a match. We should be able to select one 'mech as our "match 'mech", then browse the store, or work on a different 'mech in the 'mech lab, and be given 5 seconds to save or revert when selected for a match (since I'm sure the system requirements for running the mechlab in the background while also running a game are probably too much?)

-EDIT: eliminate or significantly reduce pinpoint weapons fire. Nothing in any version of Battletech (or even real-world combat) is pinpoint accurate all the time, instantaneously. Even a sniper rifle takes a few minutes to line up. Aligning weapons to converge on a point should take at least 2 or 3 seconds (maybe longer), and the convergence angle should be limited to whatever the arms can swivel to (so none of this 85 degree convergence angle to hit the invisible wall 10 m in front of you). I'm personally in favor of completely eliminating convergence, as it makes it easier to shoot around invisible walls when your reticle is accidentally on one, and makes it easier to lead a target when your weapon path never varies, but I recognize that's an unpopular opinion among the MWO Elite who enjoy dumping 100 dmg into a Mad Cat's missile ear and watching the torso disappear in a single volley without a chance to respond or retaliate.

-Remove side-torso heat spike, OR, award kill to whoever destroyed the side torso if heat immediately goes above 100% and never goes below it again. Also, award kill (not suicide) if 'mech overheats to death under flamer attack. Stupidest thing ever to be in a Gauss boat, get flamered to 90%, then lose a side torso and "suicide".

Edited by C337Skymaster, 17 May 2021 - 07:51 PM.

#354 C337Skymaster


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 07:38 PM

View PostAlreech, on 17 November 2020 - 09:10 AM, said:

Limit group size in Solo Quickplay to 2 players, thats enough for a player that wants to mentor a new player.

This is a good idea.

View PostAlreech, on 17 November 2020 - 09:10 AM, said:

Remove big maps like Alpine Peaks, Polar Highlands and Terra Therma from Solo Quickplay
Remove Airstrikes & Artillery from Solo Quickplay
Remove VOIP & indirect LRM Fire from Solo Quickplay (it is as worse as a group if some one is abusing it to coordinate the team or call in LRM Support)

These are really bad ideas, especially for what is ostensibly a "team-based game".

#355 Ekson Valdez

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Posted 17 May 2021 - 10:12 PM

Removed every piece of off-topic discussion about Groups in Quickplay, the Cauldron or player numbers. These topics need to be adressed elsewhere. The whole conversation could have been moved to its own topic, but honestly, I did not see any new info beyond what has several iterations on other recent threads, really.
Please stay on topic, folks.

#356 Alreech


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 01:40 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 17 May 2021 - 07:38 PM, said:

These are really bad ideas, especially for what is ostensibly a "team-based game".

12 random player that don't know each other and don't know the other "team mates" loadout are not a team.

For example: it doesn't make any sense to ask for LRM support or even play a NARC Mech if you don't know if other players have LRMs or not.
Not knowing other players loadout doesn't prevent some genius players from abusing the VOIP to bring up a stupid plan that prevents better tactics like forming up a murder ball and nascaring around.

Edited by Alreech, 18 May 2021 - 01:44 AM.

#357 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:44 AM

View PostAlreech, on 18 May 2021 - 01:40 AM, said:

12 random player that don't know each other and don't know the other "team mates" loadout are not a team.

For example: it doesn't make any sense to ask for LRM support or even play a NARC Mech if you don't know if other players have LRMs or not.
Not knowing other players loadout doesn't prevent some genius players from abusing the VOIP to bring up a stupid plan that prevents better tactics like forming up a murder ball and nascaring around.

Win or lose, the games where someone tries to take charge, players communicate, they come up with a plan, and attempt to execute it are ALWAYS more fun than "murderball nascar". Games where everyone's communicating and working together are NEVER 1-12 stomp losses, and are at worst 6-12 losses, but still more fun than silently nascaring.

#358 Natural Predator


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 06:27 AM

1. New Maps for FP, preferably balanced and none choke point.
2. The ability to spectate FP so we possibly make a competitive league out of it.
3. Twice a year "Tuk3/4" events where teams can track their stats. I would suggest March and October but anything in those seasonal ranges

Edited by Trashtier, 18 May 2021 - 06:28 AM.

#359 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 07:09 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 17 November 2020 - 08:15 PM, said:

Add AI Bots. While I don't have faith in PGI's AI capabilities, assuming that it can be done right, it should improve match quality by providing consistent, less of a wild-card enemies with controllable difficulty, that you can tailor based on the players.

If you can't find that much high-tier or low-tier players, you can just fill in AI bots for them. Or if one mech is DCed, an AI Bot can take over for them.

That being said, again this is a massive IF, if PGI could properly code AI. And if MW5 is the best they could do, I think it could only work for the cadets.

I would love to second this suggestion, but maybe modify it to be AI infantry/tanks/aerospace. Those are mostly meant to be cannon fodder in any of the other MW titles, and are often glass cannons that are only scary if you ignore them, and would serve us well in efforts to flesh-out the game and make it more dynamic and interesting.

DEFINITELY needs to be coded by someone who knows what they're doing.

#360 -P U R E-


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 07:14 AM

There is a game with it - Mechwarrior 5.
You have bots, infantry ( soon ), tanks, aerospace, stock builds and more.
It even looks better and runs better than MWO.

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