So, things I'd like to see (in no particular order, and with no particular consideration given to their feasibility. Just a "wishlist").
- Crit Splitting (Bushwacker L1, Atlas S2)
- Ammo swapping
- All modes (QP, FP) have teams filtered into IS and Clan teams, that are then matched against each other as they fill up. Teams are grouped into 2 stars or 3 lances, depending on tech tree. If you have 10 Clanners and 48 IS queued up, you get a 10 v 12 Clan/IS match, a 12v12 IS vs IS match, and 12 IS waiting for either the next 10 Clan or the next 12 IS to queue up (whichever comes first). Stats menu under QP button should be modified to reflect, reading "for faster match times, play Clan Lights", or "for faster match times, play IS Assaults" etc).
- I miss having Scouting as a mode parallel to Invasion. It was fun having an indirect effect on someone else's match, depending on how well you performed your own separate task. Scouting wasn't just about the small fights. It was about the powerups delivered to ongoing invasion matches. The small fights aren't nearly as much fun (and smoke diving has lost all purpose) without that parallel function.
- Faction-specific tech trees with stock "trial" 'mechs (select any faction-specific 'mech from the quartermaster for use on the battlefield). I.e.: AS7-K is Kuritan. AS7-S is Steiner. AS7-D is generic. All Dragons are available only from Kurita or Rasalhague. Jagermechs are only available in Davion space, etc. Same with weapons tech: RACs are Davion. Heavy PPCs are Kuritan. Light Gauss is Marik. Heavy Gauss is Lyran. Stealth Armor is Capellan. etc. This encourages familiarization with the factions, and eliminates the need to rotate trial 'mechs. It also allows players to try ALL of the 'mechs in combat before buying one, so they can get a feel for their favorite class, style, etc.
- Min 20 skills on trial 'mechs (all ECM nodes unlocked when applicable. Advanced Zoom on 'mechs with nothing but AC/2's, etc).
- 8-way free-for-all Solaris, a-la MW4: Mercs. (Pretty sure that's what everyone had in mind when requesting "Solaris Mode", and the lack thereof was a large factor in the disappointment and desertion of the gamemode).
- Procedurally generated maps. Interactive map elements (giant bug pops up out of Veridian Bog and eats a 'mech. You can see it coming with a seismic sensor, and it's a visually distinctive seismic contact:
much bigger than a 'mech. Or a lava pit opens up under a 'mech in Terra Therma).
- Water deep enough to hide a 'mech, for slow but stealthy movement.
- Union Class Dropships which land permanently and deploy a loading ramp. 'mechs are then unloaded manually. Provides protection for start-of-match disconnects who are attempting to rejoin. Dropship is destructible/captureable (skirmish/assault) to end the match for high rewards if the DC player doesn't reconnect or camps inside the dropship. Dropship guns are fully/non/partially functional, depending on the level of defense required of the spawn area.
- Repair bays/hangars for Faction Defenders, instead of dropships for respawns.
- Escort Mode with "VIP" changed: import MW3 MFB with full functionality. Defaults to random route at start of match. Anyone who takes Company Command can direct MFB to travel to waypoints (adjusting its travel path away from enemy). MFB can set up to conduct repairs at any designated waypoint. Speed and time limit should be set such that only 6 'mechs can be repaired before it's too late to extract. Balances give/take between repairs and making it to the extraction point on time. MFBs are consequently fragile, to offset the ease of hiding.
- Reticle Shake any time 'mech is airborne (including non-JJ 'mech falling off ledge). JJ's restored to 2012 levels. Intent: nearly impossible to aim while jumping, but really easy to reposition using JJ's, even if piloting 100 ton 'mech. (Encourage incorporation of MWLL directional jumping).
- Arrow and Long Tom artillery.
- AI Infantry/vehicles/aerospace
- Information Warfare rework: (This is mutually exclusive to the tech-tree division suggestion above, as adopting both would restrict C3 systems to Kuritan affiliation).
---No automatic sharing of target data
---C3 equipment required (5 ton computer and 3x 1-ton slaves) to share target data otherwise currently common.
---NARC transmits target info.
---Missiles auto-follow TAG point (including dirt, if that's where the laser is pointing)
---Indirect fire can be designated towards a battle grid using the battle map: LRM spread increased to cover the entire grid. (Can be used to supplement strikes on entrenched positions without target lock)
---Clan LRMs minimum range removed (no C3 systems available: resume ability to brawl with LRMs, point-blank).
- I fully support any and all efforts to allow 'mechlabbing while waiting for a match. We should be able to select one 'mech as our "match 'mech", then browse the store, or work on a different 'mech in the 'mech lab, and be given 5 seconds to save or revert when selected for a match (since I'm sure the system requirements for running the mechlab in the background while
also running a game are probably too much?)
-EDIT: eliminate or significantly reduce pinpoint weapons fire. Nothing in any version of Battletech (or even real-world combat) is pinpoint accurate all the time, instantaneously. Even a sniper rifle takes a few minutes to line up. Aligning weapons to converge on a point should take at least 2 or 3 seconds (maybe longer), and the convergence angle should be limited to whatever the arms can swivel to (so none of this 85 degree convergence angle to hit the invisible wall 10 m in front of you). I'm personally in favor of completely eliminating convergence, as it makes it easier to shoot around invisible walls when your reticle is accidentally on one, and makes it easier to lead a target when your weapon path never varies, but I recognize that's an unpopular opinion among the MWO Elite who enjoy dumping 100 dmg into a Mad Cat's missile ear and watching the torso disappear in a single volley without a chance to respond or retaliate.
-Remove side-torso heat spike, OR, award kill to whoever destroyed the side torso if heat immediately goes above 100% and never goes below it again. Also, award kill (not suicide) if 'mech overheats to death under flamer attack. Stupidest thing ever to be in a Gauss boat, get flamered to 90%, then lose a side torso and "suicide".
Edited by C337Skymaster, 17 May 2021 - 07:51 PM.