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Mechwarrior Online 2021: New Features

2021 new features Gameplay Mode General

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#61 Firewired


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 11:16 AM

1. There should always be a Quick Play Reward Event active.
They increase the active player population. Just code it scripted to rotate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and tweak it over time. Give out increasingly difficult to achieve rewards on a scale of Cbills, Premium Time, GSP, Cockpit Items, no MC except for during Special Events.

2. There should always be a Faction Play Reward Event active.
They will increase the active player population. Just code it scripted to rotate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and tweak it over time. Give out increasingly difficult to achieve rewards on a scale of Cbills, Premium Time, GSP, Cockpit Items, and finally small MC amounts (but only for a Phase Victory).

3. Please do not change Faction Play to be Event-based active only.
It should always be available, just like Quick Play. With proper changes to Faction Play it can have greater population and if it is always available with rewards for playing it the population will grow.


Edited by Ekson Valdez, 25 November 2020 - 03:22 AM.

#62 Big-G


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 01:39 PM

I see a lot of "don't follow the table top rules"...

Yes and no... remember this game is based off of a table top game, thus all the rules/limits are originating from there. I do agree these will be too strict for "simulation" style games, and as such a degree of "adjustment" needs to be maintained, to make it work for real time and not turn based.

#63 Mycroft000


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 02:07 PM

Yeah, stray too far from tabletop and there's no point in it not just being Fortnite(or COD or any other number of games I'll never play).

I'd rather see it get pushed more toward tabletop in any ways that are possible(I'm not a game designer so it's someone's job who's got the skillset to figure that out). I also think finding more ways to slow it down and make it feel even less like an off the shelf FPS and more like 3-5 story tall machines that have inertia.

#64 dr3dnought


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 03:38 PM

  • Special Event Queue (Possible Faction Play/Solaris and 8v8/12v12 Solution)
I really like this idea IF we had the population to support it.

Faction play should have events, but it shouldn't be event-queue-only. If quick play goes 8v8 (as I'd like) then Faction should remain an always-available 12v12 mode.

I'd be fine with solaris becoming event-only.
  • Advance the Timeline
Let's fix what we already have first

#65 LordNothing


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 09:42 PM

View PostScout Derek, on 16 November 2020 - 07:55 PM, said:

I'll focus on one since it makes it easier to pick through opinions or suggestions. I see some of my more well said friends or mwoers have made already similar opinions so far on The events question, so I'll pick the one that hasn't had a large opinion as of yet.

I don't think you need to advance it very far, if at all; there's still alot of various things you can add to the game without having to do that in order to add variety (aside from requirking mechs to be more interesting).

A variety of this includes the Reactive Armor, Laser Reflective Armor, of the pair which were introduced in Mechwarrior 4 series to use in your mech building;

Others Include HAGs, Clan based tech, Plasma Cannons, also Clan based tech, Machine Gun Arrays, both IS and Clan tech. Here's a list of other tech you could add without changing the timeline any if at all;

RACs for Clan (Clan Experimental)
Chemical Lasers.
XXL Engine
MML (Multi-Missile Launcher)
AP Gauss Rifle
Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle
Streak LRM
Arrow IV
Long Tom Cannon

Are quite a few to add without having to do too much modeling if at all, mostly sound based and just a few coding to add into the game to make it more interesting. Hell, there's still a ton of mechs you could add too, if not these weapons right now, but, again, sometimes introducing more tech is better than introducing more mechs if you want to save time and effort. (Not all tech has to be standard, some is experimental, which is fine, MWO doesn't have to follow EXACT timeline for some stuff if it's already got a pre-existing date for creation you know?)

And if you have issues figuring out how to translate it well into mwo? Well, we have a already set group that's happy to help balance these weapons and make it less of a headache to implement while also increasing the population/interest.

idk a jihad pack might sell pretty well.

#66 LordNothing


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 10:17 PM

View PostYondu Udonta, on 16 November 2020 - 10:00 PM, said:

The only action in QP is mech movement around an imaginary circle, with less brain activity happening in the whole of QP compared to Faction Play despite having a much bigger population. Just provide new players more mechbays to start with, while also shifting the mechbay rewards higher up the Faction Rep ladder to prevent new players to go for the low hanging fruits and getting slaughtered due to their inexperience. Imagine opting to disincentivize players from playing a less populated game mode when there are better alternatives.

fp rewards are hard to grind right now due to how rare games are. making the grind worse is not the answer. instead maybe put more mc and mechbays into the supply cache system. actually reward players for sticking around. they could also sell things in the store which would buff your supply cache progress.

i have a suggestion on the npe thread about just giving new players free mechs as part of the cadet tree rewards, and get rid of trials all together. you would never see another trial mech in fp again. you might even wait till new players clear the cadet phase to give them their first fp drop decks, by which time they would have their mechs at least partly leveled.

Edited by LordNothing, 19 November 2020 - 10:18 PM.

#67 LordNothing


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 10:25 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 17 November 2020 - 09:48 AM, said:

When a friendly arty or air strike is dropped.. it should show up on friendly maps as a flashing red beacon.. on top of this, a small flashing 'explosion' icon should appear on the hud somewhere.. I wouldn't mind a short 'woop woop' warning sound either. This will help reduce team damage and help with those that don't see the smoke while in thermal mode.

friendly smoke needs to be blue.

#68 Kodan Black


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Posted 20 November 2020 - 01:10 PM

I don't mind smoke being one color and not knowing who did it. That seems like it doesn't matter really, don't stand in smoke. Friendly arty hurts just the same.

If you do 8v8 and 12v12 it would be good to be able to enter both QP queues. Frankly I want to get into a match and don't really care between the 2 -- whatever gets me a game first. I'd even be good with being able to hop into QP while the FP match spins and if I'm unavailable to get into FP because I am in QP then I miss out.

Also FP should go on 12v12 happening. Nothing is more frustrating than thinking you are gonna get a match and then 1 person drops or swaps side and boom, now we wait again. Once there is 12 v 12 it goes.

#69 Gitstompa


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Posted 22 November 2020 - 11:39 AM

What about smoke launchers/strikes to block LoS? Making shots harder to land and could make a mech fall of sensors faster (but not as quickly as hard cover)

I'd just make it so in thermal you can't see cold mechs through it. If the mechs are hot thermal should counter the smoke easy.

#70 Akillius


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Posted 22 November 2020 - 01:14 PM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:54 PM, said:

In this thread, lets discuss ideas for adding new features to MechWarrior Online, such as:
  • Special Event Queue (Possible Faction Play/Solaris and 8v8/12v12 Solution)
  • Advance the Timeline

I didn't see spot for new features for forum.
-I'd like to suggest removing tiers from forum, with new PSR they are irrelevant now. Replace with following?
+Add optional feature to show a total count of how many 'Mech Packages Titles / Badges owned.
Don't show Achievement titles/badges. OR keep optional AND keep separate from Mech Package count.
+Add optional feature to randomly pick any owned Title and Badge every 24 hours, or every week.

No to advancing the timeline for awhile
First: its costly, takes time and programming best used elsewhere, ie new maps, skill tree reduction.
Second: it would only mildly mask the current issues temporarily (hours to days for most players).
Third: increases complexity to fix ongoing issues/bugs/etc and make changing anything a bigger issue, ie skill tree.
Last: some players will see that issues+bugs are being ignored, & has greater chance of playerbase exodus.

No to Special event queues as these will become common place and will split playerbase increasing wait times.
With the exception of Faction Play.... But only after FP gets fixed.
I'll even agree to returning to 2vs2 for scouting FP missions.

NO to 8v8 it wasn't liked when it was in game and majority of players wanted more people per team
This was already hashed out about a year back & but for a few I guess "Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder".
Maybe no one else remember the en-mass fighting vision trailers but I do.

Special Event idea... how about making a 24vs24 OR 36vs36 event again?

Edited by Akillius, 22 November 2020 - 02:35 PM.

#71 Kodan Black


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 07:41 AM

View PostGitstompa, on 22 November 2020 - 11:39 AM, said:

What about smoke launchers/strikes to block LoS? Making shots harder to land and could make a mech fall of sensors faster (but not as quickly as hard cover)

I'd just make it so in thermal you can't see cold mechs through it. If the mechs are hot thermal should counter the smoke easy.

You could copy the smoke from the caldera of caustic valley. Night vision sees thru it.

#72 Bistrorider


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:45 AM

View PostAkillius, on 22 November 2020 - 01:14 PM, said:

Special Event idea... how about making a 24vs24 OR 36vs36 event again?


And about Solaris. There was an idea here about making deathmatch mode.12 players (or more), free for all. But guess sucha mode needs new dedicated map, or reworked old one.

#73 Agent Super Chicken


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 06:35 AM

Damage metrics after matches!
As a new feature, several players were talking last week about metrics - being able to look up your game after the match. Seeing how much you did with strikes vs. your lasers vs. your ballistics, etc.
Since we know the game collects that data anyway (for event completion), it'd be nice to be able to review that after a match - even if it saved all your matches for the last 24 hours.
I'd like to know if my mech, over a 24 hour period, only did seven points of damage with the lasers, so I know I should just take them off and put on something else.

#74 Horseman


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 04:29 PM

View PostShortpower, on 24 November 2020 - 04:49 AM, said:

Faction play rework, Heroes and Generals/Planetside 2 have some good map flow ideas as to how to make an alive feeling war experience people WANT to get involved in - this single feature has kept 2 otherwise unremarkable games alive and growing for years.

Territory map:

We had that a long time ago. The mode's population fell too low for that to be viable, which is why FP first got consolidated into IS vs clan, the planet voting was removed and then we got the current "scenario" model of FP. As much as what you describe would have been fun, at the current player counts it would just lead to empty queues and disappointment.

#75 Shortpower


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 07:28 PM

View PostHorseman, on 24 November 2020 - 04:29 PM, said:

We had that a long time ago. The mode's population fell too low for that to be viable, which is why FP first got consolidated into IS vs clan, the planet voting was removed and then we got the current "scenario" model of FP. As much as what you describe would have been fun, at the current player counts it would just lead to empty queues and disappointment.

No, I played faction play on release. It felt more alive yes, but it lacked many features that would've made it feel as alive. It was still just glorified matchmaking, no force disparity/ moving resources/ deciding what was worth holding and losing.

#76 Vanguard319


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 10:05 PM

As far as Solaris, how about a battle royal mode akin to Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries?
8-24 mechs enter, but there can only be one left standing.

#77 Forgeling


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 10:29 PM

View PostVanguard319, on 24 November 2020 - 10:05 PM, said:

As far as Solaris, how about a battle royal mode akin to Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries?
8-24 mechs enter, but there can only be one left standing.

I didn't think of it when battle royal was suggested before but it makes sense as part of solaris 7. (Perhaps seven mechs enter, one mech survives?)

#78 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 11:01 PM

More as 2 Teams a Big Problem with the MWO Cryengine and PGI say not supported, and the BR mode in Cod Warzone the most uninteresting and frustrating Mode ...for BR Fans thast not will Teamplay its give Fortnite.

#79 TheStranger


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 11:11 PM

View PostDaidachi, on 16 November 2020 - 06:37 PM, said:

Remove the AP server

Piss off, we need it.

#80 TheStranger


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 11:17 PM

Fix Solaris, it's meant to be a last man standing match. Also bring in weight classes and an open field version like MW4 Mercs.

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