Debuting in 3069, the Celestial series of OmniMechs are engineered to be used by the elite Word of Blake Manei Domini troops. The Archangel is the largest of these. Designed to be an "anchor" for Word formations, the 'Mech is known as a "zombie" because of its ability to take extreme amounts of damage and continue operating. The Archangel features a compact fusion engine, compact gyro, a small cockpit, and nineteen and a half tons of standard armor, which frees up a large amount of internal space, while an Endo Steel frame opens up free tonnage, making heavier components possible. A C3i Computer helps direct and coordinate fire.
The Invictus, or primary, version of the Archangel carries a Guardian ECM Suite to allow the 'Mech to disrupt enemy electronics and targeting systems. For ranged combat, the Archangel Invictus carries a Plasma Rifle and Heavy PPC, both of which are slaved to an advanced targeting computer. The Invictus also includes jump jets, allowing the 100-tonner to hop 90 meters. Finally, a Retractable Blade gives the design added defense in close combat situations.
Edited by Z01, 21 January 2022 - 05:12 PM.