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Monday Mechwarrior Update With Daeron #04

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 10:41 PM

Greetings, MechWarriors!
Last week we moved the MechWarrior Online update discussion to individual threads, representing the main categories most topics will fall under; New Player Experience, Features, New Features, Maps, Modes, Mechs, Social and Monetization.
This week it's full steam ahead with more discussion on the forums, and another round of audits to the outline. The discussion is going great, and we will continue to monitor and process all of your posts.
December is going to be an exciting month for MWO, with holiday events and sales, and the final preparation for launching the MWO initiative in January 2021. This will include a townhall-style broadcast in early December, where Russ will discuss the plans for MWO going into the new year in greater detail, and answer questions from the community.
Thank you all for your commitment to the game, the community that loves it, and to this project. I look forward to the future of MWO!
See you on the battlefield,
Daeron "Bombadil" Katz

#2 The6thMessenger


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 10:54 PM

Dec is also when MW5 releases, so I figure that is when your Steam-user tanks for MWO, as we finally lay our hands on MW5 which we had been waiting an entire god damn year for.

Of course I might wait for a week or two for major mods to update.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 23 November 2020 - 10:54 PM.

#3 Bowelhacker


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 11:09 PM

At what point do you stop seeking every half arsed idea from the rabble on here and start actually setting then working towards concrete goals?

#4 Deathshade


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 11:13 PM

Those threads have all been community posts and kind of one-sided. When will we have some interaction and feedback from PGI in those threads?

See you on the Battlefield®

#5 rascje


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 11:20 PM

Let's hope for the best! Posted Image
(it seems that we can't do anything else... Posted Image)

Edited by rascje, 23 November 2020 - 11:25 PM.

#6 Buenaventura


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 11:28 PM

You still fail to acknowledge that implementing the easy stuff like lowered starting tier would be a lot more useful in keeping new players if you add it in a hotfix NOW instead of bringing it "maybe sometime next year, after we discussed at length if it's better at 4.5 or 4.3".
Talk is cheap, you know, actions ... those are required, and the easy stuff should've been done last week already. Posted Image

#7 Gold13


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 12:26 AM

MW5 steam launch right around the corner, and radio silence on getting cadets out of tier 3.

PGI pls.

This change is universally begged for, and the only reason given for not doing it is "maybe potential griefing"... which would involve cadets playing with tier 1 players... which is what is currently already happening.

Please just do this one thing. It would go so far towards reassuring people that you are serious about really taking steps to improve the game. If this one simple thing can't be done when everyone agrees on it, how can we have confidence in the other roadmap items which have more complexity and less consensus?

#8 crazytimes


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 12:26 AM

Can I confirm the only plan for progress is to keep making new forum threads indefinitely, without even so much as changing cadet starting tier?

#9 Kotzi


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 12:44 AM

Guys, patience. PGI has been completely suckerpunched by this situation. Thats why they are asking you for ideas. If this would have been a continous decline would you think they wouldnt have had worked on any ideas by themselfes? I mean, otherwise it would just be appeasement to squeeze a bit more goodwill just before the launch of the DLC or on steam for any other related products...

#10 Deathshade


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 12:51 AM

Do they need Bombadil to work on the DLC and steam launch? It looks like they are spending more time on the graphics for the Monday updates. just saying . . . .

#11 L1f3H4ck


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 12:54 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 23 November 2020 - 10:41 PM, said:

Greetings, MechWarriors!

Keep playing the game, don't worry about it.

See you on the battlefield,
Daeron "Bombadil" Katz

And speaking of quotable carotid artery thumpers, can we maybe hear from Paul, maybe even your "talented engineers" as well? I'm sorry to have to point this out, but all we ever got from the CEO so far were bad news, excuses and not to forget insults. Remember when he called us "cheapskates"? Oh how we laughed!

View PostKaukas, on 24 November 2020 - 12:16 AM, said:

hello , mwo is in greatest shape it ever was in all those years

Oh really, then where did all the players go? MWO has been a lot better than this a bunch of times, and it has been horrible, unpopular design decisions that brought us here, and that's exactly why you see that stuff on the to-fix list.

#12 L1f3H4ck


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 01:01 AM

View PostKotzi, on 24 November 2020 - 12:44 AM, said:

Guys, patience. PGI has been completely suckerpunched by this situation. Thats why they are asking you for ideas. If this would have been a continous decline would you think they wouldnt have had worked on any ideas by themselfes? I mean, otherwise it would just be appeasement to squeeze a bit more goodwill just before the launch of the DLC or on steam for any other related products...

Suckerpunched? Asking for ideas? They've been advised in various degrees of forcefulness by their experienced player base for this entire time, but kept chasing that new player money, nerfing their game into the ground for the sake of accessibility. And every time they stuck to their "players are not devs" guns and insisted on knowing better (3rd person, skilltree, Chris) another chunk of the population left. And now suddenly they never saw it coming? Please...

Edit: Imagine Blizzard balancing Starcraft 2 around Bronze League, that's what happened here

Edited Edit: Sigh, well played I guess

Edited by Dakkalistic, 24 November 2020 - 01:15 AM.

#13 Garran Tana


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 01:19 AM

View PostKotzi, on 24 November 2020 - 12:44 AM, said:

Guys, patience. PGI has been completely suckerpunched by this situation. Thats why they are asking you for ideas. If this would have been a continous decline would you think they wouldnt have had worked on any ideas by themselfes? I mean, otherwise it would just be appeasement to squeeze a bit more goodwill just before the launch of the DLC or on steam for any other related products...

I like how next posters didn't get your sarcasm.. good job!

#14 D V Devnull


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 01:58 AM

Argh... Why did I have to get derailed by Real Life until this was to the fourth iteration? I don't even know if I'm going to be able to catch up or add some thoughts that might help repair MWO now. :(

Well... Here's to the hope that PGI's Staff will be careful about the changes that they make to this game, and take into consideration people who can not afford fast computers, along with also considering for those whose bodies have Medically-based concerns (such as the kind of shaking in the body which throws one's aim, and they're helpless in terms of fighting it) which afflict some who happen to still play MWO now. Not everyone who plays MWO has a computer & body that just allows them to "git gud" (which happens to be a term that makes me feel sick when someone just tosses it out there, as I'm one of the afflicted myself and therefore can't do that either) and play the exact way that a small clique of the players want everyone else to play. We really need to stop losing players at all, and the only path to that is being more inclusive of non-trolling playstyles that don't happen to be perma-oriented around eye-to-eye & line-of-sight forms of damage-dealing during normal gameplay. :huh:

~D. V. "I'm guessing it's too late to ensure considerations for less fortunate people in MWO now?" Devnull



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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:00 AM

I hoped, as many here, to have some news on Cadet's starting PSR.... related to MW5 launch(s) potentiel new comers.
I guess that between the lines we can read "not before 2021".
Sad for the missed opportunity.



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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:28 AM

View PostKaukas, on 24 November 2020 - 12:16 AM, said:

hello , mwo is in greatest shape it ever was in all those years - just start making new maps ,thats the main thing it needs , and i really hope its gona be map every month not one map in 2021 . and one person showed me old mwo trailer with huge battle - start making 24v24 or 36 vs36 events .

How do I enter your dimension where MWO has improved over the years?

Here in Dimension 74 the graphics are worse than they were in Beta and there have been all kinds of changes that negatively impacted the game.

#17 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:33 AM

There seem to be reasons about PGI not placing cadets into Tier 4.5 for now. Bombadil mentioned something like the potential of griefing/smurfing in the latest NGNTtv-Podcast, though I honestly doubt that this is the real cause. May be there are simply not enough (new) players in the tier 4-5 bracket to start games from? May be data implies there are some folks starting new accounts to maw through the lower tiers bolstering their ego? Can't tell, but this will stay speculation until some clarification anyhow.

Bet that as it may and weather we like it or not: changes seem to be all about 2021 with monologue- going into some sort of dialogue-mode not any earlier. The expectation-balloon the rest of the playerbase is till hanging on to might get popped then anyway (depending on the amount and quality of gameplay-changes possible).

Wonder/ kinda unsure about, what the potential delay of MW5's steamrelease with Cyberpunk 2077 being released on the same day (Hey, Streetcleaner!) means in terms of (wo)manpower being directed to MWOs overhaul ...

Not much we can do until then, eh?

And furthermore: I don't think Mr. Katz should be the primary target for our anger. Actually he is takin' a lot of bullets for other peoples shortcomings - be that past or present - IMHO.

Edited by AnAnachronismAlive, 24 November 2020 - 02:42 AM.

#18 The6thMessenger


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:45 AM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 24 November 2020 - 02:33 AM, said:

I don't think Mr. Katz should be the primary target for our anger. Actually he is takin' a lot of bullets for other peoples shortcomings - be that past or present - IMHO.

Pretty sure that's part of the job as the representative of the company. Sad as it is, he has to contend with years of misgivings from PGI.

#19 Zarrahtass


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:45 AM

This is a one way street. Really sad.

#20 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 02:53 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 24 November 2020 - 02:45 AM, said:

Pretty sure that's part of the job as the representative of the company. Sad as it is, he has to contend with years of misgivings from PGI.

I can agree on that! Still: nothing substantial happening for now (as smart and welcome even the smallest changes would be to show some good will) is likely not in his power to decide.

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