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Mwo Intel Gathering: Battlemech Variants

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#161 Nomad5926


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 12:34 PM

Summoner with the possibility to do this:

Alt. Config. G This variant is most adept sniping at long range, then dashing in to finish off its foe. The long-range punch comes from an ER PPC and an ER Large Laser, each of which is capable of opening holes in an enemy's armor. To exploit those holes, the Summoner G carries six SRM-4s and a Heavy Small Laser.

Edited by Nomad5926, 17 January 2021 - 12:44 PM.

#162 Jobalisk


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 12:37 PM

A jenner with 4 missile points and 2 laser

#163 C337Skymaster


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:32 PM

View PostHawk819, on 17 January 2021 - 09:31 AM, said:

Amen. The Clans have very little in the way of Light 'Mechs. I would love to see the Fire Moth (Dasher) in the game, and it is the last one from the TRO 3050.

There's also a need for more Light's for the Clans. I mean, the Inner Sphere in this game has that cornered in spades. The Hellion would be a nice addition as well. Not to mention the Howler (Baboon) and Horned Owl (Peregrine). Just to name a few. Also, the Fire Falcon would make an excellent choice to see in this game. Whatever they choose, I certainly hope it's the Fire Moth. Please. Please, Daeron, ask Russ to make this happen.

Unfortunately, the Fire Moth was actually promised, years ago, and then renegged, then promised again, and renegged again. The issue with it is its speed. Anything topping something like 170 or 180 kph breaks the "Host State Rewind" (fixing hit-reg despite ping lag), and the Fire Moth runs a base speed of 162 (174 after speed tweak), with a MASC boost of 232 pre-tweak, or something like that. On the other hand, it's a one-shot kill, or it's supposed to be, IF you can hit it, and using a lag shield would certainly make the thing more survivable.

#164 Julopabene


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:33 PM

I think that some new Commandos could be fun, though I'd avoid just making a straight upgrade like the 7S which gets more hardpoints than any other Commando currently in-game.
If it gets in, I'd recommend to limit it to a max engine size of 210, because it gets 2 Energy and 3 Missile Hardpoints. Perhaps drop the AMS hardpoint.

But what I really want to propose is the Commando 1C:
The COM-1C dropped all of its missile launchers to carry an AC/2 with a single ton of ammunition.
I think integrating this variant gives the Commando line some severely lacking ballistic hardpoints.

As for Hardpoints I'd suggest
-2 Ballistics Hardpoints in the Right Arm
-2 Missile Hardpoints in the Left Arm
-1 AMS Hardpoint in the Right Torso (perhaps a second one to make it more appealing)

As for Quirks, the 1C should be equipped with strong armor quirks, similar to the other Commandos, with a focus on the arms. Alongside that, it could receive a laser cooldown of 20-30%, and ballistic range/crit-chance quirks. A very strong AC/2 cooldown quirk could encourage AC/2 usage and not only MGs.

#165 Jungle Plague


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:42 PM

I think there are arguably a lot of mechs that could use a new variant. Almost any of the lights that have been left behind in the hardpoint arms-race for one...

But I think there are a few others that could be a good fit (and are all canon variants - some of which should be easily hero-able).

Dire Wolf - C (ECM)
Dire Wolf - Widowmaker
Dire Wolf - Hohiro
Dire Wolf - Prometheus

Timber Wolf - Bounty Hunter (ECM)

Just some thoughts!

#166 FupDup


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:45 PM

If we did get the ballistic Commando, it should IMO have at least 4 ballistic hardpoints because just 2 is pretty unusable for a 25-ton light mech. You can't do 2 MGs because that's too weak to pose a threat, and you definitely can't mount 2 AC/2 because of tonnage constraints (we need LACs and Magshots pls). And you definitely can't do 1 AC/2 + 1 MG...

4 ballistics in the right arm and 2 energy in the left arm would be fair IMO. Yes, letting people carry a brace of MGs does detract from the spirit of the variant, but it would be pretty darn difficult to make the unit's intended playstyle viable in this game (you'd need oldschool Dragon 1N levels of ballistic cooldown quirks and I wouldn't hold out on hope for that).

Even a simple RAC/2 + 1 ERML loadout on a 25-ton IS light mech just barely fits, and that's while keeping the tiny 150-rated engine. Also consider the rarity and mediocrity of the Panther 10P already in the game, which is a 35-ton light with 25% ballistic cooldown with 2 ballistic hardpoints.

Edited by FupDup, 17 January 2021 - 01:50 PM.

#167 Spinning Broccoli


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:54 PM

If we can wish for mechs not in the game yet, then my vote goes to the Horned Owl. It was a favourite of mine in the trading card game.

#168 suum74


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:59 PM

Well, there are quite some variants of the mechs in game that could be added, but the question is if they really would add anything different. Many variants can be build on already existing ones like the royal Shadow Hawk for example. Unless they would differ on quirks or the number of hardpoints they would not really bring anything new to the table.
So I am focussing here on variants that do would bring something existing ones in the game do not have. Strictly canon ones. So I won't for example add a Rifleman IIc8 because of the Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifles although these could be maybe replaced with MG's or any variant using a c3 slave (like the CN9-D5) tho this could be easily replaced with a ton of ammo.

Commando 4H: 2 energy and 4 missile weapons(2 in each side torso)
Commando 7S: 2 energy and 3 missle weapons
Firestarter FS9-P: 8 energy and 2 missile weapons(one in each side torso)
Wolfhound 3M: 1 ballistic weapon in the right arm
Wolfhound 5: 3 energy weapons (1 RA, 2 RT) and MASC
Phoenix Hawk 3PL: 5 energy weapons two hardpoints in the right torso
Phoenix Hawk 6D: 5 energy weapons two hardpoints in the center torso, but unlike the 1K jumpcapable
Phoenix Hawk 7S: 5 energy weapons one hardpoint in each side torso and MASC
Griffin 6S: one missile and 3 energy weapons(one in each arm and one in the center torso)
Wolverine 7M: one missile and 4 energy weapons (head, RA and one in the right torso)
Wolverine 9D: one missile, one ballistic and 3 energy weapons (head and two in the center torso) and MASC
Hunchback 5H: one ballistic, 2 energy and 3 missile weapons (in left torso)
Catapult H2: 3 energy and 8 missile weapons
Jägermech JM6-H: 2 ballistic, 2 energy and 6 missile weapons
Quickdraw 5Mr: 4 energy and one missile weapon and ECM
Rifleman 7M: 2 ballistic and 7 energy weapons (one in head) and ECM
Thunderbolt 9NAIS: 3 energy, one missile, one ballistic weapon and ECM
Thunderbolt 10SE: 4 energy, one missile weapon, MASC and ECM and jumpcapable
Archer 6S: 3 energy (one in head) 4 missile weapons
Archer 8M: 4 energy (one in head) 2 missile weapons
Warhammer 7K: 7 energy weapons (one in head) and 2 missile weapons
Marauder 7D: 4 energy and one ballistic weapon and ECM
Marauder 9S: 5 energy (one in head) and one ballistic weapon and ECM
Awesome 9Q: 5 energy weapons and ECM
Battlemaster 4S: one ballistic (RA), one missile and 8 energy weapons
Victor 9B Li: one missile (LT) and 10 energy weapons in the right arm (+2 heat scale limit for medium laser!)
Victor 10L: one ballistic (RA), one missile (RT) and 3 energy weapons (2 LA, 1 CT) and ECM
Marauder II Bounty Hunter: one ballistic and 6 energy weapons and ECM

Edited by suum74, 17 January 2021 - 02:33 PM.

#169 Forgeling


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 01:59 PM

Regardless of which mech they go on I'd like so see more unique stuff. I personally have a soft spot for mechs that carry large numbers of very small weapons.

First example: Piranha with 12 SRM2s, probably in the LT, CT, and RT since you'd have to strip the arms to make the weight work. A slower engine might also work. I'd also love to see a 16 light machine gun piranha as well.

Second Example: Nova with 6 machine guns on each hand and 2 energy hard points on each side torso. This would allow players to mix and match 16 machine guns or 16 energy too with omnipods all allowing the Nova to fulfill its role as the classic short range maneuverable brawler.

Currently the highest possible number of hard points in each category is:
Clan Ballistic: 12 from the piranha with the next highest being a mere 8.
Clan Energy: Let's not kid ourselves, Clan never had too much of an energy hardpoint shortage.
Clan Missile: 9 on the arctic wolf, 8 on the hero Huntsman and 6 is otherwise the highest.
Clan AMS: 4 on the piranha, 3 on the kitfox and nova, not bad. could use a 4 AMS on a bigger mech, though.
IS Ballistic: a singular 8 with the next highest being 6. Understandable with the weight of IS machine guns.
IS Energy: lots of mechs top out at 9 and the rest are lower. IS could benefit from a light or medium mech that can hold more energy hardpoints while being highly maneuverable.
IS Missile: a couple of 9s, we can do better. IS lights may not be able to boat SRM2s like the clan but a larger medium or a faster heavy might.
IS AMS: a singular 4 and no 3s. Gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.

#170 FupDup


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 02:09 PM

If we do get to have non-canon variants then here is my custom Shadow Hawk:

SHD-DD "Double Deuce"

Head: 1 energy
Left Torso: 3 energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 3 ballistic
Engine cap: 360
JJ capacity: 3-5 (not too picky)

It's got two shoulder cannons instead of just one like the others. The lore behind it is that it would be somebody taking an SHD-2K and ripping off the shoulder from an SHD-2H and combining them together. Stock loadout of 1 PPC, 1 AC/5, and 1 Small Laser (3025 tech). It would've made a much more interesting hero than the one we got, which is just a slightly altered SHD-2D in terms of gameplay.

#171 SunderMK2


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 03:13 PM

There are some mechs that we added to MWO early in it's life, that could have some really fun later era variants possible due to the tech added with civil war.

One of my top wishes would be for the venerable Thunderbolt, a greatly loved mech with a history spanning from the hegemony to the most current game lines.

The TDR-10SE presents the opportunity to add a wild mix of capabilities, equipping a sixty five ton inner sphere mech with up to four jump jets, MASC, and ECM. So few IS chassis in the game have MASC, let alone MASC with ECM.

Or, how about we give the Thunderbolt a brand new set of hardpoints.
The TDR-5D adds a right torso ballistic hardpoint, mixes up what the old t-bolt can bring to the table.

Edited by SunderMK2, 17 January 2021 - 03:15 PM.

#172 -Skyrider-


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 03:36 PM

Hunchback 5P- ecm ct, 3x energy in each side torso, 1x energy in each arm

Commando 4H- 6x missile, 2x energy in left arm

Vindicator 4L- Left torso missile, ecm, ct energy, head energy, right arm energy

Thunderbolt 10SE- ecm, masc and jumpjets, left torso 3x energy, missile, right arm energy

Highlander 738- Dual energy arms, ct missile, left torso missile, right torso ballistics, head energy

Stalker 7D- 2x energy ct, 1x energy head, 2x energy in each side torso and a missile in each arm

Summoner Q- 3x missile in each side torso, ct energy, 1x energy in each arm as well as 1x energy in the left side torso

Viper F- 4x machine guns in each arm, ct energy, and 1x energy in each side torso

Adder S- 16x mechine guns, 2x energy in each arm, ecm

Direwolf C- ecm ct, arm missiles, 3 energy left torso

Mist lynx F- Right torso ecm, 4x energy each arm

Hellbringer J- jumpjets

Ice Ferret J- 5x energy and 1x ballistic in each arm, also an engine supercharger (essentially can be masc)

Edited by -Skyrider-, 18 January 2021 - 07:23 PM.

#173 AncientRaig


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 03:50 PM

I'd love to see the Thunderbolt 5Sd get added. It replaces the right torso mounted LRM-15 and its two tons of ammo with a UAC-5 and two tons of UAC-5 ammo mounted in the same location, replaces the left arm MGs with a left arm medium laser for 4 total medium lasers, and upgrades the large laser in the right arm to a large pulse laser. It retains the 3 medium lasers in the left torso and the SRM-2 in the right torso. It uses 12 DHS, a standard engine, and doesn't have endo, ferro, or CASE. It retains the same armor as the stock Thunderbolt 5S. It should have similar hardpoint layouts to the Thunderbolt 5S, but replace the LA ballistic hardpoints with 1-2 energy hardpoints and one of the RT missile hardpoints for 1-2 ballistic hardpoints, which should be mounted on the shoulder at cockpit level. I think this variant should be added because it lets the Thunderbolt chassis be more than just "that one IS 65 tonner that can boat medium lasers or large pulse lasers", giving the chassis some variety in loadouts and playstyles.

Edited by AncientRaig, 17 January 2021 - 03:52 PM.

#174 Big-G


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 03:57 PM

View PostSamial, on 16 January 2021 - 10:07 PM, said:

New Weapons.. Timeline advance and new maps and mechs.. I know i'm asking for miracles but hey i am asking.

That's longer term, they are looking for quicker turn around items initially, like adding new variants to existing chassis... initially

#175 Karl Carver


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:00 PM

Posted Image

Posted Image

Templar And Hauptmann Please......

#176 FupDup


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:02 PM

View PostBig-G, on 17 January 2021 - 03:57 PM, said:

That's longer term, they are looking for quicker turn around items initially, like adding new variants to existing chassis... initially

It's kind of interconnected because a lot of really cool variants are locked behind the TechWall. Mainly, there are like a bazillion Clan variants that require stuff like AP Gauss or HAGs.

#177 Big-G


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:08 PM

View PostFupDup, on 17 January 2021 - 04:02 PM, said:

It's kind of interconnected because a lot of really cool variants are locked behind the TechWall. Mainly, there are like a bazillion Clan variants that require stuff like AP Gauss or HAGs.

Indeed, and those will not be considered initially...

#178 Web Death


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:42 PM

Direwolf (H) - Widowmaker

Rifleman 3 (4x Gauss Rifles + ECM/Stealth Armor)

#179 RenegadeMaster88


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:48 PM

+1 to Inner Sphere Omni Mechs! We dont need more more or less the same variants, but id buy IS Omni mechs and they seem to be appropriate to the time line too.

More Mechs with HSL :
Light PPC HSL +1
Light Guass HSL +1
Snubb Nose PPC HSL +1

A Quirk that reduces lock time for LRMs in direct fire mode, i think this would be fun.

Streaks seem pretty duff, now that its so hard to get target lock, but this could be mititgated with extra range, or again a Quirk that reduces lock time for Streaks.

Streak SRM Range +20%

Oh and less mechs with stupidly low arm mounts !

Edited by RenegadeMaster88, 17 January 2021 - 05:33 PM.

#180 SuperFunkTron


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Posted 17 January 2021 - 04:54 PM

Warhawk F: Ballistic mounts in the torso will give the mech fresh possibilities in what can be done with this mech.

Gargoyle Conal: Gargoyle with an ECM point. It's no secret this assault needs every boost in can get. Let's get it the ECM in needs to give it a chance to compete in its weight bracket.

Dire Wolf X: I haven't been able to find the record sheet for weapon hard points yet, but having more missile options for this mech would help diversify its builds.

These would be the first 3 mechs I look at if we are looking at existing chassis. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that one day we will get the Pouncer and Phantom as well.

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