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Intel Gathering: Weapons Balance Pass 1

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#61 Yang_Tomoe


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 03:07 AM

First of all I just want to say Thanks for being willing to listen to our feedback.

Next i want to address Gauss Rate of Fire. It needs to be faster. That is my vote.

Also i want to talk about range. Now my understanding is that PPC and Gauss are the Mechwarrior versions of a sniper rifle. If that is the case however, they fail miserably at that job for a few reasons. First of all is the effective kill range. In the real world a .50 cal sniper rifle is more than capable of hitting and killing a target as far as 3,500 meters away......

Canadian sniper's 3.5 km shot in Iraq shatters world record

Now that's a shot from a hand held rifle, hitting a human sized target.....at 3'500 meters. That's 3.5 Km away! If a human can do that then why can't a mech do at least that good? I mean...a mech is building sized, and shooting guns that are normally found on battleships or tanks. I can personally land a shot on a moving target much farther out than the kill range for Gauss or PPC but it does no damage!?! I can see the special effects as i land a hit, why does it do no damage?

Item the second about range.

it is nice to be able to see your target. Nicer still to have advanced zoom. Even nicer to have a targeting computer that will lock on to a target at range. In MechWarrior however, it seems that I can see a target but my targeting computer will not lock on. Now i am not talking about ECM, this is all about range. A good place to see this is on the map called "Crimson Strait". At map location D-4 you can clearly see an Awesome at around 1000-1150 m range. In order to get a target lock however, you need a targeting computer. and that's only 1000m away!

A size 1 targeting computer takes up 1 slot and weighs 1 tonn. Having this targeting system is useless as you don't get any practical advantage. Rather than locking on at 850m you lock on at 950m and that is still 100m short of being useful in this situation. i mean that is short by 2600 m of what an unaided human and his spotter buddy can do while in combat! now the Mark VII targeting computer weighs 7 tonn! That is more weight than ANY CLAN ENERGY WEAPON! I mean...really!?! OK so what does giving up a clan ER-PPC give me in terms of targeting capability? It gives me a targeting range of 1021 m...... REALLY!?! So a computers system that takes up 7 tonns, (just try and picture that in your mind a PC that weighs 7 tonn) only gives me an additional 71 meters of targeting range!?! Are you crazy? let me remind you that a human holding a rifle can hit a human sized target at more than 3'000 m away.

Here is an example of a modern targeting computer. I would like to point out that it takes up a fair amount less than a ton.
(turn your volume down)

Extreme ADVANCED RIFLE NEVER MISSES it’s target: Sniper Rifle great for US Military

Here is what a ship's targeting system is capable of....

Firing the 16" 50 caliber guns on the Battleship New Jersey

Soooo yeah..... How about making the range on your sniper guns at least that of a 50 cal. rifle and boost it up to at least 3500 m. Boosting the guns and targeting computers to a more realistic range would be even better. For your consideration I suggest looking at naval guns or tank guns. A 16" Naval gun has a range of 32'000 m and of course their targeting systems are able to work at those much longer ranges.

Next I want you to consider TAG. I can see a mech with a good enough targeting computer being able to see enemy TAG. I would also like you to go out and buy a laser pointer. Now aim it at something.....do you see a beam? Neither should the enemy or anyone who does not have a good enough targeting computer. Just sayin......

Last but not least I want to ask that you consider reworking it so that we have 60 seconds to switch mechs after map and game mode have been selected, just like we have for faction mode.

Many thanks for reading all the way to the end.

#62 Alan Hicks


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 03:17 AM

Make every weapon the best weapon, because everyone uses different weapons. Posted Image

#63 NumberFive


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:08 AM

View PostYang_Tomoe, on 19 February 2021 - 03:07 AM, said:

Last but not least I want to ask that you consider reworking it so that we have 60 seconds to switch mechs after map and game mode have been selected, just like we have for faction mode.

Cannot stress this enough.

This is a monetisation feature because it will force people to buy mech bays and it is something every player wants.

#64 MarsThunder


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:10 AM

Bad news for the guys who writing 3 page long lists like "add 3 dmg to this and substruct 4 dmg from that": your lists will be read by nobody. If you want to be heard by PGI write about the problems you see. And describe those problem in a couple of sentenses.

#65 Antares102


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:10 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 18 February 2021 - 06:20 PM, said:

Here is the link to weapon change suggestions that were brought up by the "gulag" (a group of comp, casual, veteran and new MWO players)

Weapon changes: https://i.imgur.com/yOdl7hc.png
vs Live stats: https://i.imgur.com/rEh9bJ2.png

Will update this post if something changes.

I might not agree to every change but he has put substancial work into the analysis and has shown to understand what he is talking about so I trust him. Whatever Navid says is the way to go!

#66 TWLT S


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:16 AM

Remove AC20 Ghost heat

#67 Erebus Alpha


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:19 AM

IS PPC's and gauss weapons need better sound effects. This balance change is much more important than their stats. The sounds that they make are underpowered, and are in dire need of a buff. This will greatly enhance their general usability, and make their sound effects competitive vs. Clan tech.

Light gauss needs to use the sound that Heavy Gauss currently makes.

Standard IS Gauss needs a deep, thumpy, satisfying 'CRACK!'. Nothing like that high-pitched dubstep robot fart that it makes now.

Heavy gauss needs to make an even more apocalyptic and awesome noise.

Clan gauss already sounds like Thor's hammer just tore a skyscraper into metal pulp. No change needed.

The light PPC needs to use the sound that the snub-nose PPC currently makes.

The PPC & ERPPC need to use the sound that the heavy PPC currently makes.

Heavy PPC needs a better sound.

...I guess you could change weapon stats too if you wanted. IS weapons could use 5% increased ROF across the board, to make up for their higher tonnage & inferior IS heat sinks, endo, FF, and engines. Flamers need to do damage because overheating is a gimmick. Gauss charge-up sucks. UAC/RAC Jamming sucks too, just remove it. Go to 2/5/5/6 shots for UAC2, 5, 10, and 20, respectively, and just give them a slightly higher rate of fire than normal ACs. RAC's should heat up and cool down like flamers instead of jamming.

But mostly, just buff the underpowered sound effects.

#68 Scout Derek


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:23 AM

Small Pulse (IS+Clan) (Fix the damage.)

Light+Snub Nose PPC (Fix the Heat, or Ghost heat)

Light Gauss Rifle (remove gauss charge limit and set ghost heat limit to 3 Light Gauss + 1/2 PPC)

Edited by Scout Derek, 19 February 2021 - 04:49 AM.

#69 Dregian Bloodwrath


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:32 AM

Nerf lrms and return them to the suppressive weapon they use to be
Reduce the rac5s heat a bit right now using a rac5 is not worth it as u overheat way to quick
Increase clan micro laser range to 200m

weapons i would like to see
thunderbolt launchers
longtom cannons
sniper cannons
mech mortar 1,2,4,8
Binary laser
bombast laser
x-pulse lasers
improved heavy gauss

chemical lasers
HAG 20,HAG30,HAG40
mech mortar 1,2,4,8
improved heavy lasers

#70 Sasuga


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:41 AM

  • Autocannons blinding-blast is too much. AC2s are not much better than heavy machineguns for damage, but they blind you when someone shots you with them making it nearly impossible to fight back. People with AC2s of course love this, but it's kind of lame to me.
  • All headshots from any weapon should blind the one being hit in the head, perhaps for a few seconds even.
  • Rework Targeting Computers to make the more useful. I've got a five ton targeting computer in one of my mechs and it still takes way too long to lock targets with it.
  • Holding the targeting rhetorical on target to get a lock for missiles is a good game mechanic, but I feel it's too sensitive... perhaps make it less sensitive with targeting computers.
  • Consider upping the DPS on the Gauss Rifles. Maybe at least do it for a while and let us see if we like it.
  • Collect statistics on what weapons people are using, and not-using. Consider tweaking the weapons people aren't using if their is a serious lack of using them.
  • Don't listen to everyone crying to get rid of ghost heat.
  • Don't nerf LRMs (They've been nerfed to hell already. An LRM15 is practically worthless with all the AMS and ECM people carry, and an LRM10 is worthless right now. Entire volleys of LRM10s vanish, only LRM15s and LRM20s can get through. LRMs don't need to be nerfed. Honestly, after typing that out, consider nerfing AMS)


  • I second any recommendations to add any weapons that are cannon (and for the current time-period/era that the game is in, or moving it to the next).
  • Flares: Launch flares like UAVs, maybe in a consumable spot but with ammo (maybe 5 flares per slot),

Edited by Sasuga, 19 February 2021 - 05:23 AM.

#71 The6thMessenger


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:43 AM

View PostSasuga, on 19 February 2021 - 04:41 AM, said:

I feel Autocannons blinding people is way too much, way too overpowered. Someone starts smacking you with AC2s, particularly a rotary AC2 and you can't see?

AC2s should be rocking the mech about as much as a heavy machinegun, and they blind people so much you can't do anything but retreat. it's crazy.

That being said, I feel all weapons, ACs, Rockets, Lasers, should blind the pilot when there's a headshot. If I put a laser in your face, it should blind you. Going even further, a head shot could temporarily cause seconds of blindness for the pilot, and maybe even a random jerking/changing of aiming.

There aren't piloting checks for going over rough terrain and such, and a head shot I feel should be a pretty big deal.

I agree, RACs and AC2s should only be blinding with firing near the head.

#72 ghost1e


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:13 AM

View PostKW Driver, on 19 February 2021 - 12:34 AM, said:

And how are you going to suggest that new/less skilled players have a good experience? not everyone has the ability to dedicate 20 hours per week playing the game to "git gud".. While I can commend the expert meta players for their admirable skill sets, you can adapt to changes.. new players get scared off by getting stomped constantly for weeks on end because they don't have the time or cognitive ablility to dedicate toward achieving your skill level. There are exploits that experienced players use for seal clubbing (Lurmers, I'm looking at you with 6-8 mech group indirect fire that can cause 800 damage in less than 5 seconds, and is completely indefensible)..

Well, I personally know a lot of players who do NOT play 20 hours a week and still got to the top 10% of the game easily withing less than a year.

And now, HOW did they do it? Well, instead of constantly scolding the "toxxic" comp players, they simply went ahead and asked the people who were good at it how they could learn...

P.S.: I'm probably by far on the younger side of the population as well, the part that isn't actually gonna quit in the next few years, yet still it's people with an attitude like you who drive me away from this game.
P.P.S.: I have nothing against casual play, yet sadly we do no longer have the population to support good matchmaking.

#73 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:32 AM

View PostDregian Bloodwrath, on 19 February 2021 - 04:32 AM, said:

weapons i would like to see
longtom cannons

#74 MookieDog


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:33 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 18 February 2021 - 07:15 PM, said:

- ATM Damage: 2.4/2.0/1.6
- ATM Min Range: 0

ATMs are just too damn powerful. It's wasteful to use at long ranges, and the deadzone is unfun mechanic.

No, just no.

The issue I have with weapon balance isn't with the weapons, its with the players. I spawn in a match, first thing I do: Override.

Heat becomes a non issue. Ghost heat so what. Long as I don't go full Direstar, I can load up either my Black Knight or my Timberwolf with laser vomit and alpha with two cool shots until I am out of targets or my mech blows up.

Can something be done to either mitigate the auto override or make the mechs or weapons less effective when a mech is maxed out at 100% and pushing 100-200+% heat?

#75 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:37 AM

View PostMookieDog, on 19 February 2021 - 05:33 AM, said:

>The issue I have with weapon balance isn't with the weapons

>with laser vomit and alpha with two cool shots until I am out of targets or my mech blows up.

#76 Vellron2005


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:40 AM

Here are some of my suggestions:

1) Nerf AMS, particularly the 2+ AMS meta.. a 4AMS Corsair being able to use a few tons to make a 100ton LRM boat's entire loadout useless is simply OP. Perhaps add ghost heat for 2+ AMS?

2) Increase ATM missile strength, particularly the ATM3 and ATM6 launchers.

3) Increase lock-on arcs across the board. Locking a speeding light is near-impossible, since you have to hold crosshair dead center for 5 plus seconds. Its stupid.

4) Increase range of Micro lasers

5) Nerf long-range meta. People standing back 1000+ meters with zero chance of getting hit and sawing off torsos is stupid. LRMs and ATMs when you do this have 10+ counters. ACs and Large Lasers have zero. Not fair. When LRMs did this, people cried and you nerfed them significantly and added a bunch of counters. Now snipers do this and nobody bats and eye. Not fair.

6) Nerf Stealth Armor. Not even TAG beats stealth armor now? Really?? OP as hell..

7) Take a second look at Assassin and Urbanmech hitboxes. Those two soak up damage as well as an assault.

#77 JPeiper


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:43 AM

As a new (ish) player of a few months, I am not sure I have the XP yet to comment on this but the game can be great fun for me having come up from MW2 ...
So in the spirit of improving the game, esp for new cadets, who we really need to keep this game alive ,some points.

Tried Gauss once , never again, for all the reasons in the other posts. should not have a charge up time for 1 mounted weapon.(with ref the above post they explode due to large stored electric charge-so why the charge up then....)You could have them re charge one at a time, given the power requirements.
Ultra AC20/10 jam too much, too frustrating to use , should only get a chance to jam after 4/5 continuous shots.
RAC2/5 also, be better to use heat and/or ammo use to balance them.
Minimum range just a pain ,a "fighting the game" mechanic. Perhaps splash damage from your own weapon instead ?
SSRM should be easy to lockon esp to a light fast mech to give the heavy mob some chance against a light running around it's legs.
Be carefull powering up MG's and small lasers or you'll have piranha's taking 2 seconds to rip throu your back from 300 M behind you. (yes, I hate the little gits !)
LRM's ,esp the clan weapons, need a more range. I know some hate LRMs, I don't run them except for an event but staying in cover and preventing lock on is part of the fun. I'd have no prob with a heavy moving in the open getting balsted at 1500M...
(I did play an Atlas once without an AMS, only the once,ever....)
I think the reason many people run SRM /MRM boats is they give good bang to weight , against an AC20 say, rather than nerf them (and spoil them for lights) just make AMS more effective.
Stopping here before people die of outrage or old age...

#78 MeanMachinE


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:45 AM

View PostHeavy Money, on 18 February 2021 - 08:20 PM, said:

ERPPCs are too obvious a choice and they're everywhere (and not only because Clans only have them to choose from). They especially dominate higher skill play. A very slight nerf in effeciency to them would be nice, probably best in the form of more heat. Extreme long range should have a good balance between AC2's, Light Gauss, ERLarge Lasers, and ERPPCs. But it does not because of the burst damage and infinite ammo.
The other types of PPC are all left behind.

Regular PPCs are hardly used because ER's are just better. Regular PPCs should beat ERPPCs when within their range bracket. And they do on paper due to their better heat. But in practice they don't because nobody runs them. Their worse range and deadzone just isn't worth it. The solution is to make them even more efficient. Give them a slightly better Cooldown and even less heat!

Heavy PPCs, unlike the other variants, actually get used. But pretty much only by Poptarts looking for big alpha strikes. This is fine, but it'd be nice to see them get a little bit more play. Like the others, a slight buff to heat would help.

I think the clan ERPPC splash damage is the biggest thing here. I would consider adding some splash damage to the IS Heavy PPC and normal PPC:s. If this is too overpowering, other option would be to reduce the clan ERPPC splash damage a bit.

#79 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:49 AM

View PostMookieDog, on 19 February 2021 - 05:33 AM, said:

No, just no.

The issue I have with weapon balance isn't with the weapons, its with the players. I spawn in a match, first thing I do: Override.

Heat becomes a non issue. Ghost heat so what. Long as I don't go full Direstar, I can load up either my Black Knight or my Timberwolf with laser vomit and alpha with two cool shots until I am out of targets or my mech blows up.

Can something be done to either mitigate the auto override or make the mechs or weapons less effective when a mech is maxed out at 100% and pushing 100-200+% heat?

You know you're missing 2 AC2s on that build right?
Posted Image

Edited by denAirwalkerrr, 19 February 2021 - 05:50 AM.

#80 The6thMessenger


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Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:54 AM

View PostMookieDog, on 19 February 2021 - 05:33 AM, said:

No, just no.

The issue I have with weapon balance isn't with the weapons, its with the players. I spawn in a match, first thing I do: Override.

Heat becomes a non issue. Ghost heat so what. Long as I don't go full Direstar, I can load up either my Black Knight or my Timberwolf with laser vomit and alpha with two cool shots until I am out of targets or my mech blows up.

Can something be done to either mitigate the auto override or make the mechs or weapons less effective when a mech is maxed out at 100% and pushing 100-200+% heat?

I'm sorry what?

I don't understand, my suggestion isn't even talking about heat. Well, I added heat reduction, but the ATM Damage reduction has been talked within the forums time to time, my addition is that it's just more tweaked at longer range than it is close-range, and now it removes minimum range.

View PostTheUltimateGhost, on 19 February 2021 - 05:13 AM, said:

Well, I personally know a lot of players who do NOT play 20 hours a week and still got to the top 10% of the game easily withing less than a year.

And now, HOW did they do it? Well, instead of constantly scolding the "toxxic" comp players, they simply went ahead and asked the people who were good at it how they could learn...

P.S.: I'm probably by far on the younger side of the population as well, the part that isn't actually gonna quit in the next few years, yet still it's people with an attitude like you who drive me away from this game.
P.P.S.: I have nothing against casual play, yet sadly we do no longer have the population to support good matchmaking.

What the other guys said could be basically summed up as "don't listen to the rabble", like kings looking down on peasants, so I can understand the hostility in there. How helpful was it to say basically "ignore some people"? PGI might not have a good track record with their decisions that puts their thought-process into question, but come on that's asking for salt.

People also have different capacities, what you can do or what the other top 10% can do doesn't mean the rest of the population can. That's literally what the bell-curve explains, that's what literally what being "top 10%" means. Mechanically, nothing is stopping someone like a 9 year old to finish college and become a millionaire before his twenties, doesn't mean EVERYONE can do that. And that is what the disgruntled parent's concern, that the general audience needs more than the game's fundamentals to have fun.

Likewise why do people need to learn from the best just to have a fighting chance? Don't get me wrong, there are some effort for learning materials, but you shouldn't need to learn the game to have fun, you need to learn the game to get better.

Fun is the hook that people keep playing. Getting better is how they can achieve new highs, when their previous funs are getting monotonous.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 19 February 2021 - 02:42 PM.

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