Blechreiz, on 21 February 2021 - 12:36 PM, said:
Yeah, sorry, I pretty much doubt that just by looking at the Gulag's proposed changes to AMS.
It's funny how the change with the biggest impact on gameplay seems to go largely unnoticed.
By increasing the optimal range of AMS both LRMs and ATMs will be rendered useless. Not only will they be targetable for a longer period of time by a single AMS-carrying mech, they will also be targeted by more mechs. Increasing the missile health in the proposed way won't help a bit. My guess is that MRM, and even SRM, will also suffer quite a bit.
In addition to that ammo count should be increased so you will basically never run out of AMS-ammo? Yeah, right...
AMS needs some changes, I agree. It needs an adjustment to its impact on matchscore, LAMS should be cooler and its shooting through obstacles should be fixed. But other than that I think it's fine (comming from someone who uses AMS regularly).
Another proposed change, that obviously was put in there without much thinking is the change to the damage of ATMs. Reduce short range damage by an specific amount and increase long range damage by the same amount, sounds good on paper, doesn't work like that in the game. As if you could reliably use ATMs in their long range damage bracket. Classic example of what you would call a "Milchmädchenrechnung".
Hence I can only hope that this whole packet of adjustments will be not implemented by PGI since it would have a pretty horrible impact on gameplay, and as a result, on the number of active players.
I wouldn't see the AMS buff as a bad thing or that it would render (non-boated) missiles useless.
One thing is spreadsheet warfare, which unfortunately we have to do here to give any argument some concrete point, but there's also the "unquantifiable background considerations".
The chief of that being the player base. Can't revamp the player base, mechbros.
AMS can absolutely eliminate boats from a match even today if you try hard enough. Take a chassis that can mount more than 1 AMS and hug your allies. I try to do that sometimes, for the memes, and it works. If there's at least 3x AMS in one group, all of your LRM20s will be reduced to LRM5s or less. But group cohesion just isn't there with randoms. You can roleplay as a medieval squire and follow every fat mech with your AMS boat, but that's very one-sided gameplay. It's only fun if you're after good boy points and get an emotional high from being Videogame Jesus. More range might seem bad, but I think it would actually make 2x AMS support builds (using your AMS to shield others) less constraining.
When it comes to AMS ammo, the current ammo/ton values to me are the same story as UAC/20 - I run 1 ton of ammo per AMS unit, but I'd need 1.5 tons in a match (which is why I always have 1 LAMS as backup). On squire duty, that 1 ton is not enough, but 1.5 tons is a waste. I treat it as a tactical option and choose to run the AMS dry instead of risking ammo depletion on my Autocannons.
What I don't get is the calls for less LAMS heat. Never bothered me. Then again, I've never played a build that is high heat and has (L)AMS.