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Patch Notes - - 18-May-2021

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#141 KursedVixen


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 11:41 AM

View Postcatgirl, on 18 May 2021 - 11:12 AM, said:

Thank you for this! I was confused why some of my mechs were labeled "invalid loadout" after this patch.
The mechs that got armor redistributed need to be tweaked in Mechlab to fit the new values: Stalker, Jagermech, Cicada, Jenner, Jenner IIC
This sort of thing will happen when they change armor values or other stuff when they made Jump jets fixed on omnis my kitfox had extra jump jets that i had to remove

#142 nuttyrat


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:15 PM

View PostIanDresarie, on 17 May 2021 - 10:50 PM, said:

Oh hell no. The Cauldron has proven and even aqknoledged in private that they don't use lock-ons. Given how much they messed up streaks and over-nerfed ATMs I pray they stay away from LRMs which are currently in a really good spot.

Hello, Cauldron member here. I use lock-on weapons all the time, so not sure where this idea came from.

#143 Metamoran


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:19 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 18 May 2021 - 08:28 AM, said:

One thing to note, Hunchback-IIC-A was planned to have 25 degree torso pitch angle. This is apparently missed in this patch, and will be adjusted in June.

It has always pissed me off that it had lower torso pitch angles than all other variants. At least they got the torso yaw buff right (though I wouldn't have complained if they matched the standard IIC's 100 degrees).

Edited by Metamoran, 18 May 2021 - 12:25 PM.

#144 fyurian


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:38 PM

TY i needed a reason to like my night gyrs. this was it. timby upgrade feels superb a true contender for my IS mechs (did i really just say that...)

#145 w0qj


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:41 PM

As it turns out I have at least 1 mech in each of the eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1,
have just played 1-2 games for each of below mechs, and preliminary comments as below:



1. Assaults/Heavy: Mobility Pass #1 is brilliant!
Can turn much quicker, torso twist is much faster especially for Assaults!
Acceleration is noticeably quicker.
In short, it's a joy to play within this Mobility Pass #1.
Torso Pitch is much better. But then again enemies can also Torso Pitch and hit you back, especially on HPG Manifold upper platform. Interesting new tactics involved now. Posted Image

KDK-SB with MASC buffed (April'21 Weapons/Eqpt Pass #1), I finally feel I can use this mech's MASC in a meaningful manner! Cauldron was wise: the KDK-SB still cannot meaningfully MASC accelerate for trades (aka Spirit Bear pre-Engine-Desync). So "no" to Spirit Bear 2.0 if you know what I mean.

Timber Wolf is a joy to use again! Thank you!!
I'm now tempted to buy TBR-Prime(I) from Clan Wave 1 Posted Image
Also looking forward to the Warden Booster Pack's TBR-BH(S)!

Atlas Kraken AS7-KR. I have also piloted this.
Also very satisfied with the mobility changes, especially the Torso Twist and Anchor Turn speeds!

Night Gyr NTG-JK has been one of my favorite mechs; it's fun!
NTG-JK mobility is much better than before; I am very satisfied!
I do not understand why other players (before this May-2021-Mobillity-Patch-#1) are complaining.
I am very satisfied with NTG-JK new-found mobility.

2. Medium/Lights
The mobility buff for Medium/Lights is not nearly as dramatic.

But hopefully Cauldron can find a raison d'etre for Mediums.
Mediums in the year 2020 was stuck in neverland: Not as fast/mobile as Lights, and not enough armour to take on the Heavy mechs.

Proposal: Perhaps Cauldron can consider to dramatically increase the Anchor Turn Speed for Medium mechs?
==>Result: Medium cannot outrun Lights, but can still outflank them due to greater Anchor Turn Speed.
==>Result: Medium cannot outgun Heavy, and Medium has less armor, but Medium can run circles around Heavy and outflank Heavy due to greater Anchor Turn Speed.
ie: Lights run a high speed strafe at Medium, and then Medium does QUICK Anchor Turn to hit back at the Light mech in the back. Medium becomes the "counter-punch" style vs Lights.

Result of this above proposal:
Lights have higher speed.
Mediums have increased Anchor Turn Speed for flanking both Lights and Heavy.

3. OK, so you are saying that I'm satisfied with all eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1.
This is true. I'm currently commenting in a vacuum, with nothing else to compare it to.

******The key point is, how are these eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1 perform against each other (all with Mobility tweaks)?
(ie: How about playtesting before and after this May'2021 Mobility Pass #1 patch: Atlas vs Night Gyr?)

******The key point is, how are these eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1 perform against all other mechs which were not involved in this Mobility Pass #1?

The coming weeks would be crucial in exploring above two questions, in determining the Mobility Pass #2 for June'2021.

4. As an aside, I personally pity whoever has the job of patch note writeup for the upcoming June'2021 Mobility Pass #2. Detailed mobility changes vs previous for each mech chassis and its variants?
Major work involved (thanks MWO/PGI !).

Edited by w0qj, 18 May 2021 - 01:39 PM.

#146 jonomy


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 01:28 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 May 2021 - 10:27 AM, said:

Hit the "reduce armor" button on each side torso, then reapply armor. I just tested mine out. It's actually being kinda dumb about it: I have one Stalker whose armor values didn't need to change at all, but it's still "invalid" because of the patch.

This worked! Glad I managed to get through to page 7 of the very interesting discussions - I felt like I was on a 1982 BBS in a user group talking about goat cheese.

Headed to play a couple matches - now that I can fix my Jenners/Stalkers. This would have been worth a mention in the patch notes (hint to staff)

#147 Papa Varken


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:09 PM

Well, new canyon map is shoddy to say the best. Turned into another LRM fest map. Amateur desecration of a map that didn't need much doing to it, with bizarre bridge formations that haven't even been colour or texture matched to the original artwork.

Just looks like a poor rendition of a platform game which makes you wonder if its another PGI classic fail in hiring someone who does not play the game, nor has taken time to understand how it works, then giving them free rein to put something out that nobody really wanted.

PGI - Working as Expected :(

#148 Locked Bolt


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:14 PM

No idea if this has happened to others but, when I first logged in after the update It said that I redeemed 100 mc 80,000 GXP and 3 million C-bills, was this intended?
Also major upgrade on the Timby, I fully approve

#149 Papa Varken


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:14 PM

View PostLockheed_, on 18 May 2021 - 10:48 AM, said:

I had this problem 3 day ago on river city on the water

Linked to a "per pixel" rendering effect that takes a core pixel colour then associated other pixels around it to copy and blend the palette. Sadly, one aspect with older artwork is that it works within a colour range and will leave black/grey colour blocks or if a transparency is present, will use that to paint the area - one reason there have always been invisible walls.

Try turning your gfx card to Performance or Quality, failing that play with the blending effects (anti aliasing etc.) until you get a more stable rendition.

#150 Davy J0nes


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:15 PM

Dont forget about the treb PGI

You promised to resale it on twitter but then never did.
So please dont forget about the treb again.

#151 MechB Kotare


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:22 PM

View PostDaddyPig, on 18 May 2021 - 02:09 PM, said:

Well, new canyon map is shoddy to say the best. Turned into another LRM fest map. Amateur desecration of a map that didn't need much doing to it, with bizarre bridge formations that haven't even been colour or texture matched to the original artwork.

Just looks like a poor rendition of a platform game which makes you wonder if its another PGI classic fail in hiring someone who does not play the game, nor has taken time to understand how it works, then giving them free rein to put something out that nobody really wanted.

PGI - Working as Expected Posted Image

This is exacly what im talking about. Running brainlessly into center, ignoring all the anti LRM rock formations on the way, dying to LRMs, going to forums complain: ''I died to LRMS Q_Q. LRM map because im missing two giant rocks in the middle of a map...''

Im sorry, i dont mean to be toxic. But i wont let you accuse potentional good addition to PGI developer team (new map designer) for your lack of logic.

Learn to play.

#152 Leone


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:24 PM

View PostEnamillion89, on 18 May 2021 - 08:48 AM, said:

Hey guys, could you please work on the FLAMER weapon mechanics? As of now they're not very useful at all (and I'm sure others would like to see something done with them).

Maybe reduce the heat it takes to use them, or increase the heat they cause to the enemy mech?

As someone who loves flamers, and brings flamers, I can tell you that they are in a fairly good place right now. You hafta remember they only heat you up once you've been firing 'em for a bit. Fill up the bar for free, then they start ramping up, let 'em cool down, fill it again. (You can actually fire 'em for a bit longer after filling the bar without worry) Great for a brawler who's got a few free energy slots.

Yes, they used to be better. They used to be broken. Broken weapons are no good. We're looking for balance.


Edited by Leone, 18 May 2021 - 02:26 PM.

#153 justcallme A S H


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:26 PM

View PostDaddyPig, on 18 May 2021 - 02:09 PM, said:

Well, new canyon map is shoddy to say the best. Turned into another LRM fest map. Amateur desecration of a map that didn't need much doing to it, with bizarre bridge formations that haven't even been colour or texture matched to the original artwork.

Just looks like a poor rendition of a platform game which makes you wonder if its another PGI classic fail in hiring someone who does not play the game, nor has taken time to understand how it works, t

Given the amount of cover now on the map, additional bridges and ramps to all sorts of places - You should be getting LRM'd less.

If however you played the map in the old way... IE: Just run straight to the middle - you're going to get LRM'd because the map has changed and thus your play will need to as well as there is a bit less cover to run to in that middle area.

#154 OmgKllL


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:57 PM

Thank you both The Cauldron group and PGI.

I can only write that, the game has improved a lot with this patch.

Looking forward to see other Francoise's masterpiece too.

#155 Ling Huang


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 02:59 PM


....I respect ur Work but.....:

Better make the new Version of Canyon Network a Own Map!!!!!!! and keep the Old version too please!!!

On the new Version of the Map i got LRM down right after i Droped off the JumpShip and powered up...
and didnt even reach a point to rly hit an Enemy and i dont think that this was ur Goal of that change...

... I am Here since 2013 n got teached by my Clan (a Ton of Honor to Them!) .....
how to set the UAV's on this Map at the right Positions and wich Ways to use to reach these Points... now i dont even reach a Point to even check out where to set em now ....!

so like i sayed earlyer ...better make a own Map of it and keep the Old version of Canyon Network too please!

Beside this Point....

The Jenner IIC is not playable now annymore with current Loadout's without droping down Armor Points of it down to nothing.....

Sorry to say but thats my Point of View.....

#156 Bowelhacker


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 03:22 PM

Canyon is more ramp now than map.

#157 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 04:16 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 May 2021 - 05:41 AM, said:

No, that's the tabletop game. "Lore" is giant robots duking it out in futuristic combat.

There are a set of rules written to approximate what that looks like, and those rules specifically define how that translates to real-time. Every "turn" is 10 seconds. Every hex is 30 meters across. Walking speed is engine rating divided by 'mech tonnage times 3m/s. Running speed is 1.5 times walking speed. Turn rate is engine rating divided by 'mech tonnage, times 1.5, times 6 degrees/second. Arm and torso twist movements are meant to be comparatively humanoid, so call them three or four times the turn rate, based on human anatomy.

Weapons cycle once every 10 seconds. This could be argued to be a DPS value instead of a raw damage value, allowing damage/ammo/cooldown to be reconfigured and rebalanced around maintaining the rated Damage per 10-second turn with enough ammo to deal the full amount of damage by the time the ammo bin runs dry (AC/5, 10, 20 ammo deals 100 dmg per ton, doubled in MWO to account for doubled armor. LRM ammo deals 120 dmg per ton, likewise doubled to account for doubled armor).

None of this is arbitrary (anymore). None of this was pulled out of PGI's butt (it was pulled out of FASA's butt). When PGI started the game, they actually did a REALLY good job taking the rules from Table Top and adapting them to real-world. As a specific example: running speed is 1.5 times walking speed, but you can't move a half-hex in a tabletop game, so odd-numbered walking speeds would have their running speed rounded up. PGI "un-rounded" the running speeds, which is why the speed on a Dire Wolf, or Timber Wolf, or Mist Lynx doesn't match what it's reported to be on Sarna, but the speed on a Centurion, or Stormcrow, or Arctic Cheetah does. I just wish they un-did the tonnage rounding issue at the same time (half of a half-ton is a quarter ton, but the TT rules round it up to a half-ton increment because apparently they don't like doing math with pencil and paper, or something. A computer game can easily fix that, again, since the computer is doing the math for you).

Did you miss out on the Solaris VII rules set, which original MW and MBPT games utilized, if not directly then as inspiration? Solaris rounds are 2.5 sec long, not 10 secs, and each weapon had its own Delay timing (cooldown), AND TICS (target integrated circuit) or weapon groupings. The base BT boardgame did not have TICS. Or try to use Battleforce, a larger scale encounter with 60secs/round Posted Image

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 18 May 2021 - 04:17 PM.

#158 KursedVixen


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 04:45 PM

View Postjonomy, on 18 May 2021 - 01:28 PM, said:

This worked! Glad I managed to get through to page 7 of the very interesting discussions - I felt like I was on a 1982 BBS in a user group talking about goat cheese.

Headed to play a couple matches - now that I can fix my Jenners/Stalkers. This would have been worth a mention in the patch notes (hint to staff)
This will happen any time PGI changes values or slots on a mech. it happend to my kit fox when they removed jump jets

#159 DOMV2


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 04:48 PM

Thanks for all the work put into these updates. Changes look to be trending in a very positive direction.
The new Canyon gives the opportunity for a lot more styles of play. It is infinitely more friendly for mechs that can not jump or run up a shear wall. For Assault Mechs getting a bad spawn location or falling off the edge of a valley is no longer a sure fire death sentence just because you are stuck in the valley.

Looking forward to the incremental changes going forward that make it more enjoyable for a wider variety of players.

So great job!

#160 Alstren


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 05:22 PM


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