As it turns out I have at least 1 mech in each of the eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1,
have just played 1-2 games for each of below mechs, and preliminary comments as below:
1. Assaults/Heavy: Mobility Pass #1 is brilliant!
Can turn much quicker, torso twist is much faster especially for Assaults!
Acceleration is noticeably quicker.
In short, it's a joy to play within this Mobility Pass #1.
Torso Pitch is much better. But then again enemies can also Torso Pitch and hit you back, especially on HPG Manifold upper platform. Interesting new tactics involved now.
KDK-SB with MASC buffed (April'21 Weapons/Eqpt Pass #1), I finally feel I can use this mech's MASC in a meaningful manner! Cauldron was wise: the KDK-SB still cannot meaningfully MASC accelerate for trades (aka Spirit Bear pre-Engine-Desync). So "no" to Spirit Bear 2.0 if you know what I mean.
Timber Wolf is a joy to use again! Thank you!!
I'm now tempted to buy TBR-Prime(I) from Clan Wave 1

Also looking forward to the Warden Booster Pack's TBR-BH(S)!
Atlas Kraken AS7-KR. I have also piloted this.
Also very satisfied with the mobility changes, especially the Torso Twist and Anchor Turn speeds!
Night Gyr NTG-JK has been one of my favorite mechs; it's fun!
NTG-JK mobility is much better than before; I am very satisfied!
I do not understand why other players (
before this May-2021-Mobillity-Patch-#1) are complaining.
I am very satisfied with NTG-JK new-found mobility.
2. Medium/Lights
The mobility buff for Medium/Lights is not nearly as dramatic.
But hopefully Cauldron can find a raison d'etre for Mediums.
Mediums in the year 2020 was stuck in neverland: Not as fast/mobile as Lights, and not enough armour to take on the Heavy mechs.
Proposal: Perhaps Cauldron can consider to
dramatically increase the Anchor Turn Speed for Medium mechs?
==>Result: Medium cannot outrun Lights, but can still outflank them due to greater Anchor Turn Speed.
==>Result: Medium cannot outgun Heavy, and Medium has less armor, but Medium can run circles around Heavy and outflank Heavy due to greater Anchor Turn Speed.
ie: Lights run a high speed strafe at Medium, and then Medium does QUICK Anchor Turn to hit back at the Light mech in the back. Medium becomes the "counter-punch" style vs Lights.
Result of this above proposal:
Lights have higher speed.
Mediums have increased Anchor Turn Speed for flanking both Lights and Heavy.
3. OK, so you are saying that I'm satisfied with
all eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1.
This is true. I'm currently commenting in a vacuum, with nothing else to compare it to.
******The key point is, how are these eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1 perform against each other (all with Mobility tweaks)?
(ie: How about playtesting
before and
after this May'2021 Mobility Pass #1 patch: Atlas vs Night Gyr?)
******The key point is, how are these eight (8) mech chassis involved in this Mobility Pass #1 perform against all other mechs which were
not involved in this Mobility Pass #1?
The coming weeks would be crucial in exploring above two questions, in determining the Mobility Pass #2 for June'2021.
4. As an aside, I personally pity whoever has the job of patch note writeup for the upcoming June'2021 Mobility Pass #2. Detailed mobility changes vs previous for
each mech chassis and its variants?
Major work involved (thanks MWO/PGI !).
Edited by w0qj, 18 May 2021 - 01:39 PM.