Hey guys,
When I created this post it had nothing to do with whether we should keep soup que as it is now or seperate the ques like we did in the past. Population is still too low, and allowing people to play with their friends needs to ALWAYS be an option, as has been discussed here, to get more people to play the game, and keep player retention. Removing that would be a disaster.
Khobai, Ash, Leone, LordNothing, and everyone else in this thread ( sorry cant remember or type EVERYONES name! dont hate me! hee hee! ) you have all made excellent points and have contributed to an excellent discussion regarding MWO.
I honestly believe everyone in this thread has a good point, and all I wanted was an 8vs8 option added to the game.
If its 8vs8 solo Q great lets do it.
If its 8vs8 and it has the option to que up with your friends, and have that as a main feature for the game, im all for it. Not a real group que but lets add the option to que with just 2 or 4 people with the added option of solo's opting in.That way the biggest group is only 4 ( which is what we have already in solo Q ) and hopefully people will enjoy it as it is alot more fun and casual then the usual 12vs12 imo.
I mostly want 8vs8 back just for the fun of it, and I miss the good old days where people would take medium brawling mechs more often and just have at it. There is something fun and nostalgic about not taking this game seriously. Its only for fun.
That being said, you guys have shed light on the fact that keeping players happy and dropping with your friends is the absolute most important feature to keep in this game, so I highly doubt a 12vs12 full on group que will ever work again. You all have pointed out the reasons, and it makes sense.
Lets be positive and just enjoy the game for what it is, and whilst I would like a pure solo Q, I dont think its a possibility due to player retention, and playing with your friends being so important, no, THE MOST IMPORTANT feature we need to keep in this game. Lets face it, were enjoying higher population now, but still no where near other AAA games, and if we get rid of people being able to casually play and drop with friends, honestly the game will just end up worse than it is.
Edited by Lonewolf71, 08 June 2021 - 08:57 AM.