I recently (like january) started playing MWO coming from MW5 coming from HBS BT, and I find that MWO does do alot of things better than WoT (at least for me):
1. Monetization
I don't feel like I'm being gouged for money at every corner. I don't feel like I "need" to spend money in order to "Afford" to play the mechs I want - this, tied into the fact there is no "tech tree" means I can far more easily play the mech I want to play
Cosmetics are a bit overpriced, but otherwise, MWO's monetization feels fair.
2. Balance and customization
(Almost surely thanks to The Cauldron), MWO's meta feels far more varied, with alot more builds that are "viable" than WOT.
I mean, the difference between "meme" and "meta" is far smaller in MWO than in WOT.
WOT ranked meta has devolved into the same ~6 or so fast heavies and mediums with impenetrable turrets and 1 light that just makes other lights obsolete.
In MWO, I'm seeing alot of variety, even between mechs of the same chassis and variant.
With MWO, there is such good customization that on some mechs (such as my previous Catapult K2) I can't decide on whats the best build because so many feel viable, where as with WOT there is rarely more than 1 way to play a tank.
What do you guys think? For me, in all aspects (outside of graphics), MWO does what WOT did for me but better in all regards.
It just lacks the content creation community WOT had - Quickybaby, World of Lols, I haven't really found an exact equivalent for MWO.
Edited by Andrewlik, 27 October 2021 - 11:40 AM.