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Mwoconfig - Cryengine Config Editor For Mwo

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#21 La Reine


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Posted 06 January 2022 - 02:28 PM

Tweaking the settings your mentioned indeed helped. Many thanks!

I more or less got rid of the flickering problem on most maps, just the Solaris one seems to be pretty unsolvable.

For some settings in MWOConfig, the tooltips are a bit misleading or just very hard to understand. I would offer to go over the texts and maybe help with improving them. Unfortunately, I saw that the texts are contained in MWOConfigDB.db, a binary file. If you somehow put them in a text file, I could make a pull request on GitHub.

#22 Havoc Lamperouge


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Posted 08 January 2022 - 05:33 PM

Do we know of a hardware configuration that can run everything on maximum?

#23 justcallme A S H


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Posted 08 January 2022 - 05:41 PM

View PostHavoc Lamperouge, on 08 January 2022 - 05:33 PM, said:

Do we know of a hardware configuration that can run everything on maximum?

Anything recent can run it.

What your definition of 'run' is will be the guiding for the answer.

I can run everything on max with my 8700k @ 4.7ghz I just have to accept I'm not going to get 80-120FPS if I do.

#24 ForkTheSpoonWrecker


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Posted 10 January 2022 - 09:43 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 15 December 2021 - 01:33 PM, said:

There's those settings. They work but i never found a performance impact when using them (values in brackets are default):

;[3]   How many frames till we update the AMS.
;[3]   How many frames till we update the ECM.
;[3]  How many frames till we update the stealth armour.
;[2]   How many frames till we update the target doll
;[3]  How many text warnings to update per frame
;[2]   How many frames till we update the compass marker
;[2]   How many frames till we update the engine.
;[2]  How many frames till we update the heading.
;[2]  How many frames till we update the heat.
;[2] How many frames till we update the throttle.
;[3] How many frames till we update the weapons (on the right panel only ?).

Thats odd, the damn hud is one of the things that robs the most FPS in this game. Hud off usually leads to 10-20% better FPS with my r5 5600x and RX6800.

#25 ForkTheSpoonWrecker


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Posted 10 January 2022 - 09:53 AM

Is there a way to have the game always render simple terrain. I have it working partially but flickers from one to the other due to LOD.

Here's an example of what I mean. https://ibb.co/8bVd3pV
and how it usually looks https://ibb.co/WzcLB6B

Edited by ForkTheSp00nWrecker, 10 January 2022 - 09:56 AM.

#26 MrVaad


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Posted 10 January 2022 - 11:22 AM

View PostForkTheSp00nWrecker, on 10 January 2022 - 09:53 AM, said:

Is there a way to have the game always render simple terrain. I have it working partially but flickers from one to the other due to LOD.

Here's an example of what I mean. https://ibb.co/8bVd3pV
and how it usually looks https://ibb.co/WzcLB6B

It's not terrain in your screenshots, these are 3D objects like buildings, bridges, rocks, etc.
You need to raise or lower "object level of detail distance" (which increase/decrease the distance where objects switch to the next lod model). Cryengine name in the cfg is "e_lodratio"

#27 Meep Meep


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Posted 10 January 2022 - 09:55 PM

I've been messing around with the config file and this seems to have cleared up the most problematic texture and terrain pop in. Some maps still have a bit but I guess that is a map level issue not solved with xml tweaks.

Copy paste this into your user.cfg file replacing the existing entries. Forgot to add in this is most likely going to need a reasonably beefy system. Running a 10600k and 1080ti with no issues at 4k 60 with plenty of fps overhead(171 fps no vsync) so it should be fine for slightly older stuff especially at lower resolutions. If not then reduce the lod settings MrVaad pointed out until you reach your target fps as it will still generally give you a nice image quality boost over vanilla max settings.

e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 4096
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 4096

Edited by Meep Meep, 28 January 2023 - 12:14 AM.

#28 MrVaad


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 10:54 AM

View PostMeep Meep, on 10 January 2022 - 09:55 PM, said:

sys_job_system_max_worker=6 ;Change this to the amount of physical cores on your cpu.

Please be very carefull and warn people when posting config files that you've messed with (if it's for a beefy pc for example).

e_LodCompMaxSize=255 will likely make all big objects never switch to a lower model even at the other end of the map (huge rocks, buildings, bridges, some mountains).

Same with e_LodRatio=255, you're using a value ten times bigger than very high, any objects will likely never switch to the next lower level of detail even at the other end of the map.

And sys_job_system_max_worker uses the number of cpu threads (not cores), setting 0 let the game use your number of cpu threads.

e_LodsForceUse=1 force the engine to load all level of details models for an object (from the most detailed to the less detailed), without checking if each level is usefull (ie not different enough from the higher detailed model)

Edited by MrVaad, 11 January 2022 - 11:15 AM.

#29 Meep Meep


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 10:58 AM

I know what those do but thanks for the warning. I have no performance issues with those settings and it runs a steady locked 60 on all maps now with almost no pop in and the game looks fantastic now at 4k. I did the sys job line because it solved a stuttering issue that comes back if I set it to zero.

edit; The reasoning for the extreme lod settings is that the game is optimized for hardware almost a decade old and has never been updated for modern systems so even on max the lodding is fairly awful. Since I have a modern pc I decided to push the lodding to the engines limits to see if it helped with the visuals and yes indeed it did. The devs or what is left of them need to do a quick and dirty edit themselves since they will have access to settings we can't reach and they can be more fine tuned about it instead of the brute force approach I took.


View PostMrVaad, on 11 January 2022 - 10:54 AM, said:

e_LodsForceUse=1 force the engine to load all level of details models for an object (from the most detailed to the less detailed), without checking if each level is usefull (ie not different enough from the higher detailed model)

Ah you added this in after I replied. The reason for this is that on some maps brute forcing maximum lod range makes some terrain and object disappear or flicker since they don't seem to have a max lod entity. So I had to force load all lod levels so they would show up.

Edited by Meep Meep, 12 January 2022 - 02:18 PM.

#30 Seelenlos


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 01:04 PM

View PostMrVaad, on 11 January 2022 - 10:54 AM, said:

Please be very carefull and warn people when posting config files that you've messed with (if it's for a beefy pc for example).

e_LodCompMaxSize=255 will likely make all big objects never switch to a lower model even at the other end of the map (huge rocks, buildings, bridges, some mountains).

Same with e_LodRatio=255, you're using a value ten times bigger than very high, any objects will likely never switch to the next lower level of detail even at the other end of the map.

And sys_job_system_max_worker uses the number of cpu threads (not cores), setting 0 let the game use your number of cpu threads.

e_LodsForceUse=1 force the engine to load all level of details models for an object (from the most detailed to the less detailed), without checking if each level is usefull (ie not different enough from the higher detailed model)

View PostMeep Meep, on 11 January 2022 - 10:58 AM, said:

I know what those do but thanks for the warning. I have no performance issues with those settings and it runs a steady locked 60 on all maps now with almost no pop in and the game looks fantastic now at 4k. I did the sys job line because it solved a stuttering issue that comes back if I set it to zero.

edit; The reasoning for the extreme lod settings is that the game is optimized for hardware almost a decade old and has never been updated for modern systems so even on max the lodding is fairly awful. Since I have a modern pc I decided to push the lodding to the engines limits to see if it helped with the visuals and yes indeed it did. The devs or what is left of them need to do a quick and dirty edit themselves since they will have access to settings we can't reach and they can be more fine tuned about it instead of the brute force approach I took.

First Thanks for the Settings.
Exactly what I want from a game !!!

Show me every object at any distance, but maybe with reduced settings.


Sorry Mr. Vaad but this time you pushing on the wrong person!

Not the settings OVERLOAD is Meep Meeps Mistake, only no description.

But the OVERLOAD is exactly what some wants even no bad systems.

I LOVE ALPINE, By this time half MWO-Team and Forum must know that, but every time I see the Mountains get blurred or flatten i want to vomit !!!

THIS should NEVER (and not NOT) happen in any game I say I am addicted to play!

The moment ANY Dev starts to think for me on that I get VOMIT. IT IS NOT OTHERS CHOICE.

Show everything, and on low level degrade the details but not fully avoid them !!!!

That should be possible with any game from 2010 afterwards ....

So on this I think you (both) should describe THESE special settings and maybe tweak around them for the rest of us (as it seems you both seem to have the brains, the time and the ability to do that) for the rest of us noobs ;)

Best Thx and regards

#31 Seelenlos


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 01:12 PM

By the way,

anyone knows a way to make the GAME-START afer login faster?

Why must PGI force the download from Internet that much?

Is there a way to bypass or CACHE that thing MORE?

I have PrimoCache, but even this piece of GENUITY can not help MWO go faster to Start-Screen to rejoin a Match after Crash!!!


#32 ForkTheSpoonWrecker


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 06:02 PM

View PostSeelenlos, on 11 January 2022 - 01:12 PM, said:

By the way,

anyone knows a way to make the GAME-START afer login faster?

Why must PGI force the download from Internet that much?

Is there a way to bypass or CACHE that thing MORE?

I have PrimoCache, but even this piece of GENUITY can not help MWO go faster to Start-Screen to rejoin a Match after Crash!!!


Do you have the no vid mod when launching the game?

#33 Seelenlos


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Posted 12 January 2022 - 11:38 AM

View PostForkTheSp00nWrecker, on 11 January 2022 - 06:02 PM, said:

Do you have the no vid mod when launching the game?

What is the no vid mode????

cfg or another additional mod ??


#34 Meep Meep


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Posted 12 January 2022 - 02:14 PM

View PostSeelenlos, on 11 January 2022 - 01:04 PM, said:

First Thanks for the Settings.
Exactly what I want from a game !!!

Show me every object at any distance, but maybe with reduced settings.

Even with the tweaked user.cfg you need to turn everything to very high except for post processing which can be turned to low if you want the best image quality with no blurring and depth of field effects. Sadly xml edits don't have enough granularity to have both huge render distances and lower settings due to the quirks of the cryengine. If somehow the game could be ported to ue4 it would allow for much much easier tweaking on the user side but eh thats a pipe dream at this point. Best we can hope for is a bit of dev time to go over the existing settings and buff them up a bit so that modern systems can benefit. In many ways its just better lodding thats needed as the textures and effects are still fine and that should be a fairly easy fix even for a single person as long as they have dev access to the core code.

Hey MrVaad maybe you want to offer your services on this side of things much like the cauldron crew is doing for balance? We would certainly shower you will kudos for your efforts and who knows what a patreon account would collect? Posted Image

#35 ForkTheSpoonWrecker


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Posted 12 January 2022 - 05:20 PM

View PostSeelenlos, on 12 January 2022 - 11:38 AM, said:

What is the no vid mode????

cfg or another additional mod ??


Just an additional file that stops those videos from loading


View PostMeep Meep, on 12 January 2022 - 02:14 PM, said:

Even with the tweaked user.cfg you need to turn everything to very high except for post processing which can be turned to low if you want the best image quality with no blurring and depth of field effects. Sadly xml edits don't have enough granularity to have both huge render distances and lower settings due to the quirks of the cryengine. If somehow the game could be ported to ue4 it would allow for much much easier tweaking on the user side but eh thats a pipe dream at this point. Best we can hope for is a bit of dev time to go over the existing settings and buff them up a bit so that modern systems can benefit. In many ways its just better lodding thats needed as the textures and effects are still fine and that should be a fairly easy fix even for a single person as long as they have dev access to the core code.

Hey MrVaad maybe you want to offer your services on this side of things much like the cauldron crew is doing for balance? We would certainly shower you will kudos for your efforts and who knows what a patreon account would collect? Posted Image

Oddly enough, running your settings gives me more stable FPS than trying to run it with most things off. The only thing that does kill the FPS with your settings is water. So i just toned down that aspect and mostly stable fps close to 120 with a r5 5600x and rx6800 at 3840x1200

#36 Seelenlos


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Posted 13 January 2022 - 10:05 AM

View PostForkTheSp00nWrecker, on 12 January 2022 - 05:20 PM, said:

Just an additional file that stops those videos from loading


Oddly enough, running your settings gives me more stable FPS than trying to run it with most things off. The only thing that does kill the FPS with your settings is water. So i just toned down that aspect and mostly stable fps close to 120 with a r5 5600x and rx6800 at 3840x1200


interestingly I get the best results from MrVaad and MeepMeep Mix, which MrVaad described !
So it seems still each system reacts differently on PGIs setting! << - > route of the Problem.

PGI invests too much time on MW5. They should allocate the team for 2 Months (after asking the helpers like Coulderan and MrVaad, MeepMeep and other who lend their helping hands when to do those 2 months) back to MWO and make a little optimization.

Maybe would not help PGI but will help us ! Posted Image

Edited by Seelenlos, 13 January 2022 - 10:05 AM.

#37 Meep Meep


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Posted 13 January 2022 - 01:57 PM

Updated the config with some new variables that deal with the texture lodding the settings in MrVaads configurator didn't address. Still a teensy bit of it left mainly when you first load into the map but after that barely any texture pop in. Surprisingly vram usage didn't spike at all only going up a tiny bit which might have to do with the preload options already having them in memory. I also installed mwo on my old gaming pc with an i5 4670k and gtx 960 4gb and it runs perfectly at 1080p with this config so older hardware should be fine with it as long as you keep the resolution reasonable.

edit; I will add that the changes don't actually do all that much on a 24" 1080p panel vs a 58" 4k panel given how much larger the image is on 4k where you can see every little detail and greeble. Hell I don't even notice the bad lodding for the most part on the small screen. Guess I have been gaming on big screens for too long and become a snob.. Posted Image

Edited by Meep Meep, 13 January 2022 - 02:21 PM.

#38 Meep Meep


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Posted 21 January 2022 - 12:13 AM

Final update to the config in the earlier post. Fiddled around for a few days on every map using the testing grounds and this is as close as I can get it to max details without any glitches. Hellbore outpost still has some texture flickering at the very edges of the map but thats true with or without the tweaks. But otherwise all terrain and objects should be fully rendered with the max details.

#39 Seelenlos


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Posted 22 January 2022 - 03:32 PM

There seems to be one downside:
When in mech selection screen, the caching makes the game stutter more over time and scroll down the page.

Any now and then I must now restart the client (not every time, but happend 4 times now.

Just a warning as MrVaad hinted before.

#40 justcallme A S H


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Posted 22 January 2022 - 03:35 PM

View PostMeep Meep, on 12 January 2022 - 02:14 PM, said:

Hey MrVaad maybe you want to offer your services on this side of things much like the cauldron crew is doing for balance? We would certainly shower you will kudos for your efforts and who knows what a patreon account would collect? Posted Image

He is already in the Cauldron and has put forward some great suggestions to PGI.

Like all things - it is dependant on resources.

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