Gas Guzzler, on 20 February 2022 - 09:17 AM, said:
You know what they say about opinions!

So let's close the forum and hold our opinions to ourselves ?!
NPC SLAYER, on 20 February 2022 - 10:57 AM, said:
All Variants:
Increased CT armor to +33 (from +23)
Increased LT, RT armor to +26 (from +16)
Added -25% Crit chance receiving
Seen some Orion IIC A variant SLAUGHTER last night by the SLAY guys : It was beautiful !!!

SockSlayer, on 20 February 2022 - 01:39 PM, said:
Looks like the flamer conclusion is in as of last post, needs abit more damage or range, but heat is perfect. In my experience, just adding 10m makes the difference, so make it 100m, and make damage 0.35 to 0.7, and you've got a weapon that while still best against energy using mechs, it won't leave you completely hanging against machine gun mechs.
You know the ACH-E we got via some Free Mech Event last year ??
I have been playing with it for a couple of days with 6 x LMG and 3 x Flamer and if you are in the right team and push enough it's almost EVIL
So I am not sure if you should enhance those badboys... ?!
Big-G, on 20 February 2022 - 02:27 PM, said:
Thanks, although I don't actively go out of my way of collecting (S) and (C) variants, I might start looking into these when I've done skilling all of my 693 mechs I currently own

Thank you for keeping the game alive! LOL!

w0qj, on 20 February 2022 - 06:12 PM, said:
But I do collect (S) and (C) variants; it's an addictive habit

A lot of (S) mechs are great at laser vomit; back in the day lasers were in the vogue!
And you too!
Next on my list: MAD-IIC(S), RFL-IIC(S), and MAL-1R( R) with 4x AC5

Also BAS-A(C), MAD-9M(C), JVN-11A(C), ANH-1A(C) !
IMHO the MAL-MX90 is a BEAST with 6 x AC/5 that just slaughters everything in front of them!

Voice of Kerensky, on 20 February 2022 - 11:17 PM, said:
I'm not sure if this psyllium leaf will bring streaks back to the battlefield.
Streaks are already very good when used correctly!
For example take the HSN-8P that was a Free Mech via an Event some time ago :
- 1 x Light PPC
- 1 x TAG
- 5 x Stream SRM 2
- LFE Engine
And all your Light Mechs are belong to us!

I have fallen in love with the little dude thanks to this setup!