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Patch Notes - - 22-February-2022

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#21 Weeny Machine


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 01:12 AM

View PostGweNTLeR, on 18 February 2022 - 11:43 PM, said:

Ac5 family buffs? This sounds OP.
Nice lighting update BTW

Considering the lasers, the changes to AC/5s was a logical step. In the overall picture, though, it is another power creep. The TTK will go down again. If this goes on we soon play Battlefield Online

Also, it further promotes "bigger = better" because heavies and assaults can effectively boat AC/5s

The life of lights and mediumns will be even worse now. Fast pinpoint damage with a good range and low heat.

Point is: there should be some defensive improvement, not just offensive ones, especially for light and medium mechs, like: when they move at a certain speed they get a damage reduction of X%. This would promote mobility again as well and not just trench warfare...which will get even worse now

Edited by Weeny Machine, 19 February 2022 - 01:16 AM.

#22 Angrius Windstorm


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 03:44 AM

I appreciate the changes for maps, i don't know if it really needs to be done with Forest Classic though.

The quirk passes are much appreciated. They have all been pretty decent so far.

Regarding the roadmap, we have been promised much before. There is hype, a few things done, then nothing. And the cycle continues. Monthly devlogss anyone? So I no longer listen to promises from PGI. However...............I am happy that there is a devlog roadmap coming out and I hope it is released, but not holding out for anything in the future. I guess that if you are not going to keep your promises PGI, better to not say that you will be doing so. Not salty, but it's there.

I will be pre-ordering the Bloodname pack. I love me a good Summoner and Kitfox.

#23 Staude Coston


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 03:59 AM

THX 265 tons on Clan side in FP
irony off

#24 Horseman


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 05:41 AM

View Postjarien13, on 18 February 2022 - 04:05 PM, said:

I can understand no hand actuators on that trial Kit Fox, but why no lowers? All the weapons in the arms, and gimped weapon mobility... of course, it's an ammo starved SRM Kit Fox ignoring the set-of-8 ammo bonus for a couple JJ on a slow, paper-armor-light, so..., anyway, nothing to see here I suppose.

Yeah, So8 + LAA + 4xASRM6 is the way to go with the -D

#25 katoult


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 06:31 AM

So who came up with that overheat trap of a trialmech?

(ARC-2R(C) of course, though the HMN-Prime isn't far behind in being unusable in that build without heat nodes or coolshots)

Edited by katoult, 19 February 2022 - 06:32 AM.

#26 jonomy


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 06:46 AM

Lots of quirks on lots of mechs this month. I'll be looking over inventory to refit/retry some old favorites. Thanks.

#27 Krasnopesky


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:05 AM

View PostHorseman, on 19 February 2022 - 05:41 AM, said:

Yeah, So8 + LAA + 4xASRM6 is the way to go with the -D

The So8 isn't as important as JJs on the build, as I wrote before the ammo quirks are in the side torsos not the so8. The arm and hand actuators should be there and will be added.

#28 w0qj


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:10 AM

1. Propose all Champion mechs to have: +20% CBills bonus, and +30% XP bonus
==>MWO/PGI gets recurring source of income
==>Players may be willing to pay for these also!

2. My own shopping list of Champion Mechs as below!
MCII-B (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
FLE-20 (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
COR-7A (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
KDK-3 (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
AS7-D-DC (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
BAS-A (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP) ==> Done; thank you for listening!
BAS-B (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
FNR-5B (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)
FNR-5 (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP)<== not everyone can get (S) variant
ANH-1A (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP) ==> Done; thank you for listening!
KGC-000 (modified Champion +20% C-Bills, +30% XP) <== not everyone can get (L) variant
...~MAD-9M ==> Done; thank you for listening!

#29 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:25 AM

View PostGweNTLeR, on 18 February 2022 - 11:43 PM, said:

Ac5 family buffs? This sounds OP.

Does it though? To me it seems like AC5s have been pretty underwhelming lately. Ultras were okay but only when paired with Ultra 10s. Otherwise you are better off boating 2s.

#30 Krasnopesky


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:26 AM

View Postkatoult, on 19 February 2022 - 06:31 AM, said:

So who came up with that overheat trap of a trialmech?

(ARC-2R(C) of course, though the HMN-Prime isn't far behind in being unusable in that build without heat nodes or coolshots)

I did.

The 5 SL by themselves are completely heat neutral with 13 DHS on the hottest map while moving at top speed.

The 3x LRM15 load-out has 10 sustained DPS and it takes 13.1 staggered alphas of the LRM15s to overheat on a heat neutral map while stationary. That's 585 damage potential before overheat from the LRM alphas and you can always defend yourself against 'Mechs that manage to close within the LRM minimum range.

Of course if someone just continually alpha strikes all the weapons all the time it will be hot, but a very important aspect of this game is managing heat and understanding when to shoot weapons (i.e. don't shoot SL outside of maximum range, don't shoot LRMs inside of minimum range).

While it isn't the coldest build it is definitely usable from my play-testing.

Edited by Krasnopesky, 19 February 2022 - 09:20 AM.

#31 w0qj


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:32 AM

A big thank you for designing these Champion mechs; it's the first Champion mechs we've had in years!

Very excited by these; I'll definitely be buying these Champion mechs when they come up for sale:
and very likely buy more than a few others from this new batch of 16 Champion mechs! ;)

View PostKrasnopesky, on 19 February 2022 - 08:26 AM, said:

...The 5 SL by themselves are completely heat neutral with 13 DHS on the hottest map while moving at top speed.

The 3x LRM15 loadout has 10 sustained DPS and it takes 13.1 staggered alphas of the LRM15s to overheat on a heat neutral map while stationary. That's 585 damage potential before overheat from the LRM alphas and you can always defend your self against Mechs that manage to close within the LRM minimum range.

Of course if someone just continually alpha strikes all the weapons all the time it will be hot, but a very important aspect of this game is managing heat and understanding when to shoot weapons (i.e. don't shoot SL outside of maximum range, don't shoot LRMs inside of minimum range).

While it isn't the coldest build it is definitely usable from my playtesting.

#32 Horseman


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:35 AM

View Postw0qj, on 19 February 2022 - 08:10 AM, said:

1. Propose all Champion mechs to have: +20% CBills bonus, and +30% XP bonus
==>MWO/PGI gets recurring source of income
==>Players may be willing to pay for these also!

TBH the XP bonus is trash. Just give them a C-Bill bonus and call it a day.

#33 Roodkapje


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 09:08 AM

View PostG2SC, on 18 February 2022 - 06:07 PM, said:

Added UAC20 HSL +1


+1 Posted Image

My TROLOLOL build of the FREE MCII-B that we could get some months ago with Dual UAC20 and Dual ER LARGE LASER and Single Streak 4 turned out te be VERY GOOD and now has become even BETTER!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

(I already had one with the usual UAC5/UAC10 setup Posted Image )

View PostWeeny Machine, on 19 February 2022 - 01:12 AM, said:

In the overall picture, though, it is another power creep. The TTK will go down again. If this goes on we soon play Battlefield Online

I fear the same thing because there are already way too many Call of Duty style players in MWO while most real fans of the whole Mech universe have been asking for a gameplay that suits a longer TTK instead of a shorter one! Posted Image

The gameplay has already shifted towards long range battles and a lot more camping instead of brawling battles which has lead to LURM and PPC SPAM Posted Image

View Postkatoult, on 19 February 2022 - 06:31 AM, said:

So who came up with that overheat trap of a trialmech?

(ARC-2R(C) of course, though the HMN-Prime isn't far behind in being unusable in that build without heat nodes or coolshots)

View PostKrasnopesky, on 19 February 2022 - 08:26 AM, said:

I did.

The 5 SL by themselves are completely heat neutral with 13 DHS on the hottest map while moving at top speed.

The 3x LRM15 loadout has 10 sustained DPS and it takes 13.1 staggered alphas of the LRM15s to overheat on a heat neutral map while stationary. That's 585 damage potential before overheat from the LRM alphas and you can always defend your self against Mechs that manage to close within the LRM minimum range.

Of course if someone just continually alpha strikes all the weapons all the time it will be hot, but a very important aspect of this game is managing heat and understanding when to shoot weapons (i.e. don't shoot SL outside of maximum range, don't shoot LRMs inside of minimum range).

While it isn't the coldest build it is definitely usable from my playtesting.

But why promote LURM gameplay and not give it a nice Dual MRM 20/30 setup or Triple MRM10 instead ?! Posted Image

The Archer 2R and Tempest are such good mechs when combined with 6 x ML and some MRM next to them! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

View Postw0qj, on 19 February 2022 - 08:10 AM, said:

1. Propose all Champion mechs to have: +20% CBills bonus, and +30% XP bonus
==>MWO/PGI gets recurring source of income
==>Players may be willing to pay for these also!

I agree with this a lot more :

View PostHorseman, on 19 February 2022 - 08:35 AM, said:

TBH the XP bonus is trash. Just give them a C-Bill bonus and call it a day.

All that XP you can earn can't be transferred to another variant of the same chassis so why bother with a XP Bonus at all ?!

Especially when you see a lot of players struggle with their amount of C-Bills ?!

#34 D V Devnull


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 09:26 AM

Dangit... Why am I always late to a new Patch Notes discussion? ARGH!!! :blink:

At least Streak SRMs and Clan ATMs appear to be getting a small measure of kindness... I can think of someone I know who will not be wrenching my head off so much after the 2022 February v1.4.251.0 Patch... :wacko:

View PostBuenaventura, on 18 February 2022 - 05:05 PM, said:

Would be better if you removed this piece of **** and it's stupid clone from the rotation again. I really, really hate this map.

EXCUSE ME... Unfortunately for you, some of us actually like having Classic Maps return, given how the game's design has changed over time! I definitely want Forest Colony Classic to stick around for some time to come. :angry:

View PostScout Derek, on 18 February 2022 - 08:27 PM, said:





We do NOT need things to reach the point of over-abuse, so... NO. :P

As it is, I suspect someone in the Top Tiers was over-abusing Clan ER Large Lasers during this last month or two. That's the only thing which can explain a sudden major full point jump in the Ghost Heat Penalty Multiplier happening. Sadly, I wish that when those adjustments are made, they would be done slightly more incrementally as it affects people much more significantly (as in, extremely) down in Tier 3 through Tier 5 areas. <_<

View PostNavid A1, on 18 February 2022 - 08:34 PM, said:

We can follow up on lower arm and hand actuators for that next month.

Agreed that it will for sure need those.

Definitely include the Hand Actuators please! Poor little Kit Fox just does not look right without them. ;)

View PostHawk819, on 18 February 2022 - 08:48 PM, said:

What?! No views on the forthcoming map inspired by Emerald Taiga??

That one is entirely up to Francois to choose whether or not to operate as Mark Nicholson has been doing. But right now, nobody knows if Francois even has a Forum ID to operate with. This prevents anyone from having an idea as to whether or not we could even have such a Map Design discussion. Frankly (no pun intended), I do wish Francois would engage the Community here in the Forums so that we could all co-exist better. :unsure:

View Postkatoult, on 19 February 2022 - 06:31 AM, said:

So who came up with that overheat trap of a trialmech?

(ARC-2R(C) of course, though the HMN-Prime isn't far behind in being unusable in that build without heat nodes or coolshots)

View PostKrasnopesky, on 19 February 2022 - 08:26 AM, said:

I did.

The 5 SL by themselves are completely heat neutral with 13 DHS on the hottest map while moving at top speed.

The 3x LRM15 loadout has 10 sustained DPS and it takes 13.1 staggered alphas of the LRM15s to overheat on a heat neutral map while stationary. That's 585 damage potential before overheat from the LRM alphas and you can always defend your self against Mechs that manage to close within the LRM minimum range.

Of course if someone just continually alpha strikes all the weapons all the time it will be hot, but a very important aspect of this game is managing heat and understanding when to shoot weapons (i.e. don't shoot SL outside of maximum range, don't shoot LRMs inside of minimum range).

While it isn't the coldest build it is definitely usable from my playtesting.

Hello there, Krasnopesky... You almost have a perfectly nice build for the ARC-2R(C) going on there. The choice of Small Lasers appears to be a refreshing idea. Unfortunately, it is missing one EXTREMELY important thing in the Loadout. There should be a Beagle Active Probe loaded somewhere in there, and the Arms should be better armored than they currently are set to be. While you personally (Note: These thoughts are NOT a personal attack, only a comparative.) might be able to always position and twist-shield perfectly, other people who would start out with using this Mech's design likely will not have anywhere near that level of knowledge or luck. They'll also likely find the amount of LRM Ammo to be a death trap which constantly undermines them, because not everyone can always avoid an Enemy ECM going on from another fight nearby, and the TAG is rendered basically inoperable when an Enemy ECM gets too close to its' user. This therefore makes having the BAP in the Loadout rather mandatory, lest the Mech be rendered worthless at ranges longer than the 200 Meter zone. I think we can agree that ARC-2R(C) Loadout could therefore use a tweak by the time of the March 2022 Patch happening, right? :mellow:

And with my thoughts on the upcoming Patch v1.4.251.0 posted, I'll get moving now. Hopefully this next month of MWO gameplay will end up being reasonably fun, regardless of any hiccups which might be bubbling around right now. B)

~D. V. "dropping their hot take on the 2022-02 Patch v1.4.251.0 here" Devnull

#35 Krasnopesky


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 09:27 AM

View PostHorseman, on 19 February 2022 - 08:35 AM, said:

TBH the XP bonus is trash. Just give them a C-Bill bonus and call it a day.

My suggestion to PGI was just make the Champion(C) 'Mechs give full GXP rather than bonus XP. That way you could use them to help skill up other 'Mechs.

View PostRoodkapje, on 19 February 2022 - 09:08 AM, said:

But why promote LURM gameplay and not give it a nice Dual MRM 20/30 setup or Triple MRM10 instead ?! Posted Image

The Archer 2R and Tempest are such good mechs when combined with 6 x ML and some MRM next to them! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

The goal of trial 'Mechs is to provide a large variety of different builds and play-styles so new players can discover for themselves what they like. Some players enjoy playing LRMs and I wanted to build them a 'Mech to try that play-style out.

You will notice that many of the builds are distinct from one another, as there is already an IS MRM Heavy 'Mech with backup lasers so I didn't see much point in creating a similar build.

#36 D V Devnull


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 09:33 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 19 February 2022 - 09:27 AM, said:

My suggestion to PGI was just make the Champion(C) 'Mechs give full GXP rather than bonus XP. That way you could use them to help skill up other 'Mechs.

That's a fine (albeit radical) thought regarding GXP (General XP) which you have there. Any chance I could ask you to make a Thread in the "Support & Feedback > Feature Suggestions" (https://mwomercs.com/forums/forum/35-feature-suggestions/) area about this??? You most certainly would have my SUPPORT on the issue!!! :D

~D. V. "Really does Like your idea of Major GXP on (C)-type Mechs" Devnull

#37 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 09:52 AM

View PostRoodkapje, on 19 February 2022 - 09:08 AM, said:

+1 Posted Image

My TROLOLOL build of the FREE MCII-B that we could get some months ago with Dual UAC20 and Dual ER LARGE LASER and Single Streak 4 turned out te be VERY GOOD and now has become even BETTER!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

(I already had one with the usual UAC5/UAC10 setup Posted Image )

I fear the same thing because there are already way too many Call of Duty style players in MWO while most real fans of the whole Mech universe have been asking for a gameplay that suits a longer TTK instead of a shorter one! Posted Image

The gameplay has already shifted towards long range battles and a lot more camping instead of brawling battles which has lead to LURM and PPC SPAM Posted Image

I feel like you literally contradict yourself after contradicting your first comment.

You are excited about double-tapping 80 damage into someone.

Then, you claim players want CoD playstyle, which this game is extremely far from, and TTK is much longer than it is in CoD.

Then, you complain about long battles and would prefer short brawls.

So... what do you want? Delete capability? Long drawn out battles? Or short fast paces Halo-esque brawls?

I think the point is that these so called "real Mechwarrior fans" don't want one specific thing, they just want to feel godlike and anything that scratches their armor is an affront to Battletech.

#38 Krasnopesky


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 10:04 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 19 February 2022 - 09:26 AM, said:

Hello there, Krasnopesky... You almost have a perfectly nice build for the ARC-2R(C) going on there. The choice of Small Lasers appears to be a refreshing idea. Unfortunately, it is missing one EXTREMELY important thing in the Loadout. There should be a Beagle Active Probe loaded somewhere in there, and the Arms should be better armored than they currently are set to be. While you personally (Note: These thoughts are NOT a personal attack, only a comparative.) might be able to always position and twist-shield perfectly, other people who would start out with using this Mech's design likely will not have anywhere near that level of knowledge or luck. They'll also likely find the amount of LRM Ammo to be a death trap which constantly undermines them, because not everyone can always avoid an Enemy ECM going on from another fight nearby, and the TAG is rendered basically inoperable when an Enemy ECM gets too close to its' user. This therefore makes having the BAP in the Loadout rather mandatory, lest the Mech be rendered worthless at ranges longer than the 200 Meter zone. I think we can agree that ARC-2R(C) Loadout could therefore use a tweak by the time of the March 2022 Patch happening, right? Posted Image

Here is the build you seem to be describing: https://mwo.nav-alph...706bd032_ARC-2R
Dropping 2 tonnes of ammo gets you the BAP and almost all of the 9 points of shaved arm armour. It is a good suggestion, but I don't agree it is mandatory. The additional arm armour will be rarely utilised, far more often when piloting this Mech the STs were destroyed rather than the arms. In fact the twisting you are describing ensures the arms are destroyed faster. Newer players also have a tendency to waste LRM damage by shooting targets that are either in cover or will be able to easily get into cover, thus the additional ammunition is often needed.

If an enemy ECM Mech is close enough to your LRM boat to block your ability to target Mechs you should be focusing on either killing that enemy Mech or getting away, not trying to LRM other targets (enemy ECM only blocks your ability to lock 'Mechs within 120m).

View PostD V Devnull, on 19 February 2022 - 09:33 AM, said:

That's a fine (albeit radical) thought regarding GXP (General XP) which you have there. Any chance I could ask you to make a Thread in the "Support & Feedback > Feature Suggestions" (https://mwomercs.com/forums/forum/35-feature-suggestions/) area about this??? You most certainly would have my SUPPORT on the issue!!! Posted Image
~D. V. "Really does Like your idea of Major GXP on (C)-type Mechs" Devnull

I won't make a thread, I often have meetings with PGI staff members through The Cauldron, telling them directly as I have done is far more effective.

#39 C337Skymaster


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 10:14 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 18 February 2022 - 03:51 PM, said:

Posted Image

Posted Image

So who's the joker who thought these up? KFX-D: All arm weapons, no lower arm actuators. LBK-H: all torso weapons, hand actuators included.

Same deal goes back to the Stormcrow and Warhawk champion 'mechs: what's up with the missing arm actuators? Makes the Stormcrow, in particular, useless in an up-close fight without the ability to aim those small lasers.

#40 Krasnopesky


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 10:19 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 February 2022 - 10:14 AM, said:

So who's the joker who thought these up? KFX-D: All arm weapons, no lower arm actuators. LBK-H: all torso weapons, hand actuators included.

Same deal goes back to the Stormcrow and Warhawk champion 'mechs: what's up with the missing arm actuators? Makes the Stormcrow, in particular, useless in an up-close fight without the ability to aim those small lasers.[/size]

Kit Fox should have the actuators, will be updated. The actuators are good for the Linebacker too though, they crit-pad the arms and make them slightly larger with the hands.

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