mytilus edulis, on 23 September 2022 - 04:55 AM, said:
yeah originally it said until the 28th, right?
Yup... and the way my weekend just went with barely enough time to launch 3 Matches that went entirely bad, it so happens that I'm now stuck in one of those "last minute with near all of the Event and likely to fail whether I want to or not" situations. It makes me really wish that they had heeded my previous posting, and kept to the "Sept. 28th, 2022 @ 5 PM PDT" End Date that was originally given. There are people out there (myself included) who critically need things not being only weekend-limited in when they can be done. They could really do well for the whole Event and a rather fair chunk of the Community if they would add more segments and extend how long the Event runs by 2 more days.
For reference, I've even had the unfortunate experience of seeing someone else (
seriously... they are NOT an Alt for me, as I never had one) who is 'Tier 5' @ Zero PSR end up getting put against a Maxed 'Tier 1' player, and having to watch as the poor 'Tier 5' got killed by them twice! That situation should never have been allowed to occur in the first place, but the MatchMaker seems to be nonexistent for Event Queue in any way and people are being made into cannon fodder that should never be. I hate to have to say it, but PGI needs to fix that with a hard 3000 PSR Points maximum limit on spread of who is put in a single Match that will be played, as 'Tier 1' and 'Tier 5' players should never meet in the same battle.
Heck... In the random questions bin... Why didn't they use the "Assault" Game Mode here when it could have made a good tension-breaking option for people to enjoy? While some would think that "Skirmish" would be a good idea, it pays so little as to not be worth playing. And of course the "Domination" Game Mode has issues too, but at least it was a good idea to include "Conquest" as that particular Mode pays and plays well.
Also... Why didn't they also use "Terra Therma (Classic) v2.0" for the reference name? So confusing...
~D. V. "
mentally flooded with overload about this 'TT(C)v2' Event and all the issues with it" Devnull