The Trojan Titan, on 02 October 2022 - 06:43 AM, said:
The 8v8 dropdeck event was my absolute favorite of all events.
Got to have some really fun games, and 1v2 2v2 2v1 brawls that were absolutely amazing.
So much better than quickplay where you peek attack 1 guy, and suddenly are swarmed by 11 vs 1 and insta-cheesed.
Also the snowball total stomps were almost non-existent, solid gameplay even with casuals.
I think you guys should seriously consider making 8v8 dropdeck games a permanent part of MWO, and not just for competitive ladder stuff.
Have both 8v8 and 12v12 quickplay both.
I agree 8v8 dropdeck is really enjoyable. It feels like your individual contribution to a match is significantly more substantial and having drop decks means one mistake doesn't throw a game. Being able to choose a second drop that's appropriate to the game state is really nice.
I know splitting game modes for quickplay isn't an option with the population this game has, but it really feels like 8v8 dropdecks is wasted potential. There's something really compelling about building an entire deck of mechs that fit within a weight limit and compliment each other. Being able to know what map you're playing in advance and building the deck for that map is nice too.
Single mech 12v12 quickplay random maps forces you to play a very narrow set of mechs that work under any circumstance. There's certain mechs i'd never run in quick play that i absolutely would include in a drop deck especially when the map is decided in advance.