foamyesque, on 12 January 2023 - 03:36 PM, said:
An awful lot of the posts in here are demonstrating the exact reason the OP felt the need to ask their question.
OP is trying to pull the same bull that has been pulled with a lot of popular things - "I am here and X, YOU HAVE TO RECOGNISE ME AND PANDER TO ME AND IF YOU DARE SAY OTHERWISE I WILL TANTRUM AND SUMMON MY TWITTER MOB UNTIL I GET MY OWN WAY NOW CHANGE THINGS TO SUIT ME".
The simple answer is: No, F-off, your whining and desires contribute nothing more than to force politics into something that does not need them, and to divide the fanbase. Anyone sane can see this.
OP: I can't say I've noticed an increase, and unfortunately all you can really do is mute & report. Milscif shooty things seem to attract large numbers of unreconstructed chuds
"chuds". A woke buzzword that translates as anything from "person opposed to me" to "person who dared to say no to my unreasonable demands"
and they always seem to come outta the woodwork as soon as someone suggests maybe treating people with dignity.
The word you are looking for is "fans", not "chuds", and we are not "coming out of the woodwork", we have always been here. Most of us have seen other fanbases destroyed by woke political infiltration, and we do not want that for the Battletech universe. I notice, btw, that there seems to have been a massive uptake of "totally legit longtime fans" from the woke community ever since Battletech became popular again, all who just happen to think that "the problematic elements should be removed and this setting should be more XYZ friendly" whilst not knowing anything beyond basic memes. Odd, that. As a longtime (got into BT back in 2006) fan, I cannot see any reason for these claims, or need to change things in a 39 year old setting.
As for your other claims about "treating people with dignity", A) OP would have 0 problems if they were not making their stance political, which I guarantee they are if they are getting flashback, assuming that is that this is not a DARVO thread attempting to gaslight the community, and

how about you and yours try respecting other people and the settings and hobbies they enjoy and do not want changed or politicised?