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Lrms Balance

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#21 MechB Kotare


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 02:49 AM

View PostLordNothing, on 03 March 2023 - 12:28 PM, said:

living legends made lerms work by actually making them very difficult to use. try getting locks when everyone is running passive sensors. or better yet, try being the only mech on the field with active sensors.

Living legends also had preset builds that you couldn't modify, which made using 4x lm 20 builds (e.g.) impossible. Also lock ons in LL are fire and forget, so you actually dont need to maintain a lock by looking at a targed.

I think lrms in mwo are a very s*** weapon, boating them is only viable thing. I'd much rather see them having a ghost heat based on number of lrms tubes equiped, rather than having their velocities and/or spreads nerfed. Then again, i dont play them, so idc if they get nerfed. Having a dedicated lance of lrm 200+ with a tag/narc raven is very aids.

#22 JC Daxion


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 06:10 AM

the big issue for them with me is the whole direct fire and the flat arc. The best part of LRMs is being able to toss them over the front line, now they fire flat like MRM's. I wish even direct they had a bit of an arc

#23 Curccu


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 06:59 AM

One of those times again IMHO, that data is full of ****.
There is more ECM in the battlefield than ever before.
Getting radar derp is easier and cheaper than ever before.
There isn't any super good maps for RLMs anymore (old boreal) but there is a map that you will do nothing with them unless opponents are total morons (Solaris City) and plenty of maps that LRMs are extremely hard to use against semi competent people (Crimson Strait, HPG, River City, Mining Collective) almost all rest of the maps not mentioned before still has enough hard cover to **** up LRM players game easily with some ECM and Derp.

data could play one or two evening with LRMs (without dedicated narcer or team to help him do good) with his main account (not some T5 seal club account) and record 10-20 games in a row and see if he can do as good as he normally does, I don't think he can. Feel free to prove me wrong.

#24 LordNothing


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 07:19 AM

View PostMechB Kotare, on 04 March 2023 - 02:49 AM, said:

Living legends also had preset builds that you couldn't modify, which made using 4x lm 20 builds (e.g.) impossible. Also lock ons in LL are fire and forget, so you actually dont need to maintain a lock by looking at a targed.

I think lrms in mwo are a very s*** weapon, boating them is only viable thing. I'd much rather see them having a ghost heat based on number of lrms tubes equiped, rather than having their velocities and/or spreads nerfed. Then again, i dont play them, so idc if they get nerfed. Having a dedicated lance of lrm 200+ with a tag/narc raven is very aids.

they intend to have a mechlab, but some game company which will not be named decided to put a stop to that. the design intent was there if not the actual mech lab.

the worst lerm boat they had was a mad dog with 80 tubes (which was later nerfed to 70 tubes), which i think is far worse than anything we have. and if you didnt have a whole lot of spotting and electronics warfare assets on the field, you may as well not exist. with those assets and proper team support, yea you could rain death on the enemy. of course as soon as you had the cbills to move into assaults, you did that.

point i was trying to make was that lerms as a lame noob weapon kind of sucks, but lerms as a strong teamwork oriented weapons system is actually not bad.

Edited by LordNothing, 04 March 2023 - 07:24 AM.

#25 LordNothing


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 08:29 AM

View PostCurccu, on 04 March 2023 - 06:59 AM, said:

One of those times again IMHO, that data is full of ****.
There is more ECM in the battlefield than ever before.
Getting radar derp is easier and cheaper than ever before.
There isn't any super good maps for RLMs anymore (old boreal) but there is a map that you will do nothing with them unless opponents are total morons (Solaris City) and plenty of maps that LRMs are extremely hard to use against semi competent people (Crimson Strait, HPG, River City, Mining Collective) almost all rest of the maps not mentioned before still has enough hard cover to **** up LRM players game easily with some ECM and Derp.

data could play one or two evening with LRMs (without dedicated narcer or team to help him do good) with his main account (not some T5 seal club account) and record 10-20 games in a row and see if he can do as good as he normally does, I don't think he can. Feel free to prove me wrong.

i expect complaining about lerms to come from the bottom, not the top. i think data's hangup is that he sees lermers as aimbotters and unworthy of playing the game. he says it with much vitriol in his videos. but thats not really a fair analysis. never mind that the battletech/mechwarrior franchise prominently includes guided missiles. and weakly guided missiles at that. i see lerm boats as easy targets and easy to avoid, and im only in t3, so his hangups have nothing to do with their actual performance.

lets say hypothetically you are going to cheat and run an aim bot, are you going to run lb10s? no you are going to run erll, erppc, maybe ac10s, perhaps gauss. because these weapons hit hard and have precision. the reason aimbotting is cheating is because it circumvents design intent. precision is to be earned through aiming. if you can aim well you get the benefit of strong ppfld and concentrated laser damage. you are not entitled to the full capabilities of those weapons without earning the right by working on your marksmanship.

lerms on the other hand trade precision for accuracy. they may hit every time, unless the target can brake lock, put terrain in their path, or ams them into oblivion, or block the lock from the get go. but you have no control what parts of the mech they hit or if they even hit them at all. this is the design intent. you are not circumventing anything to use them. the deficiencies are engineered in so that they are in balance. so instead of learning marksmanship, you need strong knowledge of electronic warfare, good positioning skills, perhaps good teamwork. these are also skills to be worked on.

i expect tier 5-3 to be complaining that they die from lerms. because thats who use them most and thats who has the least ability to counter. play enough games and weird stuff will happen. if a t5 gets a cheap kill on a t1 with lerms, who's fault is that? any of the other 100 times you might have killed that guy in a couple hits and called that player a scrub in your head. but the one time they get lucky and its blasphemy? luck shouldnt happen? why arent you complaining about uacs that never seem to jam? what about when you get luckey and a crit roll lights off their ammo? i just cant understand why such a skilled player can have such a hangup about something that doesn't even effect them in most situations.

Edited by LordNothing, 04 March 2023 - 08:32 AM.

#26 CFC Conky


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 08:37 AM

I live in T4 and in my opinion, LRMS aren’t a problem in QP. I get killed by them maybe once every hundred games, probably less than that. I use them on occasion, and rarely get an up arrow at the end of a match.

As for nerfing shared locks, that would stretch my suspension of disbelief too far. Remote spotting for artillery has been around for ages and nerfing that makes as much sense as not having rear-view cameras or even mirrors, on mechs…wait, oh, never mind. Posted Image
I think the bigger problem is groups with high-tier members dropping into low-tier games and farming with their LRMS and spotter mechs using their better map knowledge, experience, and more effective team tactics to a match.

Good hunting,
CFC Conky

Edited by CFC Conky, 04 March 2023 - 08:42 AM.

#27 Tromoskyon Rex


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 09:11 AM

View PostStab Wound, on 03 March 2023 - 11:13 AM, said:

the sobriety challenged.

I always knew my dad was a dirty LRMer....

They're definitely a much more prominent issue in lower tier. When I rocketed back to T5 getting Guillotine half my deaths on the way back up were usually involving LRM in some way or another. My first 4 games in the MAD Scorch I lost half the mech to LRM before getting in range.

Nerfing velocity is a solid point to start for being able to get in better cover but I think a better route might be range. A fully skilled LRM boat can hose down a Gauss or PPC sniper all day long. Even if said sniper has ECM all it takes is a buddy with a TAG and they're done for. I think a range nerf would be better than velocity too because then it brings up the skill needed somewhat by demanding they be more engaged and position better. Velocity still allows hiding in a corner somewhere. Velocity would help AMS do a better job and be a decent nerf, certainly, but I think range would be a better place to start.

#28 Sjorpha


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 09:26 AM

I disagree with 1.

If a weapon is in the game it should be competitive, otherwise it should not be in the game. Harder to use weapons can have a bit higher peak performance to reward skill, but not to the point where any weapon is excluded from competitive use. You seem to think LRMs should be completely unseen at high level play, where they are already uncommon, and to me that's nonsense.

Same goes for any other piece of equipment, mech or consumable. Either it's balanced to be competitive, or it should not be in the game.

I would also like to see some stats backing up the claim that LRMs are overperforming compared to other weapons or that they are seeing too much use. My experience does not match either of those claims, in fact I rarely see more than a couple LRM mechs in a match. If a strong group runs them with NARC and so on it feels more refreshing than oppressive because of how rarely it happens, and I don't see those groups performing better than when using other strategies. In my experience a strong group with laservomit or other competitive direct fire builds stomps much harder than one with LRMs.

So the claim of overpoweredness doesn't seem to have much merit in my eyes. If you simply say you don't like the gameplay LRMs cause and you wish they weren't in the game that's a more credible position, it is also a completely different and unrelated position from the claim that LRMs are OP.

I think I would dislike LRMs if they became actually overpowered and started dominating in the matches I play, but that simply isn't the case at the moment. Not in quickplay and not in Faction Play, I simply don't see it happening. Am I just lucky and it doesn't happen in my games? Maybe, but when all the evidence I have is my own anecdotal experiance versus someone elses anecdotal experience I have to go with my own.

#29 Der Geisterbaer


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 11:25 AM

What a surprise D A T A for once not spewing nonsense about "overpowered Lights" ... but then again: The new chosen topic isn't that much better looking either.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

I'd like to hear what people think about the topic.

I have my doubts about you really wanting to hear what others have to say about "the topic".

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

1) LRMs have very low skill requirements,

"very low" by what standards? Their lock windows and lock on times are already absurdly narrow / absurdly long for what they are supposed to be capable of within the already limited fictional background that this game is based on. ECM bubbles are all around. Terrain of the majority of maps eats them regularly.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

they are very close to an aimbot,

And here the intellectual dishonesty starts to take over. Even in their "worst" days LRMs weren't even remotely close to an aimbot. In case you are waiting for "proof" here I'll gladly "Hitch-slap" you with: That which can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

which is the negation itself of the concept of PvP: they just should not be nearly as good as the other weapons, because they require no aim to be used.

Well, well, here are the next intellectual dishonesties along with an entirely false premise:
  • Particularly with their now extremely narrow lock-on windows they still require some level of aim and they also have some tracking requirements as well. Lock-on times on most mechs just suck, so there's even more need to "aim" and "track" while either LRM mech and / or target are moving.
  • LRMs in this game are far from being "as good as the other weapons". Even when fired at ideal range in direct fire mode they still spray across the entire target and some of them still can miss entirely ... where your preferred weapons more are usually pinpoint in nature.
  • Nothing in the "concept of PvP" is ever negated by weapons that require no aim, because "aim" simply isn't an inherent trait of the "concept of PvP". But guess what: Indirect fire weapons that lock onto targets but aren't true fire and forget weapons and are called LRMs are an inherent premise of the fictional universe this game is based upon.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

2) Due to their easy nature, tier 3-4-5 are INFESTED by LRM rains,

Unless you're seal-clubbing (as seemingly you often do) you should rarely ever come into contact with those lower tiers and it's highly amusing that you as a tier 1 player are whining about LRMs. I would have expected something like that from actual tier 5 to 3 players.

And just for the record: I'm actually a player within those tiers (and rightfully so given my age and certain disabilities) and I can't confirm that - within my personal experiences - games in those tiers are actually "infested" that much by LRM rains.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

and at times these filthy aimbots bring cancer even in comp,

In "comp"? Really? I'd like to see verifiable data (pun intended) on that.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

which is laughable per se.

Just as "laughable" as what you've presented so far and since I've already read the rest: The rest doesn't fare that much better either.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

3) The overabundance of LRMs causes the ECM spam as a reaction,

I'd like you to provide proof to this claim, because I have this gut feeling that "ECM spam" would still prevail even if LRM were removed entirely from this game.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

because all the other countermeasures got nerfed directly or indirectly into the dust.

Do tell, which other countermeasures that got nerfed would that be exactly?

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

4) LRM rains invalidate many slow mechs without ecm,

Interesting take but here's a unpleasant truth: indirect fire weapons are specifically designed to be used against slow moving / immobile / currently stationary targets and to provide area denial... those are two of their main purposes. And they still require on the one hand someone being within targeting / spotting range so that the indirect fire plattform can actually acquire the indirect lock and on the other hand those slow mechs without ECM are still part of a larger group that usually has ECM (you just said there is ECM spam, didn't you). So a team not using their ECM to cover those slow mechs without ECM is actually a failure of the team and not a problem with LRMs themselves.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

reducing game diversity,

~laugh~ Let's get this straight: According to you machine gun Lights and Mediums should be made obsolete and now LRM mechs should be made obsolete as well and you really want to claim that the game would be "more diverse" then?

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

because they are just too big to use many objects as covers

For clarity: Name the maps where this happens on a regular basis - after we ignore that team members can and should provide ECM and AMS cover against indirect fire and whenever direct fire comes into play your slow mechs (that usually can deal equally high alphas) can certainly shoot back

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

and LRMs now travel too fast to even let them go to cover, due to the stupidity of the LRM velocity buffs delivered by Chris, pre cauldron.

Yeah right, 210 (indirect) to 294 (direct) m/s before skills sounds highly inappropriate when compared against instant (hitscan lasers) and 800 m/s to 2200 m/s of ballistics and PPCs that usually make up your "weapons of choice".

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

5) AMS/LAMS are useless, you get rained regardless

On the rare occasions that I take out one of my LRM mechs I tend to see my crosshairs staying "blue" while various AMS/LAMS vaporize pretty much everything that isn't a maximum volley from a "boat LRM at the expense of everything else mech build" ... and those tend to be killed with "ease" by those "overpowered Lights" on a regular basis.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

6) LRMs can not be balanced on AMS solely, because many clan omnis can not effectively mount it.

Well, didn't you already say that LRM are actually "balanced" via "ECM spam" (as flawed as that claim was)?
But at least here you're onto something but fail to deliver at the end: If clan omnis cannot effectively mount AMS despite their usally larger crit space pools you should be looking at options to actually mount AMS "effectively" on Clan omnis ... like adding an AMS slot to let's say every [insert pod location of choice] on the pods of omni mech chassis X. At that point it becomes an explicit decision to forego AMS on your omni of choice and you are the only one to blame for making that decision ... and knowing you and your antics I'd bet that you'd not use AMS because that would force you to give up power of your prefered setups and then we'd be back to you whining about "overpowered LRMs", wouldn't we?

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

7) LRMS got buffed repeatedly in a direct or indirect way in the last 4 years (velocity buff, velocity tree, velocity quirks, missile HP boost, ECM nerf, Radar Deprivation nerf)

~laugh~ Yeah ... those "buffs" certainly made LRMs the weapon of choice ... just like machine guns. Machine guns Lights and LRM boats are clearly dominating the scene.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:


This is going to be just as good as the rest so far ...

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

I am sick of a situation where you get hit by missiles so quick that Betty can't even finish saying "warning incoming missile" anymore.

So you're sick of a situation that shouldn't even happen too often to you because - unless you are indeeed regularly engaging in seal clubbing in lower tiers on an alt account - by your own accounts you shouldn't even face that many LRM mechs in the first place because it's tiers 5 to 3 that are allegedly "infested" in that manner. So what's the actual truth there? You being a seal-clubber and still being irritated by LRM mechs in those lower tiers?
And if you're truly hit by LRMs before Betty can finish saying "warning incomming missile" you're already so close to the LRM mech that it is usually firing directly at you and still suffers from missile spread where your weapons of choice hit with far less to non-existant spread and with proportionally higher damage per zone.

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

I am sick of seeing most 70-100 tonners without ecm behave just like LRM landing platforms.

That's one of their inherent weaknesses. Get your fellow team members to support you ... oh wait, that's what you're already doing because good old D A T A is rarely ever seen without his friendly helpers in the first place. So might I ask how you're actually seeing that many assaults without ECM (which in many cases means that the player actually chose not to bring AMS) becomming "LRM landing plattforms", unless you're watching others going "rambo mode" because they think that their sniper or brawler assaults should simply have no real counters?

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:


I can't wait to "hear" that ~laugh~

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:

Nerf LRM velocity so that slower mechs have more time to travel to their cover, and so that AMS has more time to shoot down incoming missiles.

Counter proposal: Unnerf the lock-on windows and lock-on times and we might talk about a slight reduction of LRM velocity

Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 05 March 2023 - 12:27 AM.

#30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 12:53 PM

.. I really feel no love for lurms and those who use them from behind their team

Data going against lurms .. THE guy who sits behind everybody at extreme erLL-range,
doing all the same stuff we shake fists at lurmers for..

first trying to nerf lights into the ground, now this..
..isn't trolling ingame enough anymore?

#31 Tyman4


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 04:36 PM

Years later I come back to the same stupid lrm discussions from 2016.
Only piece of weaponry that is hardcounter IN THE MECHBAY by the opponent.

Seriously, if you are still moaning about it now, just say "I don't like missiles, in my war game" And we can drop them.
Then everyone can go back to laservomit and sniper-hillhumper shooting at longer range than the missiles can even travel.

#32 Blood Rose


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 04:40 PM

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 10:28 AM, said:


Skill issue



Get good



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Posted 04 March 2023 - 06:27 PM

View PostD A T A, on 03 March 2023 - 01:37 PM, said:

Bro are you ok? There is no melee in MWO, this is not MW5, you are writing in the wrong game chat

google translate can only translate so much what i want to say.
I mean stand behind a building, wait for the enemy to come, and attack.
I guess you like to scold people.

Yes, I am good.

If you're only going to hear your own truth, you don't need to look here.
Everyone here has their own opinion.

I've yet to see a weapon here that people aren't whining about.

#34 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 07:03 PM

honestly other than a few small things LRMs are in a relatively balanced place right now. Ok the prevalence of ECM is a pain and since it is easy to get near full radar derp it only adds to it.

though honestly if you get hit by them before the bitching Betty chimes in its likely the Lurmer was at very close rang, likely 200 meters. take a few steps towards them and you are good. all i have to say is if you are being hit by LRM and aren't carrying an AMS thats on you. don't cry about it when the solution is easy enough.

the only thing i would change about them as things sit right now is to make the lock area a bit bigger (the area you have to get your crosshair in for it to lock on). it can honestly be a pain just keeping it there long enough to fire if the target and/or the firer is on the move. other than that its all just fine. the only things i would Truly Buff would be Artemis. i would give it back the lock time reduction and the reduced spread on IDF. as it sits Artemis isn't worth the tonnage.

but yeah about once every few months some so called "elite" player will pop up wanting to nerf LRM or just ban them. all i can say to meta shitlords is "If you don't like LRM go play CoD or some other generic crappy shooter".

here is what i have learned about LRM skill over my years of play. they do require skill its just a differing skill set than direct fire weapons. they are easy to pick up and do decent with (even very good at low lvls) but to be effective and master them at higher tiers is another story. they are more a strategic weapon. they make great area denial weapons. tell me the last time your bitchin better hollered about incoming that you completely ignored it. i have had many a match where just my single LRM-40 Catapult has stalled an enemy push with just one or two well placed volleys. when that assault in the lead gets rained on he will often back off forcing those crawling up his butt to do the same. even if they don't hit the betty can make you look for them opening an enemy up to fire. i think the reasons so called "elites" hate them so much is that they require teamwork and those sorts of players are more often than not lone wolves who's only use for a team is as meat sheilds. well that or the people who think the only way to play is at knife fighting distance (ok in Lore the IS often got in so close they were literally boxing with an enemy mech, its why so many IS mechs have "MIGHTY BATTLE FISTS". though thats besides the point.). point is they just another tool in the tool box. nothing more nothing less.

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 04 March 2023 - 07:05 PM.

#35 King Carrot


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Posted 04 March 2023 - 11:42 PM

Data, every time I see you play you sit back on some sniper ledge with ERLL or Gauss. If there is one thing that is contrary to having fun in this game, it's that. At this point it would probably benefit the game to do the complete opposite of whatever your opinion is. If there is one thing that should be nerfed, it's these ******** sniper ledges, especially on the mining map with its corridor-based gameplay. What this game needs is more incentive to actually engage.

I rarely play LRMs but in higher tiers it is very difficult to get a good result with them, and the risk with boating them is very high too. One light finds you and it's game over. As long as there is a good risk/reward, I think any system is fine, and for that reason ERLLs are messed up because they work as well on short range as long.

PS: Boost lights, especially the unpopular ones

#36 Blood Rose


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Posted 05 March 2023 - 04:40 AM

Coming back to this thread I hereby make an alternate claim

1) LRM's have one of the highest skill requirements in the game. Getting a lock is not easy, and requires patience and synergy within the team or your own loadout. You have to mentally calculate the flightpath of your missiles, allowing for intervening terrain, the targets size, range, vector, and speed and where it will be when your missiles impact, as well as what terrain features may end up in the way due to its movement

2) Due to the perceived ease of use, tier 5 is infested with LRM boats. Thanks to the awful performance of these weapons these boats end up being dead weight to their team and are only salvaged by the godsawful skill level of the scrubs there, by tier 4 they are rare and by tier 3 are on the critically endangered list

3) The overabundance of ECM in the game means that the lockon ability of the LRM platform is all but useless as sensor locks are near impossible to get, meaning your only hope is to launch massed unguided volleys and pray. This is thanks to LRM's having been nerfed into the dust and beyond.

4) The only real build threatened by the LRM boat these days is a slow, fat, upper heavy or, more likely, assault, that has positioned itself extremely poorly or decided to quit cover despite heavy enemy presence and meander into the open. This is the only target that moves slow enough to guarantee at least some missile hits on the target, even if the lock is lost in the last 0.5 seconds of flight time. Of course if it mounts AMS/LAMS you will have a harder time and if its close to a AMS/LAMS boat you can forget anything getting through from a sub-80 missile volley. This massively reduces game diversity as it effectively removes a vital role from the game.

5) AMS/LAMS are exceedingly good at neutering missile rains, and the dread quad AMS/LAMS Corsair/Kitfox eats entire volleys of missiles for a snack. Amassed LAMS/AMS put up an impenetrable iron curtain

6) LRM's cannot be balanced by the malding cries of certain players because they despise them

7) LRM's have been repeatedly nerfed to the point that they are effectively dead tonnage outside of tier 5 - 4. They are the only weapon with a mountable passive counter (ECM) hard counter (AMS) and an entire tree in the skill tree menu dedicated to utterly screwing them (Radar Derp). And despite this they have also suffered countless nerfs (range cut by over 10%, velocity nerfed, spready increased, missile HP lowered, flightpath altered to ensure a near guaranteed chance of hitting any intervening terrain)

I am sick of seeing an entire weapon group in this game being repeatedly nerfed despite already being utterly useless already. LRM launchers are pointless outside of tier 5 and bullying careless fatties in tier 4, unless you run a meme LRM100 build that at least has some chance of getting a little damage through. In a game rife with sniping loadouts that run dual gauss/ERLL/ERPPC setups and happily sit and plink from afar on maps designed specifically to encourage and reward this kind of play whilst punishing others the LRM boat should stand out as the hard counter, raining missiles onto snipers and forcing them to reposition. Instead the average LRM boat usually pathetically sandblasts hills, buildings, and the odd few points of armour off of enemy mechs, whilst snipers reap all the rewards.

Remove Radarderp and reduce the number of ECM capable chassis. Increase the velocity of LRM's to 350 - 400 metres a second and sync it between direct and indirect modes. Decrease lockon times and return the maximum range to what it was. Actually maybe buff it to 1200 - 1300 metres, allowing for the fact that indirect fire mode counts vertical distance travelled as part of the expended range (which actually means indirect fire is impossible outside of 750 metres currently). Return the IDF arc to what it was - tall, glorious, and proud. Ban certain whining players, whose only contribution is to whine about things that do not cater to/counter their preferred "sit on a hill with a big slow fatty and snipe everything" game mode, from ever posting here again.

#37 X T R E M E


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Posted 05 March 2023 - 05:57 AM

Please balance the LRMs, it's not possible to play for fun. The game has been renamed to LRM-ONLINE.

#38 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 05 March 2023 - 06:51 AM

This has to be a troll thread, surely?

I hate LRMs too and never use them, but thats not because of any principle, just because they are really bad and incredibly easy to counter on most maps. Ill be honest, i dont really want them to be good, because i experienced the lurmaggedon and the old polar highlands and it wasnt particularly fun, but they certainly arent good against good players right now.

DATA is a good player (much better than i am), so im fairly sure this is just a case of the entire community getting trolled while people eat popcorn.

#39 Saved By The Bell


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Posted 05 March 2023 - 07:32 AM

DATA is serious about LRM and lights.

#40 JediPanther


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Posted 05 March 2023 - 09:10 AM

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 05 March 2023 - 07:32 AM, said:

DATA is serious about LRM and lights.

With a lot of meta sniping builds we can see why. Oddly enough I have the exact opposite views being a light pilot and lrm-er. Any thing can can buff all lights not just a chosen few or lrms is good for the game. People in low tiers are already in-mobile as it is and the sniping meta just reinforces that better-stay-here mentality making games very boring with you guessing that most of the fighting will be in grid xx just like it was the past few dozen times.

I use to campaign for buffs but since I'm just wasting my time posting here echoing things I've typed literately every few years since closed beta to improve lrm and light game play the hell with it. Let the game become more boring and static. People want to play as a turrent and refuse to move even while being shot let them.

There are other robot games.

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