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Patch Notes - - 18-April-2023

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#201 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 20 April 2023 - 07:21 PM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 20 April 2023 - 06:52 PM, said:

It made matches much worse , so much worse that its reflected on statistics spanning all tiers . You can only tolerate so many matches where you see that ALPHA lance is the cause of victory or defeat . Also this idea where this was the "necessary evil" is also dumb. It could have been implemented the right way from the get go . And while you yourself didn't enjoy 8v8 overall feedback was overwhelmingly positive and at the same time wouldn't have alienated a lot of playerbase that didn't was SOUP in their matches and subsequently quit because of it . Especially considering that solo population is larger portion of the playerbase playing at any moment. Those two models that were suggested would have both been better and probably resulted in lower wait times for groups than what we have now even and the hybrid model doesn't even split the playerbase into buckets . The reason why its being reconsidered again is because what we have now is BAD , its simple as that . And instead of advocating for it back then you were more than happy to downgrade experience of all solo players in the game so you can get what you yourself enjoyed. ( Avoiding to fight other groups at all costs ) Seriously , zog off . That goes to other folks who advocated for it as well . Sometimes I am tempted to form a 4 player compie group just to shove it down the throat of folks who think that its inconsequential. The only time when its inconsequential is when both groups are equally skilled which while it does happen in lower tiers more often Between T1-T3 it happens far less often . MM cant balance groups and it cant balance pugs against groups . And folks like you would obviously want solo pugs being served to you on a platter regardless even if the wait times would end up being lower with those two alternative proposals. Absolutely despicable.

I'm going to try and keep this short bec we've been down this same road before and we're starting to sound like a broken record.

1. 8v8 may solve some issues but it certainly introduced others during the trial run. I heard plenty of complaints about 8v8 being a snooze fest.. comp types loved it bec you could hunker down and pound away at the enemy from 1km away bec there was much less movement than with 12v12. Also, not dropping with friends sucked royally. If 8v8 was viable they would have run with it.. there's reasons they didn't. You make it sound like I'm the only one with this opinion.. Ofc not, there are many who agree with me. I'm just the face you need to direct that pent up anger.. I'm fine with that bec I will ALWAYS say it like it is.

2. Although there many be more solo players.. i'm gonna push back and ask if you have stats on how many ACTIVE (that drop more than once a week) solo players there are vs active unit players? Because lately, I'm seeing a lot more units in matches.. I've been shouting it out during matches that it 'warms my heart' to see so many active units.. and no, these aren't one-man units either.

3. It's laughable that you criticize me for advocating for what I enjoy.. while you're doing the exact same thing. Besides that, it's also laughable that you think I'm the only one to have these opinions on the topic. Like your opinion is the only right one and everyone that disagrees is being 'malicious' and should 'zog off?' Have you heard the saying 'big ego's have small ears?' because it totally applies to you.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 April 2023 - 11:50 AM.

#202 Magic Pain Glove


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Posted 20 April 2023 - 08:08 PM

1. They went with the easy solution which turned out to be bad enough that now it has to reconsidered once again.
2. We can ask for your average daily queue snapshot but its not hard to figure out. ( Like the one Paul provided back then )
3. I enjoy what exactly ? Matches being more even than they are atm ? I know its not your fault , nor the fault of the kinds of Larsh who heavily advocated for it back in the day . But you and people who did provided the excuse for PGI to go with the absolutely the laziest possible most imbalanced solution that they could which resulted in match quality downgrade while other options were available.

SOUP screwed over:

1) tonnage balancing ( matches can be off by 300 tons at this point )
2) It screwed over spawns positions ( so a lot of maps had to be reworked and teams placed in one place , because solo assaults would be put where lights previously used to be spawned which would lead to them getting left behind )
3) it screwed over MM balance even more than before because MM wasn't able to balance group v groups or groups v pugs. And that's the reason why I feel fine being hostile now and pushing back against people who are now , after all these things reluctant to change it .

Do you think one of the reasons FP died is not match imbalance and unrestricted groups ? The mode is almost entirely dead now , it farmed itself out of existence on top of all other mistakes that were made regarding it over the years. Now there are not enough units to populate the queue and pugs don't want to touch it because it often ends up as a **** experience for them .

Like I said , clueless and malicious. Advocating for changes that are directly resulting in subpar match experience and silent player bleed off for a big chunk of the playerbase while other options are available .

#203 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 20 April 2023 - 09:52 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 20 April 2023 - 07:21 PM, said:

I very often agree with what you write, but not this time. I think you're overstating the positive effect of having groups invade a solo quick play.
It seems to me that it was not only the combination of solo and group queues in a quick play that led to some growth in the size of the player base. Let me remind you that in those days, PGI approached the MWO players, they said that they had finished work on MW5, and therefore, they had the opportunity to allocate some production facilities for the MWO. They promised positive changes in the game. And people (including many old players) believed them and returned to the game. And merging queues was just one of the changes to come.
Yes, some people have returned to the game being fascinated by the possibility of a Friday beer walk with a friend in a quick play. But these beer warriors very quickly lost their enthusiasm when faced with the harsh reality: they thought that their joint walks in a quick game would bring pleasure, that they would win; but in the game in opponents they met not the same drunken cheerful opponents, but seasoned thugs. And so, instead of easily and cheerfully defeating ordinary players, these people suddenly began to lose humiliatingly.
Ohhh... I remember very well the stream that The b33f hosted on the first day of the group and solo queues merging, where he and 3 unit mates went into a quick play on 4 Rifleman IIC 6xAC-2. And The b33f kept score on the stream. I finished watching the stream at a score of 34:2. Teams with The b33f group won 34 times, his team lost 2 times. Although it was more than a demonstrative stream, the PGI did not draw the right conclusions from it.
Therefore, I am inclined to believe that the groups in the quick play (at best) brought as many players as they forced them to leave because of the finally crashed balance.
In support of my words, I can cite statistics from the Jarl's list.

1) The graph shows that the growth in the number of players began in March 2020, i.e. at least a month before the (test!!!) merging of solo and group queues.
2) From the same graph, it can be seen that since June 2020 (when the queues were already united), the number of players began to decrease. And then the decline in the number of players continued until in September 2020 the number of players dropped to the level of December 2019. It does not seem that the merging of the queues brought anyone back into the game and helped to keep anyone in it. The queues are merged, but the number of players is decreasing. It is obvious. And it's stupid to deny it.
3) And in October 2020, a good growth in the number of players begins. I tend to attribute this growth to information that the GULAG/Cauldron will now be responsible for the balance of mechs/weapons/equipment, with promises of improving old maps and creating new maps, team balance improvements, the promise of splitting solo and group queues. And other good things. However, many of them have remained empty promises, someone did not like the balance of mechs/weapons from the Cauldron, which, I think, has led to a constant decrease in the number of players since June 2021.

And currently, the number of players, alas, continuing to decline, already is approaching December 2019, although the groups are combined with a solo quick play, unlike in 2019. Given all of the above, it turns out that there was no positive effect from groups in a quick play on the number of players?

Edited by Voice of Kerensky, 20 April 2023 - 10:22 PM.

#204 C337Skymaster


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 03:34 AM

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 20 April 2023 - 08:08 PM, said:

PGI to go with the absolutely the laziest possible most imbalanced solution that they could

Okay, THIS part should not be a surprise to anyone... now or in the past.

#205 C337Skymaster


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 03:41 AM

Otherwise, I, and most of the members of my unit, REALLY miss scouting matches. 4v4, with all the rewards of Faction without nearly as much of the imbalance (certainly less after they released the Bushwacker, and Stealth armor flipped it the other way, entirely).

It was a place for your 4-man groups to go play together, you could still pug-in if you wanted to, the matches were short and sometimes brutal, there was a strategic alternative which you could try to execute if you wanted to avoid fighting, which was very hard to implement, but very fun to try.

The only reason I can think that PGI removed it is because it was robbing players from the main FP queue. That, and when they combined all the factions, they might not have had the expertise to keep it running in parallel to the current Invasion match, which is a complete shame, because the ability to indirectly influence an Invasion match by slinging them powerups (which still have icons at the top of their match screen, by the way), made scouting all that much more enjoyable.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 03:42 AM

I am in favor of giving people this freedom. you play or don't but this should be it. There should be diversity.

People should have a choice.

The more variety there is, the wider your audience will be.

whether you like it or not.

#207 Rinkata Prime


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 07:23 AM


IS Beagle Active Probe:
- Equipment slots is reduced to 1 (from 2)
- Equipment weight is reduced to 1 ton (from 1.5 tons)

OMG It's inside my head!!! INSIDE MY HEAD!!! lul, finally

#208 ShooteyMcShooterson


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 07:48 AM

I'm 1000% with MPG on this. Which btw, I made my strident opposition to soup queue clear back when it was being considered. I cited another mech game I play that uses soup queue and how much it sucks, and my guess is nobody at PGI even bothered to look.

I can't f*cking wait until soup queue is gone. I will play much more often once it is. Just check my stats. I used to play several hundred matches per season for 4 years striaght, until soup queue started with season 46. Since then, I average less than 50 matches per season. Hell, I didn't even play at all for like half of 2021.

I do not play this game to be fodder or a meat shield for its comp units and whales, and I will not buy anything until it's fixed. Get these toxic groups out of the QP queue and I will play (and pay) way more often.

#209 ShooteyMcShooterson


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 07:58 AM

View PostLockheed_, on 20 April 2023 - 08:27 PM, said:

To chime in about the whole 8v8/12v12 and groups discussion:
During the 8v8 trial weekend I played a few marches and then called it quits because it was the worst experience in MWO that I ever had and could not avoid, like EQ. I spent a lot of time in the mechlab that I would have usually spend playing and I noticed one thing, my friend list was EMPTY during the trial weekend and I did not hear anyone talk positively about it when I asked around. I also have seen very mixed feedback in general. To me it looked very much like those who played comp enjoyed it the most and were the most vocal about it and the rest was a very mixed bag.

As someone who by now plays pretty much only solo these days, I am totally fine with people being able to play with their buddies. Having 99% players in a group on any team without proper balancing that out with another group like that is surely not ideal but with the low population this seems unavoidable and not reason to ruin the game for the vast majority of players who just want to shoot some mechs with their buddies and have a good time.

The trolls dropping in groups to farm pugs are not the majority of players. Not even close. If they were, then group queue wouldn't have had an existential crisis which required it to be merged into QP in the first place.

#210 MechWarrior8922442


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 10:11 AM

I just came back from retirement a few months ago and I am really missing the variety of gamemodes.

Here's my idea:
Rename Faction Play to "Group Play" and force all groups to drop there. Groups of 2-4 might drop scouting. Groups of 4+ drop invasion. Don't give players the choice. Drop decks all you want. Also, I don't think I care that much if we drop a Steiner Scout Lance on scouting, so let them bring whatever they want. Variety is fun.

Rename Quick Play back to "Solo Play" Only allow solo droppers and strip team name info out of the drop info. No drop decks: run what you brung.

Add "Comp Play" 8v8, so that those people will go their and play their game. Make it all about the teams and etc. You could even have open viewing of matches, or even scheduled matches. ON the main game. All the drop deck stuff you want. Make rankings public. I loved the S7 scorecards and teams can gain infamy through public celebration for their success in comp play: which is what they want. Advertise it. Make it the big deal.

Add a function to 1v1 challenge any online player. Make use of the Solaris 7 maps again. You can even play with rankings based on who, specifically, you have beaten and lost to. Make rankings long-term ongoing instead of seasonal. No drop decks, Choose any mech without the other guy knowing what. Choosing a mech in a 1v1 is like rock-paper-scissors, and that sounds fun to me. Get your grudge matches and Batchalls right here.

I understand that wait times will go up. But mixing these groups makes none of the individuals happy, and makes it impossible for anyone to play what they want to play. Nobody is enthusiastic about having group or comp players in solo queue, especially not group or comp players: give everyone an exclusive experience.

Finally: Make legendary mechs only available for a limited time. Creating a sense of urgency to collect them before they're gone forever.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 11:56 AM

2xgauss rifle and solaris city
How many minutes will you live before it breaks apart?
I understand that you want to test yourself.
But some structures are different.

fish cannot fly.
Birds cannot swim.

Exceptions do not break rules

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 21 April 2023 - 11:58 AM.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 12:04 PM

Every rooster crows in its own pen.

#213 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 12:20 PM

View PostTarteso, on 20 April 2023 - 03:08 PM, said:


You can fool the PGI guys with this faery tale, not us:


I did it a couple times.. here's a video DATA posted doing just that:

#214 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 05:32 PM

View Postambosen, on 20 April 2023 - 01:44 PM, said:

If LRM boats on your team or the other one are getting 1600 damage somehow, the problem isn't the LRM boats. The problem is your team the opposing team, or both, is essentially doing nothing but standing still waiting to be shot. There have been so many nerfs to LRM's over the years, specifically to appease those sorts of people in the form of increased scattering increased heat, straight up capping how many LRM launchers mechs can carry even if they have the tonnage and pod space, really buffing ECM, increased radar deprevation with many lighter mechs now having an inherent percentage before you even use the skill try, or chance to miss out on doing damage entirely even with a clear lock at certain ranges, to say nothing of how Inner sphere LRM's don't do damage at all at a certain ranges, or Clan LRM's at a close enough point have it drop off so much it might as well not be worth it using them.

LRM's usually rely on one of two things to even work: a clear line of sight for an enemy, and something that can keep them out in the open where the majoority of missiles will hit, usually in the form of a teammate who's closing in close and keeping them occupied, often while tagging or NARCing them so that you can even attempt to hit to begin with. With Artemis launchers, you can't even deadfire without a positive lock, though you get an accuracy to hit increase at certain ranges and situations. SRM's, MRM's, rocket launchers, autocannons, lasers, gauss rifles even a good chunk of the PPC type weapons don't have these restrictions, or this inherent chance of missing even with a confirmed shot. Likewise, only LRM's really have a secondary weapon that exists specifically to hard counter them, not that you see to many mechs carrying AMS systems anymore. The threat they were intended to protect against has been nerfed to the point many people no longer see the point. Hell, even the removal of AMS scoring was an attempt to keep some small measure of viability for LRM's, so crippled have they become.

Due to these nerfs, and many of these weapons getting buffed on top of changes made specifically to weaken LRM's many of the mechs originally designed with LRM's in mind are taking their shorter ranged, faster, less troublesome counterparts. And really can you blame the pilots of those mechs a bit? You can effectively use MRM's in a range bracket that includes the optimal ranges of both LRM's and SRM's with a lot of mechs and the range or accuracy boosting perks they have access to. And you'll outdamage the LRM's, too. You can use autocannons somewhat effectively if you know what you're doing at any range.

Medium lasers in particular are so generally useful it's downright *weird* to not see mechs fielding at least one, even if they don't have thew tonnage available for more powerful, longer ranged laser weaponry. PPC's share many of the strengths of autocannons, and can temporarily disable ECM besides.

So yeah. The weapon that directly struggles in viability both as a generalist and specialized weapon against virtually every other weapon of the game is OP just because you say so. And obviously needs to be yet again further nerfed. Despite all evidence otherwise, or the fact that even if you are seeing someone getting 1600 damage in a match, it's pretty much functionally impossible to do except with weapons that are very specifically tailored to be better generalsit weapons overall, and most optimal for shorter ranges.

I agree.. I was dissing the map, not lurming. LRMs have been slightly over-nerfed.. esp with radar dep being so easy to procure.. not to mention the abundance of ecm and multi-ams mechs as well. I haven't tried raining on the revised version of the map, but the mushroom structures seem to be a step in the right direction. They add cover against not only LRM's but also sniper fire.. I'm also noticing more near-range engagements happening too.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 22 April 2023 - 07:53 AM.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 05:37 PM

but not everyone likes close range combat.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 05:58 PM

sometimes you wait The team can't wait.
sometimes the team waits. you don't wait.

Waiting is sometimes helpful.
Sometimes your team gets weak.

It is difficult to win in teams that do not make synchronized attacks.

#217 Half Ear


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Posted 21 April 2023 - 06:00 PM

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 21 April 2023 - 11:56 AM, said:

2xgauss rifle and solaris city
How many minutes will you live before it breaks apart?
I understand that you want to test yourself.
But some structures are different.

fish cannot fly.
Birds cannot swim.

Exceptions do not break rules

Couldnt help myself!!! :)

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by Half Ear, 21 April 2023 - 06:08 PM.



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Posted 21 April 2023 - 06:05 PM

you get what i mean.

#219 Roodkapje


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Posted 22 April 2023 - 07:43 AM

View PostKingCobra, on 19 April 2023 - 01:12 PM, said:

When MWO came out many of us thought what a baren unsocial game?

I think I had no idea what to do with it untill the GUI had a complete redesign and looked like the current one! Posted Image


And it has been for 10 years that in many players opinions is why it never achieved the player numbers the older mechwarrior games achieved.
Many of us older players tried many times to alert PGI to this aspect and asked for a main chat lobby system to be installed in the UI so new players could get the actual help they needed hands on from the players themselves not just on a forum.

I have said that soo many times in the past! Posted Image

You were basically forced to go into Faction Warfare, pick a side, and then still only be able to reach roughly 50% of the players via the chat...


But as time went by it was only once a reality for a few weeks a PGI employee did actually make a replica of the old MSN Gamming Zone system but it was pulled before it even had a chance to be tested.

That is just sad... Even for someone who dislikes everything related to MSN like their Messenger at the time!


I think from time to time what MWO could have been if it would have been done right as far as a Social Game System players could have taken and expanded the game on.


View PostKursedVixen, on 19 April 2023 - 02:54 PM, said:

That's a great way to lose players the normal cooldown is good enough.

Apparently it is not enough if you look at all the lamers and trolls out there! Posted Image

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 April 2023 - 02:57 PM, said:

While all that's true, the more advanced equipment wasn't called by the same name.

Beagle Active Probe is always Beagle Active Probe, and is always 1.5 tons and 2 crits.
The upgraded equipment is called "Bloodhound Active Probe".

The Clans made their own advancement at the same time, or a little later, which is called "CEWS", which I think means "Combat Electronic Warfare System" (or Clan EWS?), which is a combination of active probe and ecm in one piece of equipment.

I want those goodies ingame! Like... NOW!!! Posted Image

View PostKursedVixen, on 19 April 2023 - 08:51 PM, said:

The watchdog CEWS is a light active probe and ecm in one package weighting in at 1.5 tons and 2 slots since we have the light active probe it's kinda redundant.

But it's not the same ?!


yeah the set of 8 thing really ruined omnimechs either put the quirks on the omnipods or give us a like set of 4 or somthing bonus.

Indeed! More mix and matching = YES!

Or have for example a 10% quirk give 2,5% quirk per Omnipod or something...

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 19 April 2023 - 06:13 PM, said:

Posted Image
What do you think happened in Season 46 ? ( yeah thats right , Soup queue )

What is a Season ?!

You are talking about Quick Play so it can't be Solaris related which was a 3 month period/1 quarter of a year ?
Is that also the case here ?!

I really want to know because it could EXACTLY MATCH my experience over the last couple of years sadly... Posted Image

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 19 April 2023 - 06:43 PM, said:

Take other games as an example. battlefield,cod server is always open.
Players are connecting to servers.
and players come out whenever they want.

you are thinking small, think big.

If there is one thing that I have always found annoying about MWO then it has to be the fact that there are no Dedicated Servers we can host by ourselves! Posted Image

Doing this all via some sort of P2P or Match Maker system is annoying and something that should have stayed in the PlayStation/X-Box World and never have come to PC Gaming !!!

- Pick a Server
- Play on it as long as you like.
- If the games suck then leave and pick another one.
- And so on...
- Most of the time an Admin online who can punish bad behaviour by kicking or banning the player!

PERFECTION !!! Posted Image

View PostStrelok7, on 19 April 2023 - 07:28 PM, said:

-looking at bringing Drop Decks to Quick Play
Stop looking. It is called Quick Play for a reason. I am not staying in game with a lame team, with 4 mech drop deck, for half hour.

AMEN! Posted Image


-map update
Thumbs down.
An example of how not to try to satisfy everyone. Map went form cool, new, interesting, offering new game dynamic.
To old, boring million obstructions in a way. Purple barf on the walls x10.

The whole map is one big THUMBS DOWN !!!

Just SHIFT+DEL or rm -rf and focus on a new one! Posted Image

View PostC337Skymaster, on 20 April 2023 - 06:28 AM, said:

The only quirk that I can understand being tied to a set-of-8 is one that makes the stock build work, but goes away when you try to abuse it. In particular: HSL quirks for 'mechs that are rather underpowered, otherwise. The DWF-A's 3x LPL HSL quirk made sense, and specifically as a set-of-8 quirk, since otherwise you could add 9 more energy hardpoints and be cycling groups of 3 LPL's at a time. Expanding it to include ERPPC is overreach, and didn't need to happen.

HSL+1/+2 stuff should just apply to the mech and not the Omnipods Posted Image

Your mech will overheat at some point anyways...
My DWF with 8 x ER LL as a TROLOLOL build has proved that many times! LOL!


The TBR-D's 4x SSRM HSL quirk is another one that makes sense as a S08, so you're not moving that quirk over to the TBR-S, and suddenly have a poptart that can fire 4 SSRM6 over a hill without penalty, absolutely obliterating lights and mediums without taking much return fire.

Would it ?!

As far as I know you would need a lot of Streak SRM2 for that and not Streak SRM6 ?!

View PostC337Skymaster, on 20 April 2023 - 07:27 AM, said:

Maybe my eyes are just getting older, but I keep getting sniped on that map, WAY more than brawled, and I can't ever see who the heck is shooting me to shoot back at them.

Snipers seemed to be more of a problem than LRMs before the patch, too.

They are BOTH a huge issue, but I do agree that ER LL and ER PPC camperism is totally annoying on that map!

Who had the brilliant idea to make that map so damn purple in the first place ?!

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 20 April 2023 - 08:55 AM, said:

When they tried out 8v8, personally, I didn't enjoy it at all.

Me neither...

100% BORING !!! Posted Image


It didn't feel like a battle.. it was more like scout mode on steroids.

I had more fun in Scouting matches than the 8 vs. 8 stuff to be honest...


Matches were dull because there was less variety on the field and people were more afraid to move so there was less action.

Players are always afraid to get scratches on their mech sadly...

Even in 12 vs. 12 Quick Play as it is! Posted Image


Also, with fewer mechs on the field, outcomes were decided much quicker bec whichever team got the first kill or two, they had a huge advantage.. more so than with 12v12.

Not sure about that part...


Stomps have ALWAYS been a part of the game, (even in MWO's hay day), the causes of which went by many different names.. 'soup queue' is but one of them.

The problem is how often you experience them and I think the number has gotten higher and higher over the last 2 years or so!

IMHO it's because a lot of good players left and n00bs who have no idea what they are doing replaced their spot or were left behind...


This is a complex game and before we can begin to solve or mitigate stomps, population size must go up so MM can do its job.

This is a game with a huge steep learning curve and more players won't solve that!

We need to EDUCATE THE CURRENT PLAYERS and then things might start to change! Posted Image

View PostTarteso, on 20 April 2023 - 03:08 PM, said:


You can fool the PGI guys with this faery tale, not us:


What are you trying to say ?!

Link to a direct post please! Posted Image

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 20 April 2023 - 06:52 PM, said:

And while you yourself didn't enjoy 8v8 overall feedback was overwhelmingly positive

Ehm... it was not at all ?!

Very mixed and more like 51% vs. 49% against it or at least something like that !! Posted Image


and at the same time wouldn't have alienated a lot of playerbase that didn't was SOUP in their matches and subsequently quit because of it.

Maybe... Maybe not...

Times change, birds fly, people lose interest in stuff they used to do... and so on...


The reason why its being reconsidered again is because what we have now is BAD , its simple as that.

Again... Not the whole story!


And folks like you would obviously want solo pugs being served to you on a platter

I do too and I don't even play in Groups when it comes to Quick Play Posted Image

But seriously : Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to this stuff! Don't see it as the absolute truth!

View PostMagic Pain Glove, on 20 April 2023 - 08:08 PM, said:

3. I enjoy what exactly ? Matches being more even than they are atm ?

I would enjoy that! Posted Image

Those 10-12 and 12-11 matches are the best!
I can even remember some DRAW rounds!

100% YES PLEASE !!! Posted Image


2) It screwed over spawns positions ( so a lot of maps had to be reworked and teams placed in one place , because solo assaults would be put where lights previously used to be spawned which would lead to them getting left behind )

If we teach Light and Fast Medium players to run over to them and support/escort them then there would be no issue at all ?! Posted Image

First thing that I do when we are not playing Domination or I am not the only fast mech in the team!

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 20 April 2023 - 09:52 PM, said:

It seems to me that it was not only the combination of solo and group queues in a quick play that led to some growth in the size of the player base.

For sure! Posted Image


Yes, some people have returned to the game being fascinated by the possibility of a Friday beer walk with a friend in a quick play. But these beer warriors very quickly lost their enthusiasm when faced with the harsh reality: they thought that their joint walks in a quick game would bring pleasure, that they would win; but in the game in opponents they met not the same drunken cheerful opponents, but seasoned thugs. And so, instead of easily and cheerfully defeating ordinary players, these people suddenly began to lose humiliatingly.

HAHAHA!!! NICE!!! Cool little story! Posted Image


Ohhh... I remember very well the stream that The b33f hosted on the first day of the group and solo queues merging, where he and 3 unit mates went into a quick play on 4 Rifleman IIC 6xAC-2. And The b33f kept score on the stream. I finished watching the stream at a score of 34:2. Teams with The b33f group won 34 times, his team lost 2 times. Although it was more than a demonstrative stream, the PGI did not draw the right conclusions from it.

The conclusion would be that DAKKA kicks *** and if you have enough of it then ofcourse your team will WIN ?! Posted Image


1) The graph shows that the growth in the number of players began in March 2020, i.e. at least a month before the (test!!!) merging of solo and group queues.

I can remember a little fake thing happening around that time too... Worldwide! LOL! Posted Image


Given all of the above, it turns out that there was no positive effect from groups in a quick play on the number of players?

Ofcourse not! This game is OLD !! VERY OLD !!

This is something for fanatics! Average Joe won't touch this game at all : He has CoD and Battlefield or that FortNight crap to mess around in! Posted ImagePosted Image

View PostC337Skymaster, on 21 April 2023 - 03:41 AM, said:

Otherwise, I, and most of the members of my unit, REALLY miss scouting matches. 4v4, with all the rewards of Faction.

+1 Posted Image

View PostRuth Bader Ginsburg, on 21 April 2023 - 10:11 AM, said:

Here's my idea:
Rename Faction Play to "Group Play" and force all groups to drop there. Groups of 2-4 might drop scouting. Groups of 4+ drop invasion. Don't give players the choice. Drop decks all you want. Also, I don't think I care that much if we drop a Steiner Scout Lance on scouting, so let them bring whatever they want. Variety is fun.

Rename Quick Play back to "Solo Play" Only allow solo droppers and strip team name info out of the drop info. No drop decks: run what you brung.

Add "Comp Play" 8v8, so that those people will go their and play their game. Make it all about the teams and etc. You could even have open viewing of matches, or even scheduled matches. ON the main game. All the drop deck stuff you want. Make rankings public. I loved the S7 scorecards and teams can gain infamy through public celebration for their success in comp play: which is what they want. Advertise it. Make it the big deal.

Add a function to 1v1 challenge any online player. Make use of the Solaris 7 maps again. You can even play with rankings based on who, specifically, you have beaten and lost to. Make rankings long-term ongoing instead of seasonal. No drop decks, Choose any mech without the other guy knowing what. Choosing a mech in a 1v1 is like rock-paper-scissors, and that sounds fun to me. Get your grudge matches and Batchalls right here.

I understand that wait times will go up. But mixing these groups makes none of the individuals happy, and makes it impossible for anyone to play what they want to play. Nobody is enthusiastic about having group or comp players in solo queue, especially not group or comp players: give everyone an exclusive experience.

YES!!! Posted Image


Finally: Make legendary mechs only available for a limited time. Creating a sense of urgency to collect them before they're gone forever.

NO!!! HORRIBLE!!! Posted Image

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 21 April 2023 - 05:32 PM, said:

esp with radar dep being so easy to procure..

That also made spotting basically useless and lead to horrible games!

I keep asking people to SPOT!!! but I can understand them completely when they be like "Why would I if my spot disappears so fast ?!" Posted Image


not to mention the abundance of ecm and multi-ams mechs as well.

The COR-7A still does well, but that's about it...

The lack or "Team Support Awards" by dishing out extra XP and C-Bills and Match Score could be one of the reasons people can't be bothered anymore to use such equipment ?!

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 21 April 2023 - 05:37 PM, said:

but not everyone likes close range combat.

but not everyone likes long range combat.

Posted ImagePosted Image

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 21 April 2023 - 05:58 PM, said:

sometimes you wait The team can't wait.
sometimes the team waits. you don't wait.

Waiting is sometimes helpful.
Sometimes your team gets weak.

It is difficult to win in teams that do not make synchronized attacks.

Maybe one day people will actually start using their brain a bit more in this game... Who knows... In another 10 years or so ?! Posted Image

All those times you yell for support and no one responds... EPIC! LOL!
(And I am not talking about running of on your own to the middle of nowhere and then expecting any kind of support!)

Edited by Roodkapje, 22 April 2023 - 07:51 AM.

#220 MechWarrior8922442


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Posted 22 April 2023 - 06:34 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 20 April 2023 - 12:44 PM, said:

Anybody know what the Thursday Afternoon Maintenance is about?

They added the missing Scattershot Orange paint.

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