"Oh it's just the way I play the g--" no. These things mostly result from a lack of awareness or a reluctance to actually engage with the game. If you stop doing these things (and your opponents continue to do them) I guarantee you your win rate and KDR and AMS will bump up
I get it man, sometimes you get got and that sucks. You turn a corner and you get lit up, a lucky headshot comes in, etc. But I'm going to tell you a secret: for the most part, you can *choose* when you're at risk of dying. What??? -- you might ask, but it's true. Before you YOLO out of cover into an open field or press W as a light around a corner you know the enemy probably is hiding behind, ask yourself: if even one thing goes slightly wrong here, am I going to get shot at? If I get shot at, can I get to cover or kill the thing shooting at me quickly? If I'm a light trying to go for a backstab, are there other lights lurking? Can I successfully GTFO if things get hot? You should, for the most part, try to prolong your life as much as possible so you can at least present a credible threat to the enemy. I would almost rather have someone missing 90% of their shots on sniper overwatch but making the enemy team think twice about pushing their lane than someone who runs right in, does 250 damage, and dies two minutes into the match in a 7v1
Again, I get it. You want to stay alive, so whenever someone shoots at you, you try to get to a spot where they can't do that. Totally fine. But many -- most? -- of you take this to an extreme. You get shot and hide behind a piece of cover forever. You see a push coming on the minimap -- if you're even aware of the minimap -- and you run away from it. Someone (me) tells you *exactly where the enemy is* and *exactly what they're going to do* and I've literally seen some of you *turn your back* on the other team and run away as a result.
Look, unless you're mega fast, at some point you're gonna have to stand and fight. The correct time to do this is not when your entire team has been easily picked off because most of you were fleeing. Even if you're outnumbered on a push, you're way better off receiving it with your full strength.
Great, you found a piece of cover from which you can engage the enemy. Oh, no! Someone shot you! The correct thing to do here is either a. if you're in a place where your engagement is favorable, continue to fire at them. or b. if your engagement is not favorable, reposition to another piece of cover where you can engage better. What most of you do instead is this: you press S behind that cover and *stay there forever* until the other team, who can do whatever they want because you're not firing at them, moves to more favorable positions and kills you. You gotta left click -- sometimes right click -- on the enemy to win.
Oh no, there's a good group of players on the other team! Looks like there's no way you can win. Better tell everyone this on comms and then play the game like you've already lost. to be blunt, this is loser talk. Even the absolute best players on this team still lose like 20% of the time. If you try your best, that number will go up.
Please stop sprinting to the low ground or HPG basement or the valleys of Canon Network and wonder why you keep losing. Low ground is fine sometimes but in general you should be defaulting to high.
There's more but these are pretty basic. Notice how I'm not saying "you need to hit all your shots, your map knowledge needs to be perfect, you need elite reaction time." Try this simple advice and I guarantee you'll win more.
Edited by pattonesque, 29 July 2024 - 02:03 PM.