I know a lot of players don't like Solaris, and to be honest it was a bit of a bomb but this event is actually quite fun (at least in its early stages). In less than an hour, I was able to complete the ten drops required and earned 17 war horns, 250GSP, and 4M c-bills and that doesn't include whatever c-bills I earned from the drops themselves. It took about 2 1/2 hours to do 31 drops earning an average of ~400k c-bills per match so there's another 12+ million space bucks.
It's not hard to get 50 match score, so I would definitely give it a try for at least 10 drops. Do that in every weight class and, well, you can do the math.
Good hunting,
CFC Conky
Edited by CFC Conky, Yesterday, 08:19 AM.