PaintedWolf, on 30 July 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
If only.
It's even more rediculous- an Atlas' armour is only a few milimetres thick, if that- yet it does a better job at stopping a gauss round that was fired at- what, Mach 6 velocity... but will crumble if the Atlas falls 6 metres. A kick is just as effective...
It's a contradiction the game has to live with to make melee attacks viable

PaintedWolf, on 30 July 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
This makes sense if a squad is spread out over a 30m^2 hex. That's a lot of room for the infantry to spread out in. A lightning bolt covers a much smaller area than several dozen bullets.
That being said, gauss rounds traveling at those speeds would be...unpleasant...even if it didn't land near you. Also doesn't explain how that squad covers so much ground so quickly either...