Pht, on 07 August 2012 - 02:06 PM, said:
Pardon my lack math here, but does not the average battlemech suffer the same chance of a TAC, when the extra number of sections are mathematically taken into acount and rendered neutral, thus giving a true apples to apples comparison?
Well, I think the thing about thicker amor has already been answered by Melcyna...
as for the math behind to hit rolls:
Nope, vehicles use a different hit table than battlemechs.
It has the vehicle divided into 4 body and 4 turret quadrants (into which you can locate armor).
If a weapon hits, they basically just look into which quadrant the slug falls and afterwards roll (like for a battlemech), but with a hit table, that has, crits in 6 of the 11 possible values that you can roll.
To sum the probabilities up (I made a mistake with my former assessment (as probabilities for 2 rolled dice follow a gauss curve) btw. but Ihave corrected this in this list): (Probability in percent vs. outcome)
Attack from Front/back:
5.5 % = Critical armor piercing hit (which, in 50% of the cases is fatal)
5.5 % = Turret lock (i.e. turret remains in position it had befoe attack)
5.5 % = 0 Movement Points (as track gets destroyed)
8,3 % = -1 MP (as drive gets damaged)
-> 25 % probability total for something critical
Attack from Side:
5.5 % = Critical armor piercing hit (which, in 50% of the cases is fatal)
5.5 % = Turret lock (i.e. turret remains in position it had befoe attack)
25 % = 0 Movement Points (as track gets destroyed)
-> total of 36.1 % for some kind of critical hit
(all of this, while the armor is full intact)
Not take for comparison a battlemech:
Hits from front back:
2.77 % = Chance for CT Critical (but with 58% [roll of 2-7] there is no critical hit)
Hits from side:
2.77 % = Chance for LT/RT Critical (but with 58% [roll of 2-7] there is no critical hit)
Considering the fact that these hit location rolls are done for every weapon (even an MG/small laser), these values are more than slightly skewed in favor of the battlemech.
Lets state an example:
A heavily armored 100t tank gets frontally attacked by 10 battlemech MGs..
despite the fact that they would, with just 20 damage, only dent the armor, the tank after these 10 attacks will be with aprobability of:
~25% = dead (because of ammo explosion, crew death, or fuel tank hit)
~46 % = have 0 MP
~58 % = have lost at least 1 MP
(I have calculated the values independently, therefore their sum is > 100 % (the tank could, for example, lose with one attack 1 MP and with the next attack get destroyed (or lose all of its MP))
A battlemech however would just laugh about such an attack

as there is just a chance of 11%, that not only any of these 10 MGs pierced the Torso armor (by rolling a 2), but that the mechpilot afterwards in the crit roll also rolled an 8 or higher, in order to really get 1-3 critical hits (and even if it resulted in one or more criticals, chances are high that the mech will be damaged, but still be in a condition to continue combat)
Edited by Elessar, 07 August 2012 - 04:08 PM.