Since none of the options pretain to me, im going to post my responses here.
Yes I will be going clan, but not for any tech advantages, after all i have played IS in every other rendition of the Mechwarrior universe and Table Top. Hell i have even gone so far as converting the majority of Clan Mechs to IS tech for a custom alternate universe campaign. The reason I plan on going clan is that the group of friends I have fallen in with plan on going that way, and honestly I tie myself to my friends more than I do factions. Secondly it gives me an opportunity to try something new.
The group I am with plans on going Wolf as Wardens, and this is a philosphy i can get behind, heck who knows we may cause Clanners more grief than we do to the IS, while trying to disrupt the crusader invasion plans.
Zellbringen is an interesting concept, however once an opponent breaks it, clan pilots are no longer honor bound to fight it. Chances are with the amount of focus fire done in competetive play I have a feeling that Zellbringen will not last beyond the first few shots of the match. I personally will attempt to follow it, however once it has been broken by the opponents im fairly certain this crew will throw it out the window.
Finally, im fairly certain they will tone down the tech advantage that the clanners have for balance reasons. I dont think it would be wise of them to keep the tech advantage the way it is due to the fact that they have for the most part promoted allowing players to pilot what they want, and not restricting them too much. Granted they do intend on how many mechs of each weight class they plan on using for a drop they are not saying you can only take this or that mech. This in my opinion will deterr the power gamers as there is no clear tech advantage, and make it only appealing to the lore buffs, and those who like the aesthetics of the Clan mech designs.
PS. Hellbringer