Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
1. Clans should be open to ALL players.
Good to go here, pretty sure everyone agrees.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
2. Choosing to go Clan comes at a certain stage in your character's career. At a certain level you choose to slide over or go up. For EXAMPLE (I am no dev & I know some people halfway read a post then run with it) if the rule is, let us say at Level 26 you have unlocked the Clans you can either stay as an IS pilot & go up one level to 27 or maybe even two levels to 28 as a bonus for staying IS ( I think this is how it is done in Star Trek: Online where after reaching a certain level, you can choose to stay as a Federation player or become Klingon.)
slide over to the Clans but remain at level 26. Your career as a clan pilot begins at Level 26.
These two aren't bad ideas, basically have spots where you'd get turned into a bonsdman then have to fight to obtain your status as a warrior into your chosen Clan in one example and the other just opens. Not sure I'd personally care for getting a bonus for staying IS in this situation, I don't need the free levels, since Clanners are just jumping ship because it's really the faction they feel fits them the best.
Another alternative would be to have a clean slate. The Clan pilot option unlocks on a patch when the invasion hits (or just before so people can get set up/acquainted with their machines/groups,) and you start at lv 1 or so and work your way up. This may or may not be modified later by Trials/etc. Bonus for staying IS, with Clans offering superior tech. I don't really see the need to be given free rank/levels as a Clan pilot, every pilot regardless of faction should have to start from square one.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
3. The first player to become a Clan pilot for a clan does NOT become the Khan. Let us face it, there are a lot of unskilled childish idiots who start a clan, take the title of Khan & rule stupidly with absolutely no sense of what they are doing. In fact I think NO player should be able to rise to Khan or saKhan; those positions should be held by two devs. Four original invading clans means eight devs. They do not even have to fight, as normally most Khans do not see action on the field often. If they do, power to them, but it is not a requirement. They are there as admins, managing the day to day affairs of their respective Clans. They issue orders & updates to their subordinates.
Being able to obtain a higher rank probably should be availible, but might be a good idea to lock Khan out, just like the IS forces can't obtain their highest rank (because, well we all know who's khan of what Clan at these times/etc.) Khan's will most likely be NPC's, as they should be for all major identities in the MW:O world. So I agree with this, no Khan from the game (though obviously player driven groups will have their own possibly.)
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
4. Once a player chooses to go Clan, he/she enters "sibko" mode until passing their Trial of Position.
Sibko mode should just be instant action for the Clans, against other Clan players. It should not be required to pass a Trial to be able to fight with your Clan or go out and fight the IS. In lore, yeah, in MW:O I don't think it's a good idea. While it's unfortunate for some aspects of both Clan and IS, you're going to have an audience from the hardcore to the not so hardcore, and some things need to be a bit more open then how strict Clan (or parts of IS) rules tend to be.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
use the Steel Viper approach & have the cadets fight each other.
In either scenario, a kill grants the cadet, warrior status & placement within the Touman.
If a Trial does happen, using the Steel Viper approach is probably the best way of handling it within the confines of MW:O. That's mostly because we haven't heard really how they're going to handle NPC pilots, or if they'll have any at all. The big pitfall to this part of the idea however, is what happens when someone doesn't get a kill due to random factors, like a headshot against them or something else? Are you going to have to sit on your thumbs and do another match? I know in actual Clan lore, you've weaded out the unworthy, but I think it's a bit uneeded at this point for this aspect.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
5. After successfully completing their Trial, the cadet is placed in the touman as an active warrior. At this point that particular Clan only has an Alpha Galaxy & players will be funneled into different sub units within Alpha. If Alpha becomes full, ONLY at that point will Beta become unlocked etc. etc. From the time a sub unit becomes active, their reputation goes live. So obviously the first set of people coming into the Clan will be going into Alpha but as I suggested once Alpha becomes full, other units can be opened so naturally, Beta would be next. So suppose at some point in the game, a particular Clan has 3 Galaxies & from how the players perform, Beta Galaxy is the most elite. Warriors from Alpha & Charlie Galaxies can apply to transfer to Beta. However this will not be done via paperwork. This will be done via a Trial. I will restrict this to the same rank however. A Mechwarrior can challenge a Mechwarrior, a Star Commander can challenge a Star Commander etc. etc. So in keeping with the Clan mentality, you have to fight to get your spot & fight to keep it. So someone of the same rank can challenge your legitimacy of being in a certain unit or even sub unit. If a specific sub-unit performs well & they are being recognized for their talent the same rules apply.
You'll probably cringe at this, but it should act like how the IS ranks work. You get XP, XP gets you rank. Rank gives you options to select certain units/etc to gain their paint scheme/bonuses. There should be a challenge type of trial where you can call out another person, but it shouldn't have effect on your in game standing, a lot of this stuff is way way way open to abuse.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
I want it to not just be Clan by the looks of it but by the feel. I want you to become jealous of your brothers & sisters pushing each other & yourself to do better
Which can be fun, but what about the rest of the people playing Clans that aren't in it for the uber hardcore aspect? Should they just leave because you don't like how they want to have fun....this remains a video game and not an actual clan experiment.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
have the IS barbarians tremble at the sight of us:
That's not happening, no matter how much RP you spit out.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
6. As a Clan mechwarrior you have access to light mechs only with a spendable currency I call Access Points.
Should have a pool of 'mechs to choose from but is NOT limited to lights. Clans at the start and later need to be diverse so they can fill multiple roles from the get go, and people shouldn't be initialy locked out of a chassis they may want because it's not a light 'mech. It can either be a set number of 'mechs with a few per weight class, or have as you said a kind of points. These points are one time use on the beginning of said Clan character for them to select their 'mech. Omnimechs cost more points then second line, and higher weight class might as well. Left over points either grants a small XP boost or in game cash/whatever resource the Clans end up using, or allow the modification of an Omnimech with said points.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said:
7. Players will get promoted one rank at a time. So it will go Mechwarrior=>Star Commander=>Star Captain=>Star Colonel=>Galaxy Commander. Now getting back to the lore, by the time you reached the Star Captain rank, you should have participated in a Trial of Bloodright & won your Bloodname. Warriors without a Bloodname will NOT be allowed to go higher than Star Captain. On average there should forty Bloodnames available per Clan (obviously some will be more & some will be less).
This is a bit tricky depending on how they handle bloodnames (which I'll address below.) Obviously Trials of Position can't work as they do in lore and auto grant rank, but I also think rank shouldn't be tied to having a bloodname. Rank should only dictacte if you're allowed to go for a Bloodname or not. ToP might be a good way to get bonus XP towards your next rank (which, the XP would need to be much higher per rank since the IS has many more ranks then the Clan player will have available,) but with any system that uses player versus player, you have to be careful of direct abuse unless your oponents are completely random. Could have it so you can host your own premade Trials, but they wouldn't have any effect on the in game xp/etc so players can still do their own RP/Clan based business.
Continued in next post, something on the forum is preventing me from posting the full thing...