Me again...
Ok... (not only) with this matchmaking the game isn't playable at all. Played some matches this evening and they ALL ended with one team getting raped in <5min. Mostly MY "team" ofc. Didn't even manage to get one single kill in my new hunchback so far (maybe because the rocket version is pretty much useless, don't know...).
I think I will give it a try again when the REAL beta starts, this is just... meh. At this stage the game hasn't that much to do with the games I loved when I was younger. It's more like CoD with mechs on mini maps.
Sorry for the whine, but I'm actually a little diappointed...
Nevertheless I would ask some stuff I don't understand:
1. Invincible Jenners?
There are some who really soak up tons of damage. Could it be that there are some hitbox issues or something? I mean... "3 vs. 1" shouldn't end with "1 dead, 2 damaged vs. 1 still alive". Even if the damage is spead on all modules because of it's speed... 8 med lasers (not mentioning the other weapons) should be able to kill it fast. At least that is what happens to my Jenner all the time. But even I had 2 matches in whcih I asked myself "Holy bratwurst... how the hell did I survive that?"
Something is going ridiculously wrong there... no idea.
2. Capping.
Way too fast. Especially since moving back to the base takes 10 minutes with non-light mechs. If you are in a light mech, you have to face 2-3 enemy (light) mechs, which ends with fail by default. And the playerbase seems too ******** to understand that red flashing information on the screen -> No support.
What if the cap-counter would slowly reset/decrease if the enemy leaves the base? Wouldn't mess up the concept, but help to prevent all those boring capwins.
3. Match outcome/rewards.
So... you get a good amount of CBills - afair around 50% of the outcome for average matches - by just joining the match and doing nothing at all?
Brace yourself, the bots are coming...
4. Maps...
One major downpoint.I would actually vote for adding usable hands/fists for mech-brawling at close range.
Add bigger and more open maps, please...
5. Physics.
No criticism here... I just want to know if there will be any physics in the near future, especially concerning movement and stuff. Atm it's pretty much sluggish and chaotic...
Edited by Jigabachi, 01 November 2012 - 07:05 PM.