You asked a lot of questions at once, so let's take them one at a time.
Krovak, on 14 November 2012 - 11:16 PM, said:
I guess my questions are: Is the noob-bashing in game as bad as it is in the forums?
It depends on what section of the forums you're talking about, and what you mean by noob bashing. Assuming the definition of 'bashing' you're using is 'being insulted and made to feel generally stupid', then no. People are too busy trying not to die, or to get kills, in game, the bashing doesn't often happen. And when it happens, it usually only does near the end of the match, and when people do some particularly wrong things. Generally speaking, people don't bash players who follow advice, they bash those who are told repeatedly certain things in chat - not to fire LRMs within 180 metres, not to fire PPCs within 90 metres, not to fire weapons outside maximum range, to return to base to stop the cap, not to shoot at people of your own team, not to suicidally charge the enemy team without support - and yet, don't listen. It's more a less a reaction in frustration at those who don't know the game well and
refuse to learn to know the game. If you have an open mindset, the chance you're going to be bashed ingame is very much lower than in here. In the games I was in, with few exceptions, usually players who say they're new and ask for advice get some useful advice at the start of the match. Sometimes, maybe a bit too much advice to take in at a go. But they're generally quite helpful unless you try really hard to annoy them.
Krovak, on 14 November 2012 - 11:16 PM, said:
Am I just going to regularly get trashed by higher ranked experienced players while I'm learning?
There isn't a 'rank' for players per se, and playstats are viewable only by yourself, so it may be difficult to know at a glance who are the best pilots and who are the newest/worst/most laggy/lowest framerate ones. If you're going against a pilot of greater skill with an equal build, then yes, you will get trashed by them in a one on one fight. This is unavoidable in any game that uses skill as a means to determining victory - you will start out losing for a while first. This is if you're talking about single fights. If you're talking about 'constantly losing' then no, you're not going to. Because matchmaking is random, you will generally be placed into good teams as often as you are placed into bad teams, so the win/loss ratio will average out at about one. How high above one or how low below it is an indicator, albeit not a very accurate one, of how good a player you are - since that is the only thing that is constant in all your games.
Krovak, on 14 November 2012 - 11:16 PM, said:
And is there a way for newer players to play against players of similar skill levels and/or ranks without getting insta-trashed by more powerful players?
Because the matchmaker is random, you will tend to get more or less even distribution of good players on yours, or on the opposing team. If you're talking about a way to eliminate the good players entirely - no, there is no such mode yet. There are plenty of guides here on the forums, and on the Game page as well - do go check them out prior to starting a drop. If you don't understand something, play a game and try to figure out what the author meant in context of the game. That would be the fastest way to learn.