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House Kurita Introductions

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#281 Raul Phillipi Sanchez III


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 08:40 AM

Hey all
Raul Phillipi Sanchez III was my Mechwarrior used name in the roleplaying game, from 1st right through to 3rd edition, been gaming (table top) for many years, maybe too many as my wife would attest. Played Battletech, Citytech, Aerotech, tabletop for a while winning 3 Anvil tourneys here in Atlantic Canada. Still play tabletop most weekends as well as some DnD and others.
I am an MMO veteran (SWG, WoW, Everquest, DDO and many many others) "Arismal Silvertongue"
Played all the MechWarrior games for PC from Gideon Braver till now, yeah 1989 come on you all remember it, some of us were just childish adults back then too. My main choice for a mech in the tabletop version is the Victor and cannot wait to see then on the field even if its months away. My three Anvil trophies all adorned with Victors.That about sums me up, other than my schedule (Paladin, not sure if I saw this on the site) Play in Atlantic Timezone (EST +1) Thursdays and Fridays. Look me up online during those times.


Edited by Raul Phillipi Sanchez III, 01 November 2012 - 08:42 AM.

#282 Swiftfire


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 10:02 AM

Konnichiwa Mechwarriors,

Allow myself to introduce...myself.

I'm Swiftfire and I've been playing Battletech and related games ever since Battledroids. There have been periods of inactivity to be sure, but whenever a new title came out I leapt back in.

Now with MWO I am happy to play again. I am GMT-5 and often play early on weekends. I hope to see you all in the field.

#283 shotokan5


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Posted 10 December 2012 - 03:08 PM

If the 9th sword is not requiting at this time I was in 3025 very early and stayed till they shut off the servers. It was a sad day yes I did play mw a shadow of what we could have had. MechWarrior Online is still a beta but has greater potential than I have seen before. People come and go, some are not dependable. I remember Daimyo Brewer and got to know Havoc through his mech designs, fantastic. so I will wait and see when you need maybe not the best player but will do whatever my orders are to the fullest. if my death early mean it helped to win fine. following orders and giving it your best for the TEAM IS what MechWarrior is all about. The 9th sword is the best so I can hear and watch. Time is always on the side to those who are willing to wait. B)

Edited by shotokan5, 10 December 2012 - 03:10 PM.

#284 Zhiel


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 10:22 AM

Played in Net Battletech League w/ DCMS when it was led by MDK. Been playing MW since 2, and table-top since around then as well. Also did some testing w/ MekTek for their MekPaks.

#285 Kuranya


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 07:06 AM

Hello everyone. I am Kuranya.
I'm probably the definition of the word Newbie to the Battletech universe as this is my first real experience with it. I'm from Hawai`i so I'm pretty sure I can get by with the Japanese that I do know but other then that I'm sure that I will be fairly clueless as to what's going on for a while. I'm hoping that I can catch myself up to speed and be a benefit to the Draconis Combine. Just additional random information: I am GMT -10 (I usually playing at night/early morning so it's easier to sync up with Mainland/european players) and hopefully I will be on enough to play regularly (so long as it doesn't conflict with my classes.)

#286 Anony Mouse


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 02:16 AM

Salutations. I am Anony Mouse. I've been playing BTech/Mechwarrior in one iteration or another for 21 years now, starting with table top, than the original Mechwarrior, some crescent hawks inception etc etc. Currently a MekWars Legends regular and now a rookie here (these keyboard and mouse shenanigans take a minute). At any rate I'm in So Cal GMT-8, and as I work all night I tend to play in the mornings. Hit me up if you need a team mate when I'm around, I'd love to hook up with a Ryuken regiment, preferably Yon if its being organized.

#287 BubuKitty


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 09:53 PM

Hi everyone, I've been piloting since MW4. GL HF out there

#288 VegasGuy


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 11:08 PM

Hello all, i have been playing mostly every MW game that ever came out on consoles and of course MC. I am pretty new to MWO though an i look forward to learning and playing with house kurita.

#289 ww TSU NAMI ww


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 06:05 PM

K'wa all...

This is the real Tsunami that Brew and Kami and Bushy, Dawntreader, Tarl will know...you will know this because I changed my Tag to Tsunami3025 when we hit the beta 3025 and Crow, Robo, and so many others joined with us, we did go merc but stayed with Tarl and went Kurita..I still game and have been in the top 10 teams of all Halo versions as me..I will be coming back here and look forward to see if lightning can be bottled in my lets say vintage version..haha looking forward to seeing Sephiroth and Salad Shooter so we can kick them in the *** for old times sake!

I am not trying to move out any formers who wore my tag I will just say none are me and for lack of modesty none rose higher and were more respected and disrespected...feel free to msg me I am bringing my team here and would love to catch up with old friends...<B>

#290 ww TSU NAMI ww


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 06:12 PM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 18 October 2012 - 05:56 PM, said:


Welcome Karuza-san. When you were HL in EGA I was in the 5th Syrtis Fusilier for House Davion. Talk about credit card burn out :(

I realized while scrolling through this thread is that I had posted but did not give any pertinent information about myself.

Started my Battletech career when a friend gave me several compressed games on 5 1/4 in disks (large floppies!!!) that included the original Mechwarrior with no code book. To enter the game one had to enter 3 words made up of the military alphabet, such as Foxtrot Tango Yankee. Hit the book stores, from the manuals to the novels to discover that and through trial and error was able to learn at least 3 different combinations that allowed me into the game. So I have collected 99% of the novels, sourcebooks, etc and enough miniatures to hold me down if dropped into lake.

Originally played MPBT EGA in 91/92 for House Davion. Went from 5th Syrtis Fusilier to Davion Heavy Guard. Was lots of fun til CCB :P

Played beta Solaris before it went live on AOL. Gravitated around the Davion sector but ran into many rude and unfriendly Davions. So stayed a lone wolf until I ran into Tsunami (he went about another name but not able to locate that information) during a series of drops who asked me to join his then merc unit, TSI, whose aim as to join a House since mercs would not available for sometime.

For those wondering, in EGA a person wishing to go merc had to reach a specific rank in a House military and C-bills, and that was the expectation with MPBT SVGA. Solaris was supposed to simply be the combat engine while we waited for the Community Warfare part which never happened. The community made due with what we had, running a weekly Solaris Succession Wars and tourneys with the most regular one being the Solaris Lance League.

TSI, after several meetings with Skies, joined House Kurita as a probational unit SOK, Sentinels of Kurita, then eventually we became 13th Rasalhague Regulars and I was a company commander. Eventually promotions saw me as the RCO for 13th RR. From there was promoted to DXO RMD, cross moved to DXO BMD then DCO PMD. Became HXO after Roller became HL when Rude Rich, translated as Burai Yutaka, stepped down. Eventually stepped up to HL position. When 3025 came into being I stepped down to the HXO position when RR stepped back into the HL position.

I enjoyed combat drops and learned to delegate others for community events. It was always interesting to run into people who thought I was an easy pawn, much to their regret. I enjoyed piloting a banshee, grasshopper and orion. The grasshopper was fun to pilot and I helped convert several people to utilize the grasshopper instead of the standard cat C1/K2 and the marauders.

Again, I wish to welcome everyone to the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery of House Kurita, those who were with the DCMS in other incarnations, those who have switched to HK and then those who have only recently joined this universe and this great house.

Again, youkoso (bows)

View PostTarl Cabot, on 18 October 2012 - 05:56 PM, said:


Welcome Karuza-san. When you were HL in EGA I was in the 5th Syrtis Fusilier for House Davion. Talk about credit card burn out :P

I realized while scrolling through this thread is that I had posted but did not give any pertinent information about myself.

Started my Battletech career when a friend gave me several compressed games on 5 1/4 in disks (large floppies!!!) that included the original Mechwarrior with no code book. To enter the game one had to enter 3 words made up of the military alphabet, such as Foxtrot Tango Yankee. Hit the book stores, from the manuals to the novels to discover that and through trial and error was able to learn at least 3 different combinations that allowed me into the game. So I have collected 99% of the novels, sourcebooks, etc and enough miniatures to hold me down if dropped into lake.

Originally played MPBT EGA in 91/92 for House Davion. Went from 5th Syrtis Fusilier to Davion Heavy Guard. Was lots of fun til CCB :)

Played beta Solaris before it went live on AOL. Gravitated around the Davion sector but ran into many rude and unfriendly Davions. So stayed a lone wolf until I ran into Tsunami (he went about another name but not able to locate that information) during a series of drops who asked me to join his then merc unit, TSI, whose aim as to join a House since mercs would not available for sometime.

For those wondering, in EGA a person wishing to go merc had to reach a specific rank in a House military and C-bills, and that was the expectation with MPBT SVGA. Solaris was supposed to simply be the combat engine while we waited for the Community Warfare part which never happened. The community made due with what we had, running a weekly Solaris Succession Wars and tourneys with the most regular one being the Solaris Lance League.

TSI, after several meetings with Skies, joined House Kurita as a probational unit SOK, Sentinels of Kurita, then eventually we became 13th Rasalhague Regulars and I was a company commander. Eventually promotions saw me as the RCO for 13th RR. From there was promoted to DXO RMD, cross moved to DXO BMD then DCO PMD. Became HXO after Roller became HL when Rude Rich, translated as Burai Yutaka, stepped down. Eventually stepped up to HL position. When 3025 came into being I stepped down to the HXO position when RR stepped back into the HL position.

I enjoyed combat drops and learned to delegate others for community events. It was always interesting to run into people who thought I was an easy pawn, much to their regret. I enjoyed piloting a banshee, grasshopper and orion. The grasshopper was fun to pilot and I helped convert several people to utilize the grasshopper instead of the standard cat C1/K2 and the marauders.

Again, I wish to welcome everyone to the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery of House Kurita, those who were with the DCMS in other incarnations, those who have switched to HK and then those who have only recently joined this universe and this great house.

Again, youkoso (bows)

Hello my friend Tarl <B> its been wayyyy to long...I look forward to hearing from you...

#291 ww TSU NAMI ww


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 06:45 PM

Brew! wow does this bring back memories!
Takashi <TK>... Tarl ....so many other Tsunami's let the arguments begin who wears it best lol but its the real me here...I talked to Kamikaze for years after BT3025 and still remain friends with crow and robo to this day...I look forward to seeing how this plays out...and look forward to finding sephiroth and salad shooter..to smack them around in my new version..cya soon

#292 Eddrick


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Posted 04 February 2013 - 11:58 PM

Hellow. I'm Eddrick.

I started playing BattleTech/MechWarrior when I was introduced to the table top version while in High School when I was about 16 (1996). Got into MechWarrior table top shortly after. I also played MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries a good bit (No multi-player experiance with it). Still getting the hang of moving the torso and legs at the same time. Never realy had to in MechWarrior 4. Because, I could just let the AIs destract eachother to keep attention off of me.

My favorite Mechs are the Marauder, MadCat/TimberWolf, Behemoth.StoneRhino, and the Catapult-K2. Favorite weapons are PPC and Gause Rifle. I prefer PPCs because they are easyer to mount and don't have limited ammo.

I also, played some first person shoter games as well. Duke Nukem 3D, 007 GoldenEye, Halo 2, Borderlands. It took a while before I found what I was good at in the games. It turned out, I am best at Sniping. I perfer to take carfull shot where it hurts most and only fire when I am sure I can hit. Because, fireing tends to give away your position.

I play a veriety of other games to. Mostly, falling into the Fighting, Racing, and RPG catagories. With, these and almost all others. I have a very defencive playstyle.

Mix it all together and the Mech that best suits me best out of what we have right now is: The Catapult-K2 PPC Sniper.

#293 Yurei Yojimbo


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Posted 06 February 2013 - 12:50 PM


I got into Battletech when I picked up the original CityTech set around '84 - '85. I was in high school at the time so yes, I am ooooold!

I was captivated by the whole premise and played the TT game for 20+ years, with slight breaks here and there but pretty much steadily. I wrote several stories for the BattleCorps website, a few of which have made it into the print anthologies.

I got out of BattleTech around 2006 and had not written any new fiction or purchased minis etc. but MWO has renewed my interest. Prior to this I have not played any online mech based games at all, so consequently I am still pretty green and I die a lot, but I have a great time and have high hopes for the future of the game.

Back in the day my unit of choice was always 1st Ghost regiment. I will probably try to jump in with those guys after I grind through a few hundred PUG matches.

#294 Exarchian


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 01:56 PM

Hi guys
I'm an old school BT player back from the day I bought the first edition game from from Waldenbooks for $20 in high school. I knew it was a Robotech rip=off but l loved the mecha fighting more than the japanese soap opera so l never played the GURPS Robotech RPG, altough I still have it to this day,
yeah I'm old too.
I started in Warhammer 40k in the late 80s too
I am a Kurita loyalist and wwill never leave the faction even if kicked out, lol.
I like to pilot an Atlas but will play any of my mechs as needed on a team, l have a lot.
I take orders well, my play style is missile boat with lg lasers and ac/10 or ac/20

#295 GalahadVGL13


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 02:25 PM

Hi all,
I started playing BT in 1982. I stuck with the franchise up to when they released the Dark Age junk.
I helped open Virtual World Site 13 (Doomsite13 to us) in Costa Mesa. I was Technician Galahad.
the VGL13 refers to some theming from Virtual World and out site number.

From the novels I was always a huge Team Banzai nerd, but like so many actors playing one of the "Bad Guys" is just too fun.
I spent around a year in the Atlas Hunters, up until they imploded after the Clan Re-Balance. Took a break for most of last year and last night I joined up with SRMx.
My play style is pretty variable, I don't do LRM's, but otherwise I toy with plenty of builds some meta, some lolz builds.
Long may the Dragon roar!

#296 G SE7EN7


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 12:17 AM

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