rygat, on 16 February 2012 - 08:04 PM, said:
So Grond when are you going to update this;
I've been waiting like 3 years for you to approve me for the forums
Supremacist, on 09 January 2012 - 07:35 PM, said:
Ahahahahaa. Ya, not many knew it at the time.
I just wanted this quoted for truth.
I still remember it clear as yesterday. My AIM was up and running about 2:30 in the morning. I received an IM from engineer. It said "Rush, dood...we are playing 3025" I was like ***? lol "Yea..lol and Im freakin rich and about to buy the rights to mpbt"
3 minutes pass and a link pops up
"Shya..right, I am not clicking on that...I know you freakin "legioneers"
"DOOOOOD, Im not ******* with you. We are playing right now. The servers got hacked"
I paused,took a deep breath and said screw it. hit the link and a pop up stating the beta 3025 exe.
It actually started downloading..but what..lol
I was so tired I went to bed.
When I woke, my AIM was blown up with IM's. The download was complete and it wasnt until I saw the splash screen that I began to bounce off the walls. I couldnt believe it. It was so true.
I can actually say I was the 13th person online in 3025
Good times!!
Tarl.Cabot, on 18 January 2012 - 07:03 PM, said:
For GEnie in 91/92(when I played for 3-4 months, $6/hr was non-Prime time (6pm to 8am local time) and jumped $18/hr prime time (only did that ONCE!!!) Of course mulltiple severe credit card burn out (2 jobs and school )
GEnie for Davion
netbeta Solaris Davion
AOL-Gamestorm Solaris Kurita
EA-MPBT3025 Kurita (EA can burn)
What was funny about Majesty that it was going to be their "flagship" but it did not even last 6 months after the non-EA games (MPBT/Airwarrior and others) were closed down.
What up Tarl!!!
Edited by LordRush, 01 March 2012 - 11:50 PM.