Ansel, on 22 October 2012 - 02:02 PM, said:
If the enemy your trying to fight can come back and resupply at will then your resistance has failed completely, they then have more resources to use to take other planets.
This is why civilian resistance is pointless, if a military force isn't present on a planet to prevent another military force from taking resourses then the "faction" that the civilan presence represents is the one that can use those resources.
That's what makes asymetrical warfare hell, Ansel. The Clans CAN'T come by and resupply at will.
They need factories to produce their new Left Leg Actuators and Clan Pulse Lasers that get destroyed in battle. But those factories can't exactly defend themselves. They need troops. An undefended factory is rubble in war.
And of course, as the troops are all in space, they can't do anything to defend the factories, which they have no clue if they're even running. And they can't do quality control on the parts, either!
Listen, the only way to resupply from a conquered planet is to have boots on the ground. Yes, you could glass the cities, but then the people, who are NATIVE to that world disappear into their bunkers or the wilderness. You could put mech boots on the ground, or tank treads, but neither are particularly good at inspecting vehicles without exposing themselves, at which point, for a mech, the pilot could be killed and his vehicle taken, or a tank left without a crewmember, drastically lowering its effectiveness.
Getting down to basics; fuel: Battlemechs run off hydrogen. Okay. But what about the dropships? Getting into/out of orbit is some serious business, and you need fuel to get there. One civilian with a bomb and nothing to lose(you killed his/her children, remember?) and your fuel stores are a pretty firework.
Not to mention the drastic numbers difference between IS and Clan. Clan mechs are fragile, logistically. All their parts are produced from far off, whereas IS mechs can pull bits from any other IS mech, of which there are many. A Clanner's pride will likely stop him from using Clan parts.
Honestly, the Clanners had a good run, but they couldn't have pulled off a sustained invasion. Germany was faced with a ton of saboteurs making life a living terror for German soldiers in France.