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OOC: Solaris RPG

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#401 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 06:47 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 04 June 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:

I'm using Google Docs, so I've got one long document I can access from whatever computer to write it. The only problem is that if I copy paste directly from there, I end up with a bucketload of colour tags in the text of my post. Most of my edits are going back and fixing those.

Definitely. MacabreDerek has Rick, a pudgy mechanic with aspirations of MechWarrioring, and is one of the best realised characters here.

DeMarkus and Bertie fought on opposing fronts (Liao/Davion) during the Fourth Succession War, and we're seem to be shaping up for some interesting role-play there, so making your character Capellan might tie in well there. Plenty of other options though.

Google keeps freezing on this POS laptop. *shrugs*

I have to admit that I love Rick (I didn't mean for that to sound that way.) and I really like Derek's writing style. As for DeMarkus view of the Davies.... He's only fought the 8th Crusis lancers when they landed on Tikonov during the early stages of the 4thSW. But that doesn't mean he likes them... The rest of the time he fought against the FWL.

And I fully support anyone wanting to play a Cappie... especially post 4thSW

View PostVodkavaiator, on 04 June 2012 - 03:15 PM, said:

I would very much enjoy for Vilgot to bump into the merry band of DeMarkus and Rick. :angry:

Perhaps, someone is in need of good tea or fancy alcoholic beverages? :P

Chain pipe smoker included free of charge!

Just might happen. Markus is gonna take all his friends out (Kaylee, Rick if Derek ever posts again, maybe the Wolvering pilot, Mr. Slater, and maybe some of the Rainbow Stable guys... guys should PM me if you wanna attend and we'll work something out.

#402 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 07:04 PM

Count Jack in for it. If he likes you, he'll even try to behave.
Awkwardly, but still...

#403 Tarskin


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:56 AM

Allright, here goes

Name: Jin Wei

Callsign: <none yet>

Date of Birth/Age: 3015

Place of Birth: Buchlau

Current Mech: <none>

House Affiliation: <none> Jin is of Capellan origin however

Military History: <none>

Physical Description: Jin is a relatively short (5'7") youth that is very sinewy/lean because of the life that he has had so far. He has white ruffled (short) hair, 1 green and 1 blue eye which has made his life as a petty thief/errand boy a bit harder as he stands out from the crowd.

Open Background: Jin was born to the fisher family (Wei) in a small coastal town on the continent of Vienna where he led a peaceful life untill the federated suns invaded the planet. The Federated Suns deemed that Jin's coastal village was a perfect location to get food for the duration that they were on the planet and as such 'captured' the town quickly and made the civilians supply fish to the AFFS. Jin's father (elderly and retired) protested against an AFFS officer about the amount of fish that the soldiers were taking was unfair, sadly for Jin's father the officer had a bit of a violent streak and shot Jin's father on the spot. The fate of this officer is as of yet unknown.
Jin's mother was extremely worried about the future that Jin might have and she arranged for Jin to be smuggled to the Cathay quarter on Solaris where Jin should have no trouble finding a good job and securing a 'steady' future for himself (in her mind, Solaris is a peaceful planet as opposed to Buchlau was).

Deep Background: Jin has never forgiven the forces that were stationed on Buchlau and specifically the officer that shot his father. He is not stupid enough to go pick a fight with the AFFS but he will always be a bit doubtful of the intentions of any AFFS member (or a fedcom loyalist).
An additional detail is that while still on Buchlau Jin and a group of friends (all very young) started a 'resistance cell', mainly as a game. The AFFS had however heard about a resistance cell and connected the Wei family name to it, which is the actual reason that Jin's father got shot (unknown to Jin self)

Note: I am intending to introduce Jin in the IC thread by getting off the transport and setting out to Cathay (or getting brought there). I will wait with that for roughly a few hours so anyone else can think if they want to interact with Jin allready in some way ;)

Edited by Tarskin, 05 June 2012 - 02:20 AM.

#404 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 03:40 AM

Wei..... resistance cell.... Wei Nerve Agent. *Shivers*

That surely would explain why someone would want to start shooting civies...

#405 Tarskin


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:48 AM

You lost me there... There is a Wei already in canon or what is this nerve agent reference? I have to admit that i have not read any BT novels (been high on my todo list just never came around to it).

#406 Vodkavaiator


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 01:22 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 04 June 2012 - 06:47 PM, said:

Just might happen. Markus is gonna take all his friends out (Kaylee, Rick if Derek ever posts again, maybe the Wolvering pilot, Mr. Slater, and maybe some of the Rainbow Stable guys... guys should PM me if you wanna attend and we'll work something out.


*Rushes to prepare tea.

#407 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 05:06 PM

View PostTarskin, on 05 June 2012 - 04:48 AM, said:

You lost me there... There is a Wei already in canon or what is this nerve agent reference? I have to admit that i have not read any BT novels (been high on my todo list just never came around to it).

Edit: Last name Wei, I was thinking about the planet...

*Blinks.* Seriously? Dude, during the 4th SW the Cappies bust out with a nerve agent left over from the 1st or 2nd SW on the Davies... On the planet Wei no less. They barely mention it in the Warrior Trilogy (decent books, but I hate how Stackpole villianizes the Cappellan's. And yes, I do know that every story needs a antagonist.) And in the Capellan Solution (Love them) books it resurfaces and the book went into good detail about the attack...

Think about the V-X gas from 'The Rock' pretty close.

#408 Tarskin


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:50 PM

Ahhh good to know, i went over the list of planets that were targeted in Operation Rat (via sarna.net) to find a nice simplistic (farming/fishing) planet and just thought of a surname on the top of my hat. I will try to limit my historical statements as much as i can in character as my canon knowledge is quite limited :(

BT novels are a pain to get by over here *sigh*

#409 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 11:38 AM

Hey guys, is it maybe possible for one, who doesn´t really know the lore to join the RP ?

I dig roleplays, and i´m leading one myself, so i hope i´ll be accepted here :]

#410 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 01:12 PM

Well if you've ever curious about the cannon (or is it canon?) you could always check out sarna.net. There's also no shortage of BT guru's on here that know scary amounts of BT lore memorised.

As for the rule you'd have to post a character sheet and wait for approval. What type of character do you have in mind?

#411 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 01:55 PM

Well that Sh*tload of Information is the cracking point :angry:
It´s not that i don´t like to read fluff, but it´s just so much to "Learn" for the RP. Thing is : Where to start ?

I´ve been busy lying in the sun reading sarna all afternoon, but i´m still stuck somewhere ... well yeah . Somewhere. Kerensky´s Exile and that stuff. It´s pretty damn awesome, but pretty damn much to keep in mind :P

Dunno. I would love to pilot something like a Stalker, but as i saw that no heavies/Assaults i think i´ll go for the Cicada. Char will propably be the same. A mid-twenties girl who made her monry fighting as a soldier of fortune. But i need to work that out a bit :ph34r:

#412 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 02:48 PM

Cicada... *snickers*

#413 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 03:15 PM

What ? :ph34r: I like that litle hopping fella :D

Name: Elisabeth "Liz" OConnor
Callsign: Spitfire
Date of Birth/Age: 23 ,Born 9/11/3008
Current Mech: Cicada
House Affiliation: Who pays most
Military History: 3 Years, her Mech was a Gift for birthday.
Physical Description: Tall and slender, raven black hair, brown eyes, fine lips. She normally wears a black Surcoat with brown shoulderpads and mechanic specops boots. (Picz below)
Open Background: Comming from the family OConor, she was born with a silver spoon. Her father was in the military, her mother a university teacher, and beside her older Sister Alyssa her only anchor of warmth. Her father was an inquisitive man, questioning everything and extremely distrustfull. He kept her at distance, showing her that she, asl the youngest of three kids wasn´t worth it.
After she graduaded from school, she went to the military , away from her dad, trying her luck there, but after only ona and a half years of service she quitted and went off als a Soldier of fortune.
As a result of that she is a shy and quiet person, monosyllabic but with a cracky mood. If she feels disrespected or hurt, she will react with violence and she is a good fighter. To people she trusts, she is utterly loyal and helps where she can.
Deep Background: Being left allone by her dad and due to her job also by her mum, Elisabeth had a quite lonely childhood with only few friends. That didn´t change during her school time and neither really during military service, though she has a few contacts from there. During that time, she lost her lower legs, wich not only left her with implants, but with a scarred soul. Due to that, she has problems controlling herself, sometimes insulting others, sometimes erupting in violence or sorrow wich results in alcohol consume.
Notable Equip: She carries a silver pocketwatch, her latest gift from her sister Alyssa, a memorycard with her favorite music, a multitool in a leather pouch and a prehistoric Colt 1911 wich was also a gift by one of her ex military companions.

All of this is Subject to changes, if needed :angry:

Posted Image
If i´m allowed to post a pic :P

Edit: Fix´d them link

Edited by ChaosGrinder, 09 June 2012 - 03:18 PM.

#414 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 08:00 PM

View PostChaosGrinder, on 09 June 2012 - 03:15 PM, said:

What ? :D I like that litle hopping fella :D

Name: Elisabeth "Liz" OConnor
Callsign: Spitfire
Date of Birth/Age: 23 ,Born 9/11/3008
Current Mech: Cicada
House Affiliation: Who pays most
Military History: 3 Years, her Mech was a Gift for birthday.
Physical Description: Tall and slender, raven black hair, brown eyes, fine lips. She normally wears a black Surcoat with brown shoulderpads and mechanic specops boots. (Picz below)
Open Background: Comming from the family OConor, she was born with a silver spoon. Her father was in the military, her mother a university teacher, and beside her older Sister Alyssa her only anchor of warmth. Her father was an inquisitive man, questioning everything and extremely distrustfull. He kept her at distance, showing her that she, asl the youngest of three kids wasn´t worth it.
After she graduaded from school, she went to the military , away from her dad, trying her luck there, but after only ona and a half years of service she quitted and went off als a Soldier of fortune.
As a result of that she is a shy and quiet person, monosyllabic but with a cracky mood. If she feels disrespected or hurt, she will react with violence and she is a good fighter. To people she trusts, she is utterly loyal and helps where she can.
Deep Background: Being left allone by her dad and due to her job also by her mum, Elisabeth had a quite lonely childhood with only few friends. That didn´t change during her school time and neither really during military service, though she has a few contacts from there. During that time, she lost her lower legs, wich not only left her with implants, but with a scarred soul. Due to that, she has problems controlling herself, sometimes insulting others, sometimes erupting in violence or sorrow wich results in alcohol consume.
Notable Equip: She carries a silver pocketwatch, her latest gift from her sister Alyssa, a memorycard with her favorite music, a multitool in a leather pouch and a prehistoric Colt 1911 wich was also a gift by one of her ex military companions.

All of this is Subject to changes, if needed ;)

Posted Image
If i´m allowed to post a pic ;)

Edit: Fix´d them link

Have you got an origin in mind? If not, may I suggest the Isle of Skye? It's a region of the Lyran Commonwealth that from around 3025 (6 years prior to when the RP is set) has a heavy separatist vibe, which would feed into her father's distrust and her early isolation. They're also predominantly Gaelic, which would fit with the OConnor name. It's also the region that Solaris is in, though Solaris tends to be more cosmopolitan than the rest of Skye.

If you wanted a pistol like the Colt 1911 (which, don't forget, is over a thousand year old now) you might try the Nambu auto-pistol.

#415 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 08:01 PM

... And I'm still waiting on sloth to post....

#416 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 08:04 PM

View PostVulpesveritas, on 09 June 2012 - 08:01 PM, said:

... And I'm still waiting on sloth to post....

I'm thinking I might move on, and take Bertie back to his hotel for a scene with his daughter. Want to actually get him into a match at some point, too.

#417 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 09:36 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 09 June 2012 - 08:04 PM, said:

I'm thinking I might move on, and take Bertie back to his hotel for a scene with his daughter. Want to actually get him into a match at some point, too.

want to pull both of us into a match at once perhaps?
But I figure we give sloth one more day and we move up to the next day and a match about to start, perhaps?

#418 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 10:29 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 09 June 2012 - 08:00 PM, said:

Have you got an origin in mind? If not, may I suggest the Isle of Skye? It's a region of the Lyran Commonwealth that from around 3025 (6 years prior to when the RP is set) has a heavy separatist vibe, which would feed into her father's distrust and her early isolation. They're also predominantly Gaelic, which would fit with the OConnor name. It's also the region that Solaris is in, though Solaris tends to be more cosmopolitan than the rest of Skye.

If you wanted a pistol like the Colt 1911 (which, don't forget, is over a thousand year old now) you might try the Nambu auto-pistol.

I was thinking about her being from New Avalon. You got NAIS and NAMA there. Mom can teach at either one and maybe the father could be an exec at the Enforcer Plant there... Nambu makes an auto-pistol?

I'm cool with everything but kind of unsure about the prostetic legs. I'm not too sure about how awesome prostetics are at this point. I know Justin Allard and Micheal Hasek-Davion got some cool arms, but I don't know about legs...

Nambu makes an auto-pistol? Oh, and great looking character.

Gonna try to post later tonight or tomorrow...

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 09 June 2012 - 11:00 PM.

#419 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 11:55 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 09 June 2012 - 10:29 PM, said:

I was thinking about her being from New Avalon. You got NAIS and NAMA there. Mom can teach at either one and maybe the father could be an exec at the Enforcer Plant there... Nambu makes an auto-pistol?

I'm cool with everything but kind of unsure about the prostetic legs. I'm not too sure about how awesome prostetics are at this point. I know Justin Allard and Micheal Hasek-Davion got some cool arms, but I don't know about legs...

Nambu makes an auto-pistol? Oh, and great looking character.

Gonna try to post later tonight or tomorrow...

According to the CBT RPG book, there are 5 types of prothetics, from Type 1 (wooden legs) to Type 5 (undetectable except to medicine). Type 5s are only available to the Clans, the Star League, or the IS post-3055. Type 3 are slightly futuristic compared to today, providing a slight Dexterity penalty and (in the case of two replaced legs) preventing running. Type 4 are nearly fully functional, though slightly clumsy still (no painting with your toes). Type 3 is widely accessible to white-collar citizens, Type 4 is more restricted to nobility (and rich white collar). Two Type 3 legs would cost 20,000 c-bills, two Type 4 legs would be 35,000 c-bills.

#420 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 10 June 2012 - 12:44 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 09 June 2012 - 11:55 PM, said:

According to the CBT RPG book, there are 5 types of prothetics, from Type 1 (wooden legs) to Type 5 (undetectable except to medicine). Type 5s are only available to the Clans, the Star League, or the IS post-3055. Type 3 are slightly futuristic compared to today, providing a slight Dexterity penalty and (in the case of two replaced legs) preventing running. Type 4 are nearly fully functional, though slightly clumsy still (no painting with your toes). Type 3 is widely accessible to white-collar citizens, Type 4 is more restricted to nobility (and rich white collar). Two Type 3 legs would cost 20,000 c-bills, two Type 4 legs would be 35,000 c-bills.

Thank you! And which CBT RPG book? A Time of War? Well two type 4's would be accessable. That family gives each other mechs for presents. Though I think a 3025 tech Cicada *snickers* would be considered a gag-gift. ;)

Especially considering her dad being an exec at the Enforcer (or is it Centurion?) plant on New Avalon ;)

(I really need to get my books from Cali)

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