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Casting call for new RP

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#1 Highlighter


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:26 PM

Hello everyone. I'm looking to put together another RP story/thread, and I'd like to know if there's any interest in joining. Structurally, I view this as more of a collaborative story thread than a traditional DnD style RP, meaning there will not be a DM/GM and there are no stats, etc. It's purely a written RP. There will be some direction in terms of where to take the story, but that direction will largely be driven by how the participants write out their respective parts.

As for the actual story, I don't currently have a solid plot thought up, but I do know that it'll likely involve a small group of Inner Sphere mercs performing various contracts, such as pirate hunting missions. The thread will also be set around 3049. I'm keeping the story relatively vague and open ended right now to facilitate the free-form writing I hope to see, but I am certainly up for discussion on more specifics and particulars.

Is there anyone interested? I know I've spoken to a couple of you, and I've gotten commitments from two others, so I'll be looking to start up this thread in a week or so. If you're interested, please post a reply in this thread.



Command Lance
Command One: Felix Maan - Undetermined 'Mech - (Highlighter)
Command Two: John "Mac" McQuillen - Atlas - (Dreadstar)
Command Three: NPC
Command Four: Nelson Tibbitz - Jagermech - DocBach

Aero One: Isis Sinclair - Stingray - (Pryde, if he shows up)
Aero Two: NPC

Alpha Lance
Alpha One: Kurt Mauser - Cyclops - (Janitor01)
Alpha Two: Cornelius - Marauder - (Charles Martel)
Alpha Three: Joe Kurtz - Blackjack - (Joe Davion 86)
Alpha Four: Orson Rhodes - Hermes II - Thom Frankfurt

Bravo Lance
Bravo One: Hanyit Greyhame - Blackjack - (Hanyit Greyhame)
Bravo Two: Barret Sender - Vindicator - (MacabreDerek)
Bravo Three: Chris Wolf - Warhammer - (Guardian Wolf)
Bravo Four: Xinaoen - Wolfhound - (Xinaoen)

Edited by Highlighter, 25 April 2012 - 06:26 PM.

#2 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:25 PM

Interested. Where's the campaign gonna takeplace? My guy from Windborn Raven is still in the FRR...

#3 Gozer


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:55 PM

I might be interested too since it looks like I'm going to be GM'ing a whole lot more than Playing in the other game. :)

#4 Dreadstar


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:59 PM

Color me in Bal...er...Highlighter. *smirk*

#5 Hanyit Greyhame


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:11 PM

I'd be interested as well! Little rusty on my roleplay and BT universe, but I can promise my contributions will not be absolute drivel (great word, drivel....)

Edit, to start the RP while we wait for the RP:

Hanyit Greyhame, known to his lancemates as Gopher, sauntered into the dingy bar on Galatea where he had been told someone wanted to buy his services. He slouched over to a corner booth, and shouted to the lone waitress, "Bring me a PPC, kurita! On second thought, make it two!"

As the waitress meekly hurried over, Gopher thought to himself, "I always negotiate better when I can't feel my tongue." To the open air, all that was heard was a strangled gurgle. "D a m n, those things are strong, he thought to himself."

Edited by Hanyit Greyhame, 04 April 2012 - 05:18 PM.

#6 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:26 PM

Always interested in more RP got nothing but time right now.

#7 guardian wolf


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:44 PM

Ready and waiting for the RP.

#8 Highlighter


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:51 PM

Hey, cool, takers. I hadn't expected much response at all!

Does anyone have any preference on where the contracts will take place? Or our employer? If not, I'll just choose at random a Great House for both employer and target.

So, given that, how about if everyone posts a character bio? Most important parts are name, 'Mech/unit type, and a brief (or long) blurb. This will give everyone else an idea of who's participating, and it'll help me come up with a general outline of our merc unit.

Edited by Highlighter, 04 April 2012 - 05:52 PM.

#9 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:57 PM

I think you should post a time frame atleast so we know what to base all our information around.

#10 Hanyit Greyhame


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 06:31 PM

Writing mine up, might take a while

#11 Steve Varayis


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 07:01 PM

Is it too late for me?

#12 Xinaoen


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 09:37 PM

Xinaoen: Lone Wolf Mercenary
Mech: Black Knight

"Out of all of the assets in a mercenary's arsenal, none can compare to a very fine suit."

Xin spread his arms, displaying the cut of his jacket: a double-breasted affair in grey wool, with side vents and narrow lapels. His drinking companion - a former Solaris jock - raised a skeptical eyebrow, but said nothing. Xin continued, undeterred.

"I have heard it said," he announced, "that results are the only thing that matter. That one's conduct is unimportant, so long as one 'gets the job done.' This is a terrible misconception. The truth - and the importance of this cannot be overstated - is that a client expects results. A mercenary who gets the job done has accomplished nothing more than to meet his employer's minimum expectation."

The Solaris pilot had lost interest in the diatribe; Xin appeared to be enjoying the sound of his own voice too much to have noticed.

"Employers fall into two categories: businessmen and bureaucrats. One doesn't enter into negotiations with either looking as if he just lost a barfight."

A drunken bellow erupted from the table behind Xin; he made a point of ignoring it.

"A reputation for success is certainly not unimportant, of course. When seeking employment, however, a reputation for professional conduct is often no less crucial."

He paused momentarily to brush an imaginary speck of dust from his cuff with a well-manicured hand. A faintly self-satisfied expression stole across his face.

"One mustn't underestimate the importance of first impressions," he muttered smugly.

Edited by Xinaoen, 04 April 2012 - 09:41 PM.

#13 Highlighter


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 02:37 AM

Okay, I count 11 or 12 people who are interested, including a couple who have not posted on this thread but who have talked to me privately. I think that'll be quite a crowd, so I'm going to cut recruitment now and limit participation to all those who have posted above this post.

As I said before, this is what I'll need: If you're still interested in joining, please post your character bio including a brief description (or long description), name, and 'Mech type.

Some general guidelines:

1) This will take place prior to the Clan invasions, circa ~3047-48. That will give you an idea of accepted tech level.
2) I'm hoping to keep the merc unit a primarily medium/heavy unit, with just a handful of assault 'Mechs. But, go ahead and post your preferred 'Mech and we can work something out.
3) I'm still working on the employer/initial mission thing, and I'll post something soon, but if you have a particular interest, please speak up.
4) General rules for RP apply, mostly don't god-mode (controlling other characters without permission, using OOC knowledge for IC purposes, etc.).

Last, but not least, the word filter can go suck a surat.

Edited by Highlighter, 05 April 2012 - 02:38 AM.

#14 Hanyit Greyhame


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 03:26 AM

I would assume around current time. On to the bio:

Name: Hanyit Greyhame

Callsign: Gopher

Mech: BlackJack

Character synopsis (subject to evolvement):

Hanyit Greyhame is a freebooter and floater, looking for his “Big Chance.” Not the most savory of characters, he is nonetheless very loyal to those he thinks he owes, his friends, and his corp-mates. A kuritan ideology born of service to Davion. This ideology is in face one of the reasons why he has become a freebooter. No one will associate with what they think is a Kuritan plant. As such, he has been taking odd jobs in order to support the repair and upkeep of his family BlackJack, hoping to find a group that will take him and his skills.

#15 guardian wolf


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 05:20 AM

I kinda need some background info as to what we are RPing.

#16 Gozer


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 05:57 AM

Yeah I'm with wolf. Is this a Merc game or are we house affiliated? Need to figure out where to aim my background to catch up to the start of game. :)

#17 Highlighter


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 02:08 PM

This is what I have:

Era: 3048
Employer: Federated Commonwealth (seems to be the easiest to RP in, given we're probably most familiar with the FC culture)
First Mission: TBD

For the purposes of this thread, we'll just assume that everyone's character has already been hired into the merc unit. The first post starting the thread will likely be a mission briefing or take place during the mission.

Right now, all I truly need is a name for the merc unit. This will be a unit we'll create; it will not be something from canon because dealing with lore may become a headache.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a merc unit name? If not, I'll just make up something later tonight.

#18 Janitor101


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 01:56 PM

Since I narrowly missed the opening for the other rp, I guess I'll adapt and swing by here.
As for names, what's the leader of the group called? Cause you can go any number of ways with a first or last name with something after that.

If you haven't come up with one already here are a few I used a long time back for a Merc RP (unrelated universe), "Crimson Corsairs", "Vega’s Havoks"

And my Mech Preferences are as follows in order: (Top being my first choice)
Cyclops (The version seen in MW4)

Edited by Janitor101, 05 March 2013 - 04:47 PM.

#19 Joe Davion 86


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:31 PM

I'm in brother,

Joe "DirtNap" Kurtz

Age: 26
Preferred 'Mech: Heavy Lights (Jenner, Raven Panther) or Strike Mediums (BlackJack [BJ-2], Enforcer, Crab[CRB-27])

edited for derpiness

Edited by Joe Davion 86, 07 April 2012 - 05:03 PM.

#20 guardian wolf


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 09:14 PM

Okay then, I'll make up a profile.

Name: Chris Wolf(he chose a last name, as he doesn't remember his real one)
Preferred mech: Warhammer, Centurion, or Dragon
Age: 35

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