OriginalTibs, on 07 November 2012 - 04:40 AM, said:
They did advise they were rolling back some netcode. I suspect LRM flightpaths were part of that.
Whilst this is the likely answer, (it probably also rolled back changes to some other systems), it should have been picked up before it was patched to the live servers imo.
They specifically changed the flight path of LRM's because no cover could protect you bar a cave...... or bridge...
(we didnt have bridges at the time as river city wasnt in rotation). So any QA member who fired LRM's or recived them would have known something was wrong and brought it up.......or at least...should have asked if that was intended.
They increased the dmg a tad to compensate for this from what I remember also.
Then when they added the need to keep lock they increased the dmg again.
Now LRMS are back to their old pathing, and have both the buffs to dmg still. Causing crying on the forums.
I can see maybe 3 options happened.
1. QA missed it, so did the devs, patch went through.
2. QA saw it, questioned it, devs let it through anyway.
(either it was the desired outcome or it was an acceptable "problem" until a fix can be patched in)
3. 2 happened, but the devs didn't have time to fix it before patch day, not wanting to hold back a patch again, they pushed it through anyway deeming it an acceptable "problem" for now.
Whatever the reasons, it won't stay like this, and I can wait for a fix. Until then I will play on and have fun. Maybe even make a few vids of some lrm spam to benny hill music....