Before things get interesting, thankfully we have a bit of time on our hands to organize and settle in.
Chain of Command: this topic will repeatedly be up for debate, as is the tradition and practice of the House. With people just getting the word, and coming out of the woodwork, who knows who's coming to play. In the meantime, as we get our footing in this new place, as the last elected House Leader, for the interm I'll take the lead in the effort. This doesn't mean that I will be doing all of the work alone as this will be a group-effort.
Rosters Old: I know that many of you have old rosters. It's important that if you do, then please reach out to your old stable/regiment mates to come here, register, and make their presence known Also, if possible, please forward a copy of your rosters back to Nehrul, and/or myself. We would be grateful.
Rosters New: As we're collectively reaching out for the old, it would be helpful to know who's here in the present, both old and new. ON THIS TOPIC, can you please leave the following information (and if parts of what's requested are in your "signature", then that's less for you to type) so I can compile it:
In-Game Handle (if different from the registered name used for this site)
Last Rank
Last Regiment/Stable/Unit
What MPBT background do you have: GEnie, AOL, Kesmai/GameStorm, LineOne, EA, ISWars, and/or Other...including RPG Board Gaming as "Knowledge is Power"...and besides, you never know what might be needed (specify).
Time Zone and Time Available to Play (using your local time)
Interests: Piloting or Command (some are most comfortable in a Mech, while others love to burn the midnight oil)
Well, that's about all I can come up with at this time. As things develop, we'll keep each other in the loop.
Welcome Back and/or Aboard....
Edited by Nitehawk, 07 November 2011 - 12:10 PM.