Stickjock, on 17 November 2012 - 05:20 AM, said:
I really wish people would stop saying over 90% of the community are against it... the poll everyone refers to, yes, shows as of this morning 91.55% (even better for you stat spouters...)... but...
3,244 members have cast votes
2,969 voted No... 91.55%
401,128 total registered users on the forums...
So, that 2,969 isn't close to 90% of the community... it's more like .007%, so less than 1% of the community... yes, I know, most of those member that haven't voted probably don't even use the forums, but still...
This is why I keep pointing out that polls are absolutely useless. They only represent the people that vote on them. "Representative Samples" are complete bull****. On game forums,
ANY game's forums, only a tiny, tiny fraction of the playerbase even touch the forums, let alone bother to vote on a specific poll. A lot of games (not this one) don't even require you to register or even link your in-game identity for their forums when you make a game account.
That isn't to say I don't agree with the people that voted on that poll. I too think a third-person combat view would be totally game-breaking. What I would accept, however, is a
non-combat third person view. By that, I mean like a toggle switch you hold down like the Freelook camera inside your cockpit. Hold it down, and you can look around outside your 'mech. HOWEVER, there is
no firing of weapons when using third person view, no HUD, and no controlling your 'mech's movement (if you have your throttle set, you keep moving in that direction at that speed)
. Only looking around. This would be essentially like poking your head outside of your 'mech. You can use it when powered up or shut down. And there it might be useful, where you can scout by shutting down your 'mech and hiding behind a hill or in the forest, and reporting enemy movement manually, either by voice chat or text, and without the aid of your HUD and targeting systems (until you jump back in your 'mech and start it up... which takes a few seconds).
Edited by DirePhoenix, 17 November 2012 - 08:21 AM.