hammerreborn, on 22 March 2013 - 06:10 PM, said:
Gold vision causes the ability to read? Best superpower ever.
Garth's post also says third person is a possibility, in case you were also wondering.
People being paranoid doomsayers isn't something to be admired, it's to be ridiculed.
Did you also suffer through mechwarrior 2, 3, and 4 as well, you know, games with third person view. And third person was clearly hinted at in Paul's post (see above), so....good job not reading before you put that money down.
Yeah it is too bad that I put money down before that post was released in July. Before that it was never will there be a third person. So I bought an Elite package on the 28th of June or sometime around there when the Founders went live, and they came out with this post in July, two to three weeks later.
The only way you can convince me that I am in error for feeling conned is to point to post regarding them considering 3PV before they started selling Founders packages.
I had this same discussion with someone else on this same thread and because I could not get to my financial documents to confirm dates I had to back down, he used the same post as you did to try and convince everybody that they should have known, as it was clearly stated.
I do have Legendary now which was a gift, I would never bought that myself and yeah I did spend more money on MC and such, there was still a small sliver of hope and some trust that 3PV would never see the light of day. After yesterdays post from PGI, the money they got from me thus far will be the last. I will still play until they eventually throw all view modes together on one server then I will just quit.
Edited by Duppie1974, 22 March 2013 - 11:45 PM.