Shevchen, on 10 July 2014 - 10:25 AM, said:
Any plans on including Quirks of Omni-Pods into the overview?
Bonus: If they affect the Mech statistics, they are updated "on the go".
i had them in in my dev version it's to cluttered, but i plan to add them as-well
about mech statistics, i plan for a long time to revamp the weapon lab but i just had no time yet.
Utkonos, on 13 July 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
Fix the radiators on VTR-9S(C) in stock loadout from single to double, as in the game.
thats a typo in the gamefiles, fixed with 15.07 update
Locutos, on 13 July 2014 - 11:42 AM, said:
About the ACTUATOR´s,
not realtet,but a funny encounter:
played against someone named "Smurfy" in a Blizzard game some minutes ago

added the accuators with my 15.07 update and i don't play any games at the moment (last game i played was RimWorld).
MasterBLB, on 15 July 2014 - 11:30 PM, said:
Hello Smurfy.
A few feature suggestions
thanks for your suggestions, most of the ideas have been mentioned before, the biggest problem is that i've seperated mechbay and mechlab, but i still want to implement the naming thing one-time.
wyrdman, on 19 July 2014 - 01:37 AM, said:
just wanted to report 2 missing infos about clanmechs and a bug i found.
I'm no expert on ecm-mechs but its possible in smurfy's to put more than one guardian ecm into a mech with an ecm slot.
About clanmechs: at least one of the timber wolfs have jumpjets, i dont find that in the reference guide. also there is at least one kit fox that has ecm capability. i know that the info about clanmechs is not complete right now.
Terciel1976, on 19 July 2014 - 08:21 AM, said:
The TBR-S is the one with JJ, I noticed that too and forgot to mention it here (comes with 5/5)
There technically isn't a Kit Fox with ECM, but the KFX-C Right Arm is available separately and contains an ECM hardpoint.
Add more than one ECM is a bug but not really an important one
JJ and ECM on clan mechs are a bit complicated, because they are not linked to the mech itself but to an omnipod. I will try to add support for JJ display in the overview of the mech.
ECM capable are in theory like terciel1976 already mentioned every Kit-Fox as long as they equip another Right Arm.
The KFX-C Right arm is listed here: