K2- arms at least 2 Energy HP (shows LL + ML in the Screenshot)
lock on reticule does not seem to require you point at the mech, just select it. Yellow is locking, red is locked.
LRM's fired before lock in Assault video dead fires to a location
SRM's dont have a lock on reticule, maybe dumbfire?
Hunchie 4G- 7 energy HP
LT= no HP
RT =2 Balistic HP
Launch button in mechlab implies perhaps no ML after readying?
MC= 100 in picture, not sure what MC means.
Did not see module seleciton mechanism
No LBX in Mechlab
No UAC5 in mechlab
Review video
0:46 Ammo explosion or just armor being burned off? (sparks explosion maybe?)
2:33 red glow is a weapons hit effect, currently being fixed (per Dev)
4 ML= 29% to 62% heat on Catapult
2 ML= ~ 20% heat on Jenner
0.5 ton increments
Radar/target acquisition seems pretty easy compared to what I thought it would be. Not sure if that is intentional for testing or what we will see in the live beta
Edited by Sprouticus, 07 May 2012 - 10:59 AM.