Ask The Devs 3!
Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:29 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:32 PM
Q. If a Mech appears in front of you, will your systems begin to automatically target it or will the pilot have to "acquire" the Mech in order to start the "target probing" process. (i.e. a "target under reticule" action to begin the probe)
Q. Does the speed at which a target is probed increase/decrease based on range to the target? (i.e. faster probe progress in closer ranges)
Q. How does the UI indicate to the player that they have a targeting-assisted lock? Will this indication occur if the Mech is not in weapons range?
Q. Is there a delay in the propagation of targeting data (to Mechs equipped with the needed module) or is it instant?
Q. How will ECM affect targeting abilities?
Q. What is the process to gain a target lock for tracking-capable missiles? Do you merely keep your reticule over the target visually
Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:37 PM
Are the fights for a mercenary contracts scheduled for a set time? I.e. so that the defending corp can make sure they have members on line at that time to actually defend their planet? Can mercenaries fight non-contract fights?
1. How many different maps will be in the game at launch?
2. At what rate do you plan to release new maps post-launch?
3. Will there be more playable planets than maps?
4. If the answer to 3 is a negative, does that mean each map is tied to a specific location?
1) Is there an in-game interface for issuing commands to teammates? I'm assuming yes.
2) Can everyone use it who has the required modules installed or is it restricted to someone *designated* before the match starts?
Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:49 PM
Q2: How much will the prices for weapons and mechs vary? What will affect the prices?
Edited by BFett, 16 May 2012 - 04:21 PM.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:52 PM
Edit: For instance, Shrekken's Auscam rendition of the Cicada has sold it for me, I WOULD buy that scheme.
Edited by Dirk Le Daring, 14 May 2012 - 06:01 PM.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:11 PM
1.) If you are a Faction player and decide to queue up for a match, can you queue with a group and what would be the max size of this group? If it's 12v12 battles, can I queue with 11 of my friends and get into the same battle, or is there a limit imposed upon the number of people in a match queue that might be "grouped."
2.) What is the air speed of an unladen swallow?
*Bonus Question!*
3.) Is there any update on the situation with the Unseen/Reseen or if we'll ever be able to see those 'mechs in MW:O? And, are you open to community suggestion regarding them?
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:14 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:16 PM
How will we pay for mech storage?
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:19 PM

Edited by Mason West, 14 May 2012 - 04:20 PM.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:19 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:19 PM
Could the devs elaborate on how the meta game will work? Dev Blog 1 detailed some of the concepts of how the meta game will work, but could you shed some further light as to how exactly it will be handled in the game?
Here's the list of follow up questions related to the meta game.
It is stated that the map will change to reflect the current status of the IS:
Are we planning an interactive map which we can use, for example, to attack or defend certain planets, or to determine the occupation and 'split' of a planet between Factions, or between Mercs. Will it be a static map which updates every x period, or will it constantly update to show the results of skirmishes that occur during the game? How will the browser based version compare?
What sort of benefits are possible with holding additional planets? Will these be able to affect gameplay? For example, would you get bonuses in the time it takes for artillery strikes to occur, or reduce cooldown periods for commander airstrikes, or gain access to better equipment faster, or perhaps cheaper equipment and mechs?
Secondly, let's say a planet is being fought over by House Davion and House Liao. Supposing that the FedSuns have 60% control and the Capellans have 40%, does that mean the FedSuns will derive 100% of any supposed benefit in holding a planet, or will there be a proportional split in line with how much a planet is occupied?
What sort of reward is gained for Mercs holding Border Planets? The rewards are mentioned to be 'significant' - is this in the form of, for example, a Merc company income pool, or cheaper equipment or ?
Regarding Loyalty Points,
How quick is the decay in loyalty points for inactivity? With Mechwarrior Credits, are we able to speed up how quickly we gain LP?
What do Merc companies do prior to gaining the minimum amount of LP?
Are these arbitrary, in that the Merc Corp determines when a player has levelled up, or can the Merc Corp set certain minimum LP before promotion? Are there also bonuses granted to Mercs for ranking up, like Faction players get (
"including membership to special units, unit skins, and bonuses to C-Bills and XP.")
Do Merc and Faction players gain the same amount of LP, or will it be different? What process will someone undertake from playing a Merc to becoming a Faction player? Are we able to change if we wanted to try something new, would we have to start again or do we get our C-Bills/XP/LP at the same (or reduced) amount?
Edited by autogyro, 14 May 2012 - 04:47 PM.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:40 PM
similarly, will I be able to create more than one pilot? If I wish to join a merc company with one character, may I have another character who is focused on progressing in a house?
B-b-b-bonus question: Why doesn't the Cicada have arms? Oversight, or a conscious decision to remove the arms from this chassis?
Edited by Redshift2k5, 15 May 2012 - 06:26 AM.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:42 PM
Freebie Answer 1:
[DYMLOS2003]: My question is are we going to be able to create custom matches so that we organize clan matches, play against our friends, create machinima, ect. ect.
[BRYAN]: Not at launch. Post launch, maybe. This is not a traditional multiplayer game.
This could be read to mean that only merc units will be able to make preform groups. It also could be read to mean simply that we won't be able to make custom matches where we choose our opponent. The whole issue is a little vague and, although we've decided to stay a merc unit for now, I'm sure there are a load of players out there for whom this issue will determine whether or not they join a faction or a merc unit.
Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:42 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:18 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:38 PM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:47 PM
1: Can you get Jeehun Hwang to do the music for MWO? I loved his work with MechWarrior 2.
2: Will you include the Wolfhound?
Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:50 PM
Is the heat system you have now the final version? From what I can see is that when you get to 100% you shut down immediately and after a couple of seconds you start up immediately. If this is how heat will be handle will you change the percents to a temperature gauge?
Old mechwarriors have it so once you reach a critical level, it warns you and you have a couple of seconds to override. Will this also be in MWO?
Posted 14 May 2012 - 06:49 PM
How will we determine matches? Who are the people next to me in this company? Can I shove my buddies all into one lance? And what are we going to fighting for?
Indeed, beyond the Battlefield and the Mech Lab how is the rest of the game going to play?
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