Insidious Johnson, on 09 December 2012 - 01:45 AM, said:
And how do they know which of the 4 man groups hitting enter at the same time are not paired together and which are? The reason people are playing twin 4x groups more than 8 manning it is that they want to play other mechs besides ECM mechs or AtlaiOnline. Every time the puglets scream imba, the devs turn the imba cannons on them. It'll get fixed whenever phase 3 fixes the stuff they didn't think to think of at the time they fixed it. But gratz puglets, you get to scream about life not being fair for a bit more. The only thing which should be aggressively limited is the whine preceding the emminent nerfvalanche. You pugs whined for more "fairness". Well, it came. It also came from PGI, you know the guys who gave you the initial unfairness you so loathe. So everyone else got PGI'd on. Rather than "test" what is known to be "broken" is pointless most wings don't play anymore or threaten to come back "when it is finished". Non pug groups have been struggling to retain members in the face of a game which seems intent on making them flee the genre. Few will be playing 8v8 since the past month has been nothing but a sales pitch for other games. Well, now most wings are off doing just that. So, can't corral two 8 man groups to sync up vs eachother easily, so the natural slide downhill results in the dog getting kicked last. Guess who the dog is here. I'm sure this one is both metaphorical and a pug. Get used to the boots. Prepare for steel toed upgrades. Have a great harvest!
Hang your probably one of the groups of people that complained about having pugs in your side and wanted phase 2 to come. Then when it comes in, you find you cant hack it and have to go back to the cheap tactic of sync dropping to show off your 1337 skeeels on the pugs. Way to go, i mean really.
The corp I'm with does 8 mans, sure we have a mixed weight class and we tend to go up against 6 d-dc atlas and 2 ravens, but you know what, we don't whine about it and do sync drops in the pug arena, due to losing. We learn from the battles to get better. Better communication, better mech loads, better tactics.
The first couple of matches, didnt kill a single mech on ourside. By the 4th - 5th match were killing a few, by the end of the afternoon our group was getting its act together and we even won a few matches. Just suck it up and don;t blame the fact that you can't adapt to the 8 man area, so you have to pugstomp
TruePoindexter, on 09 December 2012 - 02:51 AM, said:
Because that would be fair. Just ran into an 8 man that sync drops and laughed about it. My guess is that they were trying to practice 8 man tactics - as if 8 random pugs could hope to offer much more than target practice.
Doubt they were practacing tactics. They were there because they cant handle the 8 mans, pure and simple.
Edited by Kaziganthi, 09 December 2012 - 11:16 AM.