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[Video] Ilya Muromets Meets Razer Naga

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#61 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:09 AM

View PostUrza Mechwalker, on 10 December 2012 - 07:02 AM, said:

That type of bull!@##!@ is the reason why PGI made the UAC5 all wrong! They need a LOWER way lower jam chance but with LARGE period of like 10 seconds.

That means it will nto be worth usign such a macro since the true full firepower will be worthy.. but RISSKY. and when weapon jams you need to find cover

I agree.

You cannot really stop people from using macros. So what you do is design a game where macros are not that useful. A low Jam rate and a high jam duration would work better than a high jam rate and a short jam duration.

Of course, it doesn't really help that the UAC already has a higher rate of fire than the AC/5 without double shot.

#62 Mack1


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:14 AM

View PostStrelitzia, on 10 December 2012 - 07:45 AM, said:

Using macros to compensate just seems like cheating to me...

Yeah macros are for people that lack the ability to multitask, people used them in WOW all the time, it gave me more pleasure when I killed them though.

It's all the kids in games today, thsy just suck lol

#63 multiplesanta34


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:17 AM

View PostTaizan, on 16 December 2012 - 02:38 AM, said:

Using third party software to gain an advantage would be the correct term imo.
Everybody better stop using voice comms then under that definition.

#64 Taizan

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 05:26 AM

View Postmultiplesanta34, on 16 December 2012 - 04:17 AM, said:

Everybody better stop using voice comms then under that definition.

TS3/Vent/Mumble etc. doesn't interact with the game, now does it ? Even C3 will not give any benefits to piloting/firing. Try using any voice comm to influence game mechanics and optimize DPS throughput or weapon efficiency. Go ahead.

#65 David Darkly


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 06:58 AM

View PostTaizan, on 16 December 2012 - 05:26 AM, said:

TS3/Vent/Mumble etc. doesn't interact with the game, now does it ? Even C3 will not give any benefits to piloting/firing. Try using any voice comm to influence game mechanics and optimize DPS throughput or weapon efficiency. Go ahead.

Sad part is it does happen, I've seen it.
Guys playing pug and when they end up on seperate teams they "scout" for their buddies.

#66 RadioKies


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:05 AM

You people with your voicecomm is 3rd party, it's implemented like textchat in MWO. It's in the options menu called C3. Does MWO standard come with macro's? I don't think so Tim. TeamSpeak is the same as C3 but the only reason TS is used is because C3 isn't bug free and therefore doesn't work. It is an alternative with exactly the same function. It doesn't add anything more then C3 does. Saying voicecomm is cheating is like saying chatting with the T and Y keys is cheating. Stop making stupid comparisons.

tl;dr voicecomm is implemented in MWO, macro's are not

#67 SpiralRazor


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:17 AM

View PostLordBraxton, on 13 December 2012 - 12:14 AM, said:

In my eyes you are cheating, using technology to bypass a balancing gameplay mechanic is no different than using an aimbot. Grats on your high tech peripherals, just don't use them to play the game FOR YOU. Added your name to a list, if you are ever a part of a unit\clan I will make sure people know your unit contains cheaters. This, cant believe I am agreeing with a brony! jkjk peace love


Ive used autohotkey for months, ever since the 1st incarnation of that crazy unjam mechanic. Know what? I STOPPED using it when jams were at 10%....I would have even tolerated 15 or 17.....25 is over the top, and i rewrote the macro from scratch.

View PostMustrumRidcully, on 16 December 2012 - 04:09 AM, said:

I agree.

You cannot really stop people from using macros. So what you do is design a game where macros are not that useful. A low Jam rate and a high jam duration would work better than a high jam rate and a short jam duration.

Of course, it doesn't really help that the UAC already has a higher rate of fire than the AC/5 without double shot.

Yeah..well....As i stated in my Thread about UACs in General, PGI should adopt my mechanic...THEN it wouldnt NEED a base firing rate thats faster, it would be inherent, and much more user-centric then the RNG we have now.

#68 mekabuser


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 07:05 AM

all i can do is lmfao is you think the macro isnt cheating. WHat you are doing is essentially writing a piece of code to circumnavigate a mechanic of the game. One that gives you a DISTINCT advantage.
THat is the very definition of cheating.

Just because you CAN do it, doesnt make it any less cheating.
You are altering the mechanics of the game bypassing the intended function of the weapon.
Just because you spent time figuring it out also doesnt make it any less cheating.

I wish devs would get their heads out of their ***** and realize that any and all exploits need to be squashed. b4 it hits us... Isnt that the whole freakin idea of in house testing.

#69 mekabuser


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 07:13 AM

whats funny is that the OP came here with good intentions... HE honestly doesnt see a problem with what he is doing since he basically came here and was like 'Dudes, check it out" and was spreading the wealth.
so I applaud his intentions, its his mental wiring in regards to ethics that is scary as hell.
I mean 3 ultra ac5 that dont jam.. are u f...........kidding me?
Isnt there some point when your just tearing everything up that you say to yourself... Hmmm.. maybe this is cheating?
I swear to god... its amazing.

#70 Even Dark


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:05 AM

i played 2 ac5u without that and i see a big different to this video. i think its not a cheat but a way to brake the gamemechanik of the ac5u.

hope the devs fix the weapon that this macro not longer work :P

i vote for "balancing" in the game and not you must have a razor mouse to play better with a ac5u

#71 Mackman


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:12 AM

Why is it cheating? Why is anyone comparing this to an aimbot?

Let's go "in-universe" for a second... wouldn't all the smart pilots control their UAC's in such a fashion? Playing a game is all about finding the optimum firing style, and he's found it.

Is it a terrible system? Yes, obviously. But given the system, is he cheating? No, of course not.

As for the "you're making it easier, so you're cheating" crowd... how far do you want to take that? Should we all go back to the little ball mice, since laser mice are more precise and thus "easier"? Should we enforce joystick usage, since using a mouse at all is "easier"? Your argument, as it is, is practically non-existent: it can be applied to any aspect of playing this game optimally, and is therefore invalid.

#72 Bromineberry


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:15 AM

I think stuff like macros ans scripts are borderline cheating. Why? It simply helps you do something, that you can't do as fast or as good manually. Or in other words: it "upgrades" you ability to do something. But an aimbot does so too. It simply updates your ability to aim. Yes, you can do it manually, but not as good or as quick...

It's like in TFC/TF2: If someone can rocketjump to a wall and then rocketjump from the wall to somehwere else: nice. If he uses a script, that does require nothing more then copy&paste it from the internet into your config: that sucks.

Edited by Bromineberry, 07 January 2013 - 10:16 AM.

#73 Bromineberry


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:30 AM

View PostIronbar Sinister, on 07 January 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:

I am a leet haxor at the grocery store - I use a calculator!
It uprades my ability to save money using sale items and coupons! Whoo hoo! :P

Is it a competetive money-saving where you have to beat others? I guess not. It's more like a singleplayer cheat, and I don't care about them.

Edited by Bromineberry, 07 January 2013 - 10:31 AM.

#74 Jetfire


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:34 AM

View PostUrza Mechwalker, on 10 December 2012 - 07:02 AM, said:

That type of bull!@##!@ is the reason why PGI made the UAC5 all wrong! They need a LOWER way lower jam chance but with LARGE period of like 10 seconds.

That means it will nto be worth usign such a macro since the true full firepower will be worthy.. but RISSKY. and when weapon jams you need to find cover

You said it! That is the way to do it. Macro mechanic evasion is BS.

#75 Henchman 24


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:47 AM

View Postr4plez, on 10 December 2012 - 12:29 PM, said:

@CPUuser123 damn you showed PGI that its time to nerf UAC5 :/

No they just need a solution that can't be macro'd away like this. Give the lazy an opportunity, and they will take it, period.

Whatever the solution, it will have to be systemic to the weapon and not a mechanical based solution. A solution that doesn't have any interaction with, or rely on the ethics of the players, as we know how well that works.

View PostIronbar Sinister, on 07 January 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:

I am a leet haxor at the grocery store - I use a calculator!
It uprades my ability to save money using sale items and coupons! Whoo hoo! :P

A calculator is but an extension of a failing mind that can't do math, a macro is like adding more fingers/hands to your body as you otherwise wouldn't be able to pull those inputs off manually. Not with perfect timing every time.

Nice try but your analogy is FAIL.

#76 Mechteric


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 10:49 AM

Sounds overly complicated, you could instead just set them to chainfire

#77 Star Colonel Mustard Kerensky


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:00 AM

View PostCapperDeluxe, on 07 January 2013 - 10:49 AM, said:

Sounds overly complicated, you could instead just set them to chainfire

Chainfire jams them. The macro spaces out the button presses just enough so that each weapon only fires once it's cooldown is finnished. (uac/5s have a shorter cooldown than regular ac/5s)

#78 Trauglodyte


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:07 AM

So, you're not actually firing them in Ultra mode then?

#79 Star Colonel Mustard Kerensky


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:11 AM

View PostTrauglodyte, on 07 January 2013 - 11:07 AM, said:

So, you're not actually firing them in Ultra mode then?


#80 MourningZero


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:12 AM

Op likes himself a lot, I guess there's nothing wrong with that.

For the UAC5, it is interesting to see the low jam rate with the macro. I played around with manually cycling the UAC5 and would often run into the dreaded first shot jam when just jabbing the button and immediately releasing. I suspected then that physically pushing the button holds it down for too long and tells the game "this guy wants to use the Ultra double shot, roll for jam!", and a macro to just click and release immediately would be the way to go.

Really PGI could just clean up UACs a lot by making click and hold firing never trigger the ultra double shot. Double shot could then be triggered by clicking again while the weapon is on cooldown, and that could trigger a jam. In the same patch, please buff the AC5 to the non-ultra rate of the UAC5. There's absolutely no reason that the UAC5 should have a much higher fire rate without the doubleshot.

As for macros and their impact on the game, this weapon system is really at fault for requiring outside assistance to work as intended. I think a macro to get around the drawback, a video to illustrate its use, and a guy who really likes himself to talk about it is just the thing to get it worked on. So kudos to you dude.

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